(1) Intelligent optimization algorithm
(2) Swarm intelligence algorithm
2. Particle swarm optimization
1. Overview
(1) Intelligent optimization algorithm
(2) Swarm intelligence algorithm
2. Particle swarm optimization
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computing technology. It comes from the study of predation behavior of birds. The basic idea of particle swarm optimization algorithm is to find the optimal solution through cooperation and information sharing among individuals in the group
the advantage of PSO is that it is simple and easy to implement and there is no adjustment of many parameters. At present, it has been widely used in function optimization, neural network training, fuzzy system control and other application fields of genetic algorithm.
3. Program block diagram
4. Code
#Particle swarm optimization #Import package import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import* mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False class Niqun: def __init__(self): # Pso parameter: self.w=1 self.c1=2 self.c2=2 self.dim=2 self.size=100 self.iter_num=1000 self.max_vel=0.5 self.min_vel=-0.5 #Objective function formula: def calc_f(self,x): a=10 x=x[0] y=x[1] return 2*a+x**2-a*np.cos(2*np.pi*x)+y**2-a*np.cos(2*np.pi*y) #Penalty formula: def calc_e1(self,x): e=x[0]+x[1]-6 return max(0,e) def calc_e2(self,x): e=3*x[0]-2*x[1]-5 return max(0,e) #Lj (weight value) calculated by penalty item: def calc_Li(self,e1,e2): if (e1.sum()+e2.sum())<=0: return 0,0 else: L1=e1.sum()/(e1.sum()+e2.sum()) L2=e2.sum()/(e1.sum()+e2.sum()) return L1,L2 #Particle swarm velocity update formula: def velocity_update(self,v,x,pbest,gbest): r1=np.random.random((self.size),1) r2=np.random.random((self.size),1) v=self.w*v+self.c1*r1*(pbest-X)+self.c2*r2+(gbest-x) #Prevention of cross-border: v[v<self.max_vel]=self.max_vel v[v>self.min_vel]=self.min_vel #Particle swarm position update formula: def position_update(self,x,v): x=x+v size=np.shape(x)[0] for i in range(size): if x[i][0]<=1 or x[i][0]>=2: x[i][0]=np.random.uniform(1,2,1)[0] if x[i][1]<=-1 or x[i][1]>=0: x[i][1]=np.random.uniform(-1,0,1)[0] return x #Update population function: def update_pbest(self,pbest,pbest_fitness,pbest_e,xi,xi_fitness,xi_e): A=0.0000001 #1. If pbest and xi do not violate the constraint, take the one with small fitness (objective function): if pbest_e<=A and xi_e<=A: if pbest_fitness<=xi_fitness: return pbest,pbest_fitness,pbest_e else: return xi,xi_fitness,xi_e if pbest_e<=A and xi_e>=A: return pbest,pbest_fitness,pbest_e if pbest_e>=A and xi_e<=A: return xi,xi_fitness,xi_e #4. If both violate the, take the one with lower fitness: if pbest_fitness<=xi_fitness: return pbest,pbest_fitness,pbest_e else: return xi,xi_fitness,xi_e #Update global optimal location def update_gbest(self,gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e, pbest, pbest_fitness, pbest_e): A = 0.0000001 # Acceptable threshold, different problems are modified to different values # First, for the population, find the optimal individual with constraint penalty = 0. If the constraint penalty of each individual is greater than 0, find the individual with the lowest fitness pbest2 = np.concatenate([pbest, pbest_fitness.reshape(-1, 1), pbest_e.reshape(-1, 1)],axis=1) # Splicing several matrices into a matrix, a 4-dimensional matrix (x,y,fitness,e) pbest2_1 = pbest2[pbest2[:, -1] <= A] # Identify individuals who do not violate constraints if len(pbest2_1) > 0: pbest2_1 = pbest2_1[pbest2_1[:, 2].argsort()] # Sort by fitness value else: pbest2_1 = pbest2[pbest2[:, 2].argsort()] # If all individuals violate the constraint, find the minimum fitness value directly # Optimal individual of current iteration pbesti, pbesti_fitness, pbesti_e = pbest2_1[0, :2], pbest2_1[0, 2], pbest2_1[0, 3] # Comparison between current optimal and global optimal # If there are no constraints on both if gbest_e <= A and pbesti_e <= A: if gbest_fitness < pbesti_fitness: return gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e else: return pbesti, pbesti_fitness, pbesti_e if gbest_e <= A and pbesti_e > A: return gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e if gbest_e > A and pbesti_e <= A: return pbesti, pbesti_fitness, pbesti_e # If the constraints are violated, take the one with low fitness directly if gbest_fitness < pbesti_fitness: return gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e else: return pbesti, pbesti_fitness, pbesti_e # Main function def main(self): # Initialize a matrix info, record: # 0. The fitness corresponding to the historical optimal position of each particle of the population, # 1. Penalty term corresponding to the historical optimal