[Oracle Learning Notes] One-Line Function

Write in front:

The concept of one-way function:

One-line function: Accept a data, output a data;
Multi-line function: aggregate function, grouping function. Accept a set of data and output a data.

Common character functions


  • LOWER converts all characters to lowercase
  • UPPER converts all characters to uppercase
  • INITCAP converts the initial letter to uppercase


SELECT lower('Hello'),upper('Hello'),initcap('Hello')
FROM dual;
  • TRIM removes specific characters from the beginning and end of a string
  • LTRIM removes specific characters from the beginning of a string
  • RTRIM removes specific characters from the end of a string


SELECT trim('H' FROM 'HelloHH'), ltrim('HelloHH', 'H'),rtrim('HelloHH', 'H')
FROM dual;
  • LPAD Left Completion
  • PPAD Completion to the Right

Grammar: lpad (Number, number of bits, fill content) rpad (Number, number of bits, fill content)

example :

SELECT lpad(1000,7,'*'),rpad(1000,7,'*')
FROM dual;
  • INSTR finds the position of the string (note: In Oracle, the position of the string starts at 1)

Grammar: instr

example :

SELECT instr('hello tom','tom')
 FROM dual;
  • SUBSTR computes strings and cuts a certain length from a certain position to the beginning

Grammar: substr.


SELECT substr('hello',3,2)
FROM dual;
  • LENGTH Finds the Length of Strings

example :

SELECT length('tom')
FROM dual;
  • CONCAT connects two strings

example :

SELECT concat('tom','my')
FROM dual;
  • REPLACE Replacement String


SELECT replace('hello','h','xxx')
FROM dual;

Common Character Function Example Integration:

SELECT lower('Hello'),upper('Hello'),initcap('Hello')
FROM dual;

SELECT trim('H' FROM 'HelloHH'), ltrim('HelloHH', 'H'),rtrim('HelloHH', 'H')
FROM dual;

SELECT lpad(1000,7,'*'),rpad(1000,7,'*')
FROM dual;

SELECT instr('hello tom','tom')
FROM dual;

SELECT substr('hello',3,2)
FROM dual;

SELECT length('tom')
FROM dual;

SELECT concat('tom','my')
FROM dual;

SELECT replace('hello','h','xxx')
FROM dual;

Common numerical functions

  • ROUND rounding

example :

SELECT round(123.456,2),round(123.456,-2),round(123.45,0),round(123.456)
FROM dual;

round(123.456,2) decimal points rounded after two decimal points
round(123.456,-2) Rounding the first two decimal points
round(123.45,0) rounded by decimal point
round(123.456) is the same as round(123.456,0).

  • TRUNC tail removal

example :

SELECT trunc(12.456,2),trunc(123.456,-2),trunc(123.45,0),trunc(123.456)
FROM dual;

trunc(12.456,2) reserved two decimal points
trunc(123.456,-2) Two decimal places are reserved
trunc(123.45,0) is reserved by decimal point
trunc(123.456) is the same as trunc(123.456,0).

  • MOD Modeling

example :

SELECT mod(12,5)
FROM dual;

Examples of common numerical functions are integrated:

SELECT round(123.456,2),round(123.456,-2),round(123.45,0),round(123.456)
FROM dual;

SELECT trunc(12.456,2),trunc(123.456,-2),trunc(123.45,0),trunc(123.456)
FROM dual;

SELECT mod(12,5)
FROM dual;

Common Date Function

  • SYSDATE Gets the System Current Date

example :

SELECT sysdate
FROM dual;
  • MONTHS_BETWEEN Gets the number of months between two dates

example: Get the number of months from the date of entry of employees in the emp table to today

SELECT ename,months_between(sysdate,hiredate)
FROM emp;
  • ADD_MONTH gets the date in a few months

exmaple: Get the date after three months

SELECT add_months(sysdate,3)
FROM dual;
  • LAST_DAY Gets the Date of the Last Day of the Month

example :

