Title Description:
Meng Meng Da's emoticons usually consist of three main parts: "hand", "eye" and "mouth". For simplicity, let's assume that an emoticon is output in the following format:
[left hand] ([left eye] [mouth] [right eye]) [right hand]
Given an optional set of symbols, please output the expression according to the user's requirements.
Input format:
Input first gives an optional set of symbols for hand, eye and mouth in the first three rows. Each symbol is enclosed in a pair of brackets []. The Title guarantees that each set has at least one symbol, not more than 10 symbols; each symbol contains 1 to 4 non-empty characters.
The next line gives a positive integer K, the number of requests for the user. Then K lines, each line gives a user's choice of symbols, in the order of left hand, left eye, mouth, right eye, right hand --- here only gives the serial number of symbols in the corresponding set (starting from 1), and the numbers are separated by spaces.
Output format:
For each user request, the generated expression is output in one line. If the serial number selected by the user does not exist, the output is Are you kidding me?@/@.
Input sample:
[╮][╭][o][~\][/~] [<][>] [╯][╰][^][-][=][>][<][@][⊙] [Д][▽][_][ε][^] ... 4 1 1 2 2 2 6 8 1 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 2 10 3 9 3
Output sample:
╮(╯▽╰)╭ <(@Д=)/~ o(^ε^)o Are you kidding me? @\/@
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { vector<string> shou,yan,kou; string temp1,temp2; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { getline(cin,temp1); int flag=0,cur=0; char c; for(int j=0;j<temp1.length();j++) { if(temp1[j] == ']') { flag = 0; if(i==0) { shou.push_back(temp2); } if(i==1) { yan.push_back(temp2); } if(i==2) { kou.push_back(temp2); } temp2 = ""; cur++; } if(c == '[' || flag==1) { flag = 1; temp2 += temp1[j]; } c = temp1[j]; } } int num,temp[5]; cin>>num; while(num--) { cin>>temp[0]>>temp[1]>>temp[2]>>temp[3]>>temp[4]; if(temp[0]-1 < shou.size() && temp[1]-1 < yan.size() && temp[2]-1 < kou.size() && temp[3]-1 < yan.size() && temp[4]-1 < shou.size()) { cout<<shou[temp[0]-1]<<'('<<yan[temp[1]-1]<<kou[temp[2]-1]<<yan[temp[3]-1]<<')'<<shou[temp[4]-1]<<endl; } else { cout<<"Are you kidding me? @\\/@"<<endl; } } return 0; }
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