Oracle Fundamentals - function summary

Oracle self study notes sorting (IV)
8, Functions

8.1 distinct

When the keyword DISTINCT is followed by only one column 1, it represents the non duplicate data of the query result of a single field. When it is followed by multiple column values, it represents all the unique values of the query result composed of multiple fields, and the grouping elimination of multiple fields is performed.

select` `distinct` `b.coursename, t.score
 ``from` `score t, course b
 ``where` `t.courseid = b.courseid
  ``and` `t.courseid = ``'R20180101'``;

8.2 single line function

When each function is applied to the records of the table, you can only enter the column value in one row as the input parameter (or constant) and return a result.

8.2. 1 character function

String function:

TO_ Char (field to be converted, conversion format) to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')


ASCII(X)Find the ASCII code of character Xselect ASCII('A') FROM DUAL;65
CHR(X)Find the character corresponding to ASCII codeselect CHR(65) FROM DUAL;'A'
LENGTH(X)Find the length of string Xselect LENGTH('ORACLE technology circle ') from DUAL;9
CONCATA(X,Y)Returns the result of connecting two strings X and Yselect CONCAT('ORACLE ',' technology circle ') from DUAL;ORACLE technology circle
INSTR(X,Y[,START])To find the position of string Y in string X, you can specify to Start the search from the Start position without filling in the default Start from scratchSELECT INSTR('ORACLE technology circle ',' technology ') FROM DUAL;7
LOWER(X)Converts uppercase letters in string X to lowercaseSELECT LOWER('ORACLE technology circle ') FROM DUAL;oracle technology circle
UPPER(X)Converts lowercase letters in string X to uppercaseSELECT UPPER('Oracle technology circle ') FROM DUAL;ORACLE technology circle
INITCAP(X)Converts the first letter of all words in string X to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.SELECT INITCAP('ORACLE is good ') FROM DUAL;Oracle Is Good
LTRIM(X[,Y])Remove the Y string to the left of string X. when y is not filled in, the default is to leave a space to the left of string XSELECT LTRIM('– ORACLE technology circle', '-') FROM DUAL;ORACLE technology circle
RTRIM(X[,Y])Remove the Y string on the right of string X. when y is not filled in, the default is to remove the space on the right of string XSELECT RTRIM('ORACLE technology circle – ',' - ') FROM DUAL;ORACLE technology circle
TRIM(X[,Y])Remove the Y string on both sides of string X. when y is not filled in, the default is to leave a space around string XSELECT TRIM('– ORACLE technology circle –', '-') FROM DUAL;ORACLE technology circle
REPLACE(X,old,new)Find the old character in string X and replace it with the new characterSELECT REPLACE('ORACLE technology circle ',' technology circle ',' Technology Exchange ') FROM DUAL;ORACLE Technical Exchange
SUBSTR(X,start[,length])Intercept string x, and intercept the string with length from the start position (where start starts from 1). If length is not filled in, it will be intercepted to the end of string X by defaultSELECT SUBSTR('ORACLE technology circle ', 1,6) FROM DUAL;ORACLE
RPAD(X,length[,Y])Right complement character Y to string X to make the string length reach lengthSELECT RPAD('ORACLE',9,'-') from DUAL;ORACLE—
LPAD(X,length[,Y])The left complement character Y is applied to the string X to make the string length reach the length lengthSELECT LPAD('ORACLE',9,'-') from DUAL;—ORACLE

8.2. 2 date type function

1. System date and time functions

**SYSDATE function: * * this function has no parameters and can get the current time of the system

**SYSTIMESTAMP function: * * this function has no parameters. You can get the current time of the system. This time contains time zone information, accurate to microseconds

2. Add the specified month function to the date:

**ADD_MONTHS (r,n) function: * * this function returns the date after adding the number of months n to the specified date r

r: The specified date.

n: The number of months to be added. If n is negative, it indicates the number of months to be subtracted.

select` `to_char(add_months(to_date(``'2018-11-12'``,``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),1),``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),
 ``from` `dual;

3. Last day of month function:

**LAST_DAY ® Function: * * returns the last day of the current month of the specified r date

 ``select` `last_day(sysdate) ``from` `dual;

4. Date function one week after the specified date:

**NEXT_DAY(r,c) function: * * returns the date corresponding to the R date character (C: indicates the day of the week) of the week after the specified r date

 ``select` `next_day(to_date(``'2018-11-12'``,``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),``'Thursday'``) ``from` `dual;

