Popular reviews don't crawl yet?Learn Python to take you crawling

Today's article is about how to use requests to crawl data from public reviews.

After reading this article, you can:

1. Understanding CSS Anti-Crawler Mechanism of Public Comments

2. Cracking Anti-Crawler Mechanism

3. Use requests to get the correct number of comments, average price, service, taste, environmental data, and commentary text data;

At the same time, the code I ** did not do much optimization because there were not a lot of agents and not much content to crawl.

Here's just to share the process

Start of text.

1. Preface

In the work life, we find that more and more people are interested in the data of public comment, and the anti-crawling of public comment is more strict.The strategy adopted was almost to kill 10,000 people by mistake rather than let one go.Sometimes you skip the verification code when browsing normally.

In addition, the display data on the PC side is controlled by CSS, which does not make a big difference from the web page, but when you fetch it with a normal script, you will find that the data is not available. The specific source code is as follows:

However, when you search for information, you will find that many tutorials are based on methods such as selenium, which are too inefficient and have no technical content.

So this article is targeting public reviews on the PC side; the goal is to address this anti-crawling measure and use requests to get clean and correct data.

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2. Beginning of text

I believe that students who have done public comment website should know that this is a css anti-crawling method, specific analysis operation, will start soon.

Find the secret css

When our mouse clicks on the span in the box above, the right part changes accordingly:

This picture is very important, very important, very important, and the values we want are almost matched from here.

Here we see the two pixel values corresponding to the variable "vxt20". The first one is to control which number to use, the second one is to control which segment of the number set to use. Write down first, then use later, and the value here should be 6;

This is actually the most critical step in the whole cracking process.Here we see a link.

A blind cat is a dead rat. Click in to see it.


You will find that some numbers are returned. I didn't know what it was at first. I just saw the analysis of some great gods. In fact, this is the source of the numbers we see, that is, the source of the whole cracking. Knowing what these numbers mean, I can directly break the whole process of anti-crawling.

Now look directly at the source code:

You can see the key numbers here: font-size: font size; and a few y values, so I know later that y was a threshold and played a controlling role.

So the principle of this backcrawl is:

Get the mapping of attribute values to offsets and thresholds and find the true data from the svg file.

Now we're going to use the pixel values above.

1. Take all values as absolute values;

2. Use the following values to choose which segment of the number to use, where the value is 103, so use the third segment of the number set;

3. Because each font is 12 pixels, use 163/12=13.58, which equals about 14, so let's count what the 14th number is, yes, 6, as expected.You can try it a few more times.

Above is the logical process of the whole solution.

Draw a flowchart to install a force:

3.Show Code

Start sun code below, as the saying goes, a big copy of the world's code.

The main step codes are explained here. If you want to get more code, please follow my public number and send a public comment.

1. Get the corresponding TAG values of css_url and span;

def get_tag(_list,  offset=1):

    # Start with the first check

    _new_list  =  [data[0:offset]  for  data in  _list]

    if  len(set(_new_list))  ==  1:

        # If there is only one value after set, repeating all, then add offset to 1

        offset  +=  1

        return  get_tag(_list,  offset)


        _return_data  =  [data[0:offset  -  1]  for  data in  _list][0]

        return  _return_data

def get_css_and_tag(content):


    :param url: Links to Crawl

    :return: css Link, the span Corresponding tag


    find_css_url  =  re.search(r'href="([^"]+svgtextcss[^"]+)"',  content,  re.M)

    if  not  find_css_url:

        raise Exception("cannot find css_url ,check")

    css_url  =  find_css_url.group(1)

    css_url  =  "https:"  +  css_url

    # The different fields on this page are controlled by different css segments, so to find the tag corresponding to this comment data, the value returned here is vx; and when you get the comment data, the tag is fu-;

    # Specifically, you can see the attribute values corresponding to the three span s of the above screenshot, the longest part of which is equal to vx

    class_tag  =  re.findall("<b class=\"(.*?)\"></b>",  content)