SELECT last_day(sysdate)
FROM dual;
  • EXTRACT Gets a Part of the Value from the Date

example: Get the year of the current date

SELECT extract(YEAR FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

example: Month to get the current date

SELECT extract(MONTH FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

example: Get the number of the current date

SELECT extract(DAY FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

Common date function example integration:

SELECT sysdate
FROM dual;

SELECT ename,months_between(sysdate,hiredate)
FROM emp;

SELECT add_months(sysdate,3)
FROM dual;

SELECT last_day(sysdate)
FROM dual;

SELECT extract(YEAR FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

SELECT extract(MONTH FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

SELECT extract(DAY FROM sysdate)
FROM dual;

Common Conversion Functions

  • TO_CHAR Converts a date or value to a character in a specified format

example: Converts a date to a character in a specified format

SELECT to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD DAY HH24:MM:SS')
FROM dual;

example: Converts a numeric value to a character in a specified format

SELECT to_char(123.45,'L9,999,999.00')
FROM dual;

Where L denotes the local character, 00 denotes the decimal point and if there are no two decimal places after the decimal point, it is filled with 0.

  • TO_DATE Converts a specified format character to a date

example :

SELECT to_date('1980-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
FROM dual;
  • TO_NUMBER Converts a specified format string to a value

example :

SELECT to_number('$1,222.34','$9,999.99')
FROM dual;

Common Conversion Function Example Integration:

SELECT to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD DAY HH24:MM:SS')
FROM dual;

SELECT to_char(123.45,'L9,999,999.00')
FROM dual;

SELECT to_date('1980-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
FROM dual;

SELECT to_number('$1,222.34','$9,999.99')
FROM dual;

Other functions

Null-value conversion function:

  • If the NVL field is empty, replace it with the same type

example :

SELECT ename,comm,nvl(comm,0)
FROM emp;

If the field comm is empty, replace it with 0 of the same comm value type

  • NVL2 returns the second parameter if the field is empty, and vice versa, the third parameter.

example :

SELECT ename,comm,nvl2(comm,0,sal)
FROM emp;

If the comm field is empty, replace it with 0, and if not, replace it with sal.

  • NULLIF is null if the two fields are the same, otherwise the value of the first parameter is returned.

exmaple :

SELECT nullif('123','123')
FROM dual;

Control conversion function example integration:

SELECT ename,comm,nvl(comm,0)
FROM emp;

SELECT ename,comm,nvl2(comm,0,sal)
FROM emp;

SELECT nullif('123','123')
FROM dual;

Conditional bifurcation function

  • CASE

example :

SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
            CASE deptno
            WHEN 10 THEN sal + 100
            WHEN 20 THEN sal + 200
            WHEN 30 THEN sal + 300
            ELSE sal END AS salary
FROM emp;

example: Increase salary according to department number, department number is 10, salary is 100, department number is 20, salary is 200, department number is 30, salary is 300, others are unchanged.

SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
                10,sal + 100,
                20,sal + 200,
                30,sal + 300,
                sal) AS salary
    FROM emp;
SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
        WHEN deptno = 10 THEN sal +100
        WHEN deptno = 20 THEN sal +200
        WHEN deptno = 30 THEN sal +300
        ELSE sal END AS salary
FROM emp;

decode is a function and case is an expression
But case has more power.

Examples of conditional bifurcation function integration:

SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
            10,sal + 100,
            20,sal + 200,
            30,sal + 300,
            sal) AS salary
FROM emp;            

SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
        CASE deptno
        WHEN 10 THEN sal + 100
        WHEN 20 THEN sal + 200
        WHEN 30 THEN sal + 300
        ELSE sal END AS salary
FROM emp;

SELECT ename, deptno, sal,
        WHEN deptno = 10 THEN sal +100
        WHEN deptno = 20 THEN sal +200
        WHEN deptno = 30 THEN sal +300
        ELSE sal END AS salary
FROM emp;        

Keywords: Oracle

Added by DeadFly on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 20:23:55 +0300