5. Function that returns a specific part of a specified date:

**EXTRACT (time) function: * * returns the year, month, day, minute, etc. of the specified time.

select` `extract( ``year` `from` `timestamp` `'2018-11-12 15:36:01'``) ``as` `year``,
    ``extract( ``month` `from` `timestamp` `'2018-11-12 15:36:01'``) ``as` `month``,    
    ``extract( ``day` `from` `timestamp` `'2018-11-12 15:36:01'``) ``as` `day``, 
    ``extract( ``minute` `from` `timestamp` `'2018-11-12 15:36:01'``) ``as` `minute``,
    ``extract( ``second` `from` `timestamp` `'2018-11-12 15:36:01'``) ``as` `second
 ``from` `dual;

6. Returns the number of months between two dates

**MONTHS_BETWEEN(r1,r2) function: * * this function returns the month directly between r1 date and r2 date. When r1 > r2, it returns a positive number. If r1 and r2 are the same day in different months, it returns an integer, otherwise it returns a decimal. When r1 < r2, a negative number is returned.

select` `months_between(to_date(``'2018-11-12'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),
           ``to_date(``'2017-11-12'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``)) ``as` `zs, ``--integer
    ``months_between(to_date(``'2018-11-12'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),
           ``to_date(``'2017-10-11'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``)) ``as` `xs, ``--decimal
    ``months_between(to_date(``'2017-11-12'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``),
           ``to_date(``'2018-10-12'``, ``'yyyy-mm-dd'``)) ``as` `fs ``--negative
 ``from` `dual;

7. Date interception function

**ROUND (r[,f]) function: * * ROUND the date r in the format of F. if f is not filled in, it will be rounded to the nearest day

select` `sysdate, ``--current time 
    ``round(sysdate, ``'yyyy'``) ``as` `year``, ``--By year
    ``round(sysdate, ``'mm'``) ``as` `month``, ``--monthly
    ``round(sysdate, ``'dd'``) ``as` `day``, ``--By day
    ``round(sysdate) ``as` `mr_day, ``--It is not filled in by day by default
    ``round(sysdate, ``'hh24'``) ``as` `hour` `--By hour
 ``from` `dual;

**TRUNC (r[,f]) function: * * intercept the date r in the format of F. if f is not filled in, it will be intercepted to the current date.

select` `sysdate, ``--current time 
    ``trunc(sysdate, ``'yyyy'``) ``as` `year``, ``--By year
    ``trunc(sysdate, ``'mm'``) ``as` `month``, ``--monthly
    ``trunc(sysdate, ``'dd'``) ``as` `day``, ``--By day
    ``trunc(sysdate) ``as` `mr_day, ``--It is not filled in by day by default
    ``trunc(sysdate, ``'hh24'``) ``as` `hour` `--By hour
 ``from` `dual;

8.2. 3 numerical function

ABS(X)Find the absolute value of the value Xselect abs(-9) from dual;9
COS(X)Find the cosine of the value Xselect cos(1) from dual;0.54030230586814
ACOS(X)Find the inverse cosine of the value Xselect acos(1) from dual;0
CEIL(X)Find the minimum value greater than or equal to the value Xselect ceil(7.8) from dual;8
FLOOR(X)Find the maximum value less than or equal to the value Xselect floor(7.8) from dual;7
log(x,y)Find the logarithm of x as the base yselect log(2,8) from dual;3
mod(x,y)Find the remainder of x divided by yselect mod(13,4) from dual;1
power(x,y)Find the y power of xselect power(2,4) from dual;16
sqrt(x)Find the square root of xselect sqrt(16) from dual;4
round(x[,y])Find the value x and round it in y-bit. If y is not filled in, the default value is y=0; When y > 0, it is rounded to the Y digit to the right of the decimal point. When y < 0, it is rounded to the | y | place to the left of the decimal round(7.816, 2), round(7.816), round(76.816, -1) from dual;7.82 / 8 / 80
trunc(x[,y])The value x is directly intercepted in the Y position. When y is not filled in, the default value is y=0; When y > 0, it is intercepted to the Y digit to the right of the decimal point. When y < 0, it is truncated to the | y | digit to the left of the decimal trunc(7.816, 2), trunc(7.816), trunc(76.816, -1) from dual;7.81 / 7 / 70

