Patterns Matching (Naive Patterns Matching, KMP Patterns Matching)

Finding the position of one string (pattern string) in another string (main string) is called string pattern matching.

1. Naive pattern matching

For the main string S and the mode string T, pointers I and j are set respectively, assuming that the subscript of the string starts from 0, and I and J point to the zero position of each string at the beginning. At the beginning of the N-pass matching, I points to the n-1 position in the main string S, J points to the 0 position of the pattern string T, and then compares backwards one by one. If every character i n T is equal to that in S, the matching is successful. Otherwise, when a character is not equal, I redirects to the nth position of S, J redirects to the tenth position of T, and continues the n+1 matching.

The time complexity is O(n*m), where N and m are the lengths of the main string and the mode string, respectively.

 * @param source Main string
 * @param pattern Pattern string
 * @param pos The starting position in the main string
 * @return Successful matching returns the pattern string at the beginning of the main string from pos, failed matching, returns - 1
public static int index(String source,String pattern,int pos){
	// Location in the main string
	int i= pos;
	// Pattern String Location
	int j = 0;
	char[] src = source.toCharArray();
	char[] ptn = pattern.toCharArray();

	while (i<src.length && j<ptn.length){
		if (src[i] == ptn[j]){
			// Current Character Matching Successful
		}else {
			i = i - j +1;
			j = 0;

	if (j == ptn.length){
		return i - j;
		return -1;


2. KMP algorithm

next Array Solving Algorithms:

For the pattern string T, next[j] represents the longest common string length of the prefix and suffix in the substring composed of the first j characters of T.

  1. next[0] = -1, next[1]=0.
  2. In solving next[j], let k=next[j-1],
  3. Comparing the values of T[j-1] and T[k],

If T[j-1] equ a ls T[k], then next[j]=k+1.

b. If T[j-1] does not equal T[k], let k=next[k], if k equals - 1, then next[j]=0, otherwise jump to 3.

public class KMP {

     * Getting Partial Matching Table
    private static int[] getNext(String pattern){
        char[] ptn = pattern.toCharArray();
        int[] next = new int[pattern.length()];

        // The first position is -1 and the second position is 0.
        next[0] = -1;next[1] = 0;

        int k = 0;

        for (int j = 2; j < ptn.length; j++) {
            k = next[j-1];
            while (k != -1){
                if (ptn[j-1] == ptn[k]){
                    next[j] = k+1;
                }else {
                    k = next[k];
                // When k==-1 jumps out of the loop, next[j] = 0
                next[j] = 0;
        return next;

     * KMP pattern matching
     * @param src Main string
     * @param pattern Pattern string
     * @return The first occurrence of a matched successful return pattern string in the main string
     * Matching failed, return - 1
    public static int KMPMatch(String src,String pattern){
        char[] S = src.toCharArray();
        char[] T = pattern.toCharArray();
        int next[] = getNext(pattern);
         * i: Location in the main string
         * j: Location in pattern string
        int i = 0,j = 0;
        while (i<S.length && j<T.length){
            if (j == -1 || S[i] == T[j]){
            }else {
                j = next[j];
        if (j == T.length){
            return i-j;
        }else {
            return -1;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        String src = "ababaaaba";
        String pattern = "aa";
        int index = KMPMatch(src,pattern);


Reference resources:

Added by plaggypig on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 07:11:27 +0300