position, # 2. Current fitness, # 3. Current objective function value, # 4. Constraint 1 penalty item, # 5. Constraint 2 penalty item, # 6. Sum of penalty items # So the dimension of the column is 7 info = np.zeros((self.size, 7)) fitneess_value_list = [] # The population is represented by a size*dim matrix, and each row represents a particle X = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=(self.size, self.dim)) # Initializes the velocity of individual particles of the population V = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=(self.size, self.dim)) # Initialize the optimal position of particle history to the current position pbest = X # Calculate the fitness of each particle for i in range(self.size): info[i, 3] = self.calc_f(X[i]) # Objective function value info[i, 4] = self.calc_e1(X[i]) # Penalty item for the first constraint info[i, 5] = self.calc_e2(X[i]) # Penalty item for the second constraint # Calculate the weight of penalty term and fitness value L1, L2 = self.calc_Lj(info[i, 4], info[i, 5]) info[:, 2] = info[:, 3] + L1 * info[:, 4] + L2 * info[:, 5] # Fitness value info[:, 6] = L1 * info[:, 4] + L2 * info[:, 5] # Weighted summation of penalty terms # Historical optimum info[:, 0] = info[:, 2] # Fitness value corresponding to the historical optimal position of the particle info[:, 1] = info[:, 6] # Penalty term value corresponding to the historical optimal position of the particle # global optimum gbest_i = info[:, 0].argmin() # Particle number corresponding to global optimum gbest = X[gbest_i] # Global optimal particle position gbest_fitness = info[gbest_i, 0] # Fitness value corresponding to the global optimal position gbest_e = info[gbest_i, 1] # Penalty term corresponding to global optimal position # Record the optimal fitness value of the iterative process fitneess_value_list.append(gbest_fitness) # Next, start the iteration for j in tqdm(range(self.iter_num)): # Update speed V = self.velocity_update(V, X, pbest=pbest, gbest=gbest) # Update location X = self.position_update(X, V) # Calculate the objective function and constraint penalty term of each particle for i in range(self.size): info[i, 3] = self.calc_f(X[i]) # Objective function value info[i, 4] = self.calc_e1(X[i]) # Penalty item for the first constraint info[i, 5] = self.calc_e2(X[i]) # Penalty item for the second constraint # Calculate the weight of penalty term and fitness value L1, L2 = self.calc_Lj(info[i, 4], info[i, 5]) info[:, 2] = info[:, 3] + L1 * info[:, 4] + L2 * info[:, 5] # Fitness value info[:, 6] = L1 * info[:, 4] + L2 * info[:, 5] # Weighted summation of penalty terms # Update historical best location for i in range(self.size): pbesti = pbest[i] pbest_fitness = info[i, 0] pbest_e = info[i, 1] xi = X[i] xi_fitness = info[i, 2] xi_e = info[i, 6] # Calculate and update individual history optimal pbesti, pbest_fitness, pbest_e = \ self.update_pbest(pbesti, pbest_fitness, pbest_e, xi, xi_fitness, xi_e) pbest[i] = pbesti info[i, 0] = pbest_fitness info[i, 1] = pbest_e # Update global optimum pbest_fitness = info[:, 2] pbest_e = info[:, 6] gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e = \ self.update_gbest(gbest, gbest_fitness, gbest_e, pbest, pbest_fitness, pbest_e) # Record the global hardness of the current iteration fitneess_value_list.append(gbest_fitness) # Finally, draw the fitness curve print('The optimal result of iteration is:%.5f' % self.calc_f(gbest)) print('The iterative optimal variables are: x=%.5f, y=%.5f' % (gbest[0], gbest[1])) print('The iteration constraint penalty items are:', gbest_e) # mapping plt.plot(fitneess_value_list[: 30], color='r') plt.title('iterative process ') if __name__ == '__main__': ni = Niqun() ni.main()
5. References
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) of optimization algorithm blog at the end of Qingping CSDN blog particle swarm optimization algorithm I. concept of particle swarm optimization particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computing technology The basic idea of particle swarm optimization algorithm is to find the optimal solution through the cooperation and information sharing among individuals in the population. The advantage of PSO is that it is simple and easy to implement and does not have many parameter adjustments. At present, it has been widely used in function optimization, neural network training and fuzzy system control swarm optimization algorithm to solve unconstrained optimization problem source code implementation president Yu (Yu dengwu) blog - CSDN blog particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve unconstrained optimization problem source code implementation language python