8.2. 4 conversion function

asciistr(x)Converts the string x to the ASCII value corresponding to the database character setselect asciistr('Oracle technology circle ') from dual;Oracle\6280\672F\5708
bin_to_num(x1[x2...])Convert binary values to corresponding decimal valuesselect bin_to_num(1,0,0) from dual;4
cast(x as type)Data type conversion function, which can convert x to the data type of the corresponding type. Basically, it is used to install database rules for mutual conversion of numbers, characters and time types,select cast('123' as number) num,cast(123 as varchar2(3)) as ch,cast(to_date('20181112','yyyymmdd') as varchar2(12)) as time from dual;123 / '123' / December November - 18 (three column values separated by "/")
convert(x,d_chset[,r_chset])String conversion function between character sets. String x is converted according to the original character set R_ Convert chset to target character set d_chset, when R_ If chset is not filled in, the database server character set is selected by CONVERT('oracle technology circle ',' US7ASCII ',' ZHS16GBK ') from dual;oracle???
to_char(x[,f])Converts a string or time type x into a string in format to_char(123.46,'999.9') from dual; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;123.52018-11-13
to_date(x[,f])The string x can be formatted according to format f and converted to time type to_date('2018-11-13','yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;2018/11/13
to_number(x[,f])The string x can be formatted according to format f and converted to a numeric to_number('123.74','999.99') from dual123.74

8.2. 5 aggregate function

AVG(), SUM(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), etc

8.3 windowing function

select` `table``.``column``, 
Analysis_function() OVER(
[partition ``by` `field]
[``order` `by` `field [windos]]
) ``as` `Statistical value
from` `table

Syntax parsing:

1,Analysis_function: Specifies the name of the analysis function. The commonly used analysis functions are sum, max, and first_value,last_value,rank,row_number, etc.

2. over(): the name of the windowing function. partition by specifies the field for data grouping, order by specifies the field for sorting, and windos specifies the data window (that is, specifies the number of rows to be operated by the analysis function)

select` `c.stuname,
    ``--Get the maximum score in the group
    ``max``(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid) ``as` `score_max,
    ``--Get the lowest score in the group
    ``min``(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid) ``as` `score_min,
    ``--The first value of the grouping window (Specifies that the window is the first to last line in the group)
    ``first_value(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid 
    ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc` `ROWS` `BETWEEN` `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ``AND` `UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) ``as` `score_first,
    ``--The last value of the grouping window(Specifies that the window is the first to last line in the group)
    ``last_value(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid 
    ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc` `ROWS` `BETWEEN` `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ``AND` `UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) ``as` `score_last,
    --The first line is unbounded preceding,The current line is current row,The last line is unbounded following
    ``--First value of the grouped window (no window specified)
    ``first_value(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc` `) ``as` `score_first_1,
    ``--Last value of the grouped window (no window specified)
    ``last_value(t.score) over(partition ``by` `t.courseid ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc` `) ``as` `score_last_1
 ``from` `STUDENT.SCORE t, student.course b, student.stuinfo c
 ``where` `t.courseid = b.courseid
  ``and` `t.stuid = c.stuid


ROW_NUMBER/RANK: the position in the group can be obtained by returning the ordered offset in the group according to the sorted fields in the windowing function.

select` `c.stuname,
    ``--Intra group ranking
    ``row_number() over(partition ``by` `t.courseid ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc``) ``as` `"row_number ranking"``,--The ranking of the same score is not repeated and increases in turn
    ``--Intra group ranking
    ``rank() over(partition ``by` `t.courseid ``order` `by` `t.score ``desc``) ``as` `"rank ranking"--Same score, same ranking, skip
``from` `STUDENT.SCORE t, student.course b, student.stuinfo c
 ``where` `t.courseid = b.courseid
  ``and` `t.stuid = c.stuid

1,ROW_ The number function returns a unique value. When the same data is encountered, the ranking increases in order of records in the record set.

2. The rank function returns a unique value, but when the same data is encountered, the ranking of all the same data is the same, and the ranking will be vacated between the ranking of the last same record and the ranking of the next different record. For example, two people with 84 points in mathematics tied for second place, but "Zhang Sanfeng" was directly fourth.

3. We often use row_ The number function uses the ranking mechanism (uniqueness of ranking) to filter duplicate data, that is, according to a specific sorting condition, obtain the data ranked as 1 to obtain the latest data value in the duplicate data.

Keywords: Oracle SQL

Added by Eminem on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 23:48:23 +0200