    _tag  =  get_tag(class_tag)

    return  css_url,  _tag

2. Get the corresponding relationship between attributes and pixel values

def get_css_and_px_dict(css_url):

    con  =  requests.get(css_url,  headers=headers).content.decode("utf-8")

    find_datas  =  re.findall(r'(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\{background:(\-\d+\.\d+)px (\-\d+\.\d+)px',  con)

    css_name_and_px  =  {}

    for  data in  find_datas:

        # Property value

        span_class_attr_name=  data[0][1:]

        # Offset

        offset  =  data[1]

        # threshold

        position  =  data[2]

        css_name_and_px[span_class_attr_name]  =  [offset,  position]

    return  css_name_and_px

3. Get url of svg file

def get_svg_threshold_and_int_dict(css_url,  _tag):

    con  =  requests.get(css_url,  headers=headers).content.decode("utf-8")

    index_and_word_dict  =  {}

    # Match addresses to corresponding SVGs based on tag values

    find_svg_url  =  re.search(r'span\[class\^="%s"\].*?background\-image: url\((.*?)\);'  %  _tag,  con)

    if  not  find_svg_url:

        raise Exception("cannot find svg file, check")

    svg_url  =  find_svg_url.group(1)

    svg_url  =  "https:"  +  svg_url

    svg_content  =  requests.get(svg_url,  headers=headers).content

    root  =  H.document_fromstring(svg_content)

    datas  =  root.xpath("//text")

    # Put thresholds and corresponding sets of numbers into a dictionary

    last  =  0

    for  index,  data in  enumerate(datas):

        y  =  int(data.xpath('@y')[0])

        int_data  =  data.xpath('text()')[0]

        index_and_word_dict[int_data]  =  range(last,  y+1)

        last  =  y

    return  index_and_word_dict

4. Get the final value

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def get_data(url  ):


    :param page_url: To be acquired url



    con  =  requests.get(url,  headers=headers).content.decode("utf-8")

    # Get the css url, and tag

    css_url,  _tag  =  get_css(con)

    # Get mapping of css name to pixel

    css_and_px_dict  =  get_css_and_px_dict(css_url)

    # Get the mapping of svg threshold and number set

    svg_threshold_and_int_dict  =  get_svg_threshold_and_int_dict(css_url,  _tag)

    doc  =  etree.HTML(con)

    shops  =  doc.xpath('//div[@id="shop-all-list"]/ul/li')

    for  shop in  shops:

        # Shop Name

        name  =  shop.xpath('.//div[@class="tit"]/a')[0].attrib["title"]

        print name

        comment_num  =  0

        comment_and_price_datas  =  shop.xpath('.//div[@class="comment"]')

        for  comment_and_price_data in  comment_and_price_datas:

            _comment_data  =  comment_and_price_data.xpath('a[@class="review-num"]/b/node()')

            # Traverse through each node, where the type of node is different, etree. _ElementStringResult (character), etree._Element (element), etree._ElementUnicodeResult (character)

            for  _node in  _comment_data:

                # If it is a character, take it out directly

                if  isinstance(_node,  etree._ElementStringResult):

                    comment_num  =  comment_num *  10  +  int(_node)


                    # If it's a span type, look for data

                    # attr of span class

                    span_class_attr_name  =  _node.attrib["class"]

                    # Offset and segment

                    offset,  position  =  css_and_px_dict[span_class_attr_name]

                    index  =  abs(int(float(offset)  ))

                    position  =  abs(int(float(position)))

                    # judge

                    for  key,  value in  svg_threshold_and_int_dict.iteritems():

                        if  position in  value:

                            threshold  =  int(math.ceil(index/12))

                            number  =  int(key[threshold])

                            comment_num  =  comment_num *  10  +  number

            print comment_num

4. Result Display

Number of Comments Data

Actually, I've written all the other things and I won't post them.

Comment on specific data

5. Conclusion

These are all the steps and some codes that people comment on Css anti-crawling.

Keywords: Python Attribute Selenium Programming

Added by dacio on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 02:18:08 +0300