Finding the position of one string (pattern string) in another string (main string) is called string pattern matching.
1. Naive pattern matching
For the main string S and the mode string T, pointers I and j are set respectively, assuming that the subscript of the string starts from 0, and I and J point to the zero position of each string at the beginning. At the beginning of the N-pass matching, I points to the n-1 position in the main string S, J points to the 0 position of the pattern string T, and then compares backwards one by one. If every character i n T is equal to that in S, the matching is successful. Otherwise, when a character is not equal, I redirects to the nth position of S, J redirects to the tenth position of T, and continues the n+1 matching.
The time complexity is O(n*m), where N and m are the lengths of the main string and the mode string, respectively.
/** * @param source Main string * @param pattern Pattern string * @param pos The starting position in the main string * @return Successful matching returns the pattern string at the beginning of the main string from pos, failed matching, returns - 1 */ public static int index(String source,String pattern,int pos){ // Location in the main string int i= pos; // Pattern String Location int j = 0; char[] src = source.toCharArray(); char[] ptn = pattern.toCharArray(); while (i<src.length && j<ptn.length){ if (src[i] == ptn[j]){ // Current Character Matching Successful i++; j++; }else { i = i - j +1; j = 0; } } if (j == ptn.length){ return i - j; }else return -1; }
2. KMP algorithm
next Array Solving Algorithms:
For the pattern string T, next[j] represents the longest common string length of the prefix and suffix in the substring composed of the first j characters of T.
- next[0] = -1, next[1]=0.
- In solving next[j], let k=next[j-1],
- Comparing the values of T[j-1] and T[k],
If T[j-1] equ a ls T[k], then next[j]=k+1.
b. If T[j-1] does not equal T[k], let k=next[k], if k equals - 1, then next[j]=0, otherwise jump to 3.
public class KMP { /** * Getting Partial Matching Table */ private static int[] getNext(String pattern){ char[] ptn = pattern.toCharArray(); int[] next = new int[pattern.length()]; // The first position is -1 and the second position is 0. next[0] = -1;next[1] = 0; int k = 0; for (int j = 2; j < ptn.length; j++) { k = next[j-1]; while (k != -1){ if (ptn[j-1] == ptn[k]){ next[j] = k+1; break; }else { k = next[k]; } // When k==-1 jumps out of the loop, next[j] = 0 next[j] = 0; } } return next; } /** * KMP pattern matching * @param src Main string * @param pattern Pattern string * @return The first occurrence of a matched successful return pattern string in the main string * Matching failed, return - 1 */ public static int KMPMatch(String src,String pattern){ char[] S = src.toCharArray(); char[] T = pattern.toCharArray(); int next[] = getNext(pattern); /** * i: Location in the main string * j: Location in pattern string */ int i = 0,j = 0; while (i<S.length && j<T.length){ if (j == -1 || S[i] == T[j]){ i++; j++; }else { j = next[j]; } } if (j == T.length){ return i-j; }else { return -1; } } public static void main(String[] args){ String src = "ababaaaba"; String pattern = "aa"; int index = KMPMatch(src,pattern); System.out.println(index); } }
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