1. Use CTE for basic query
/****** Query data sets with root properties******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 AND 0 < LEN([Information]) AND [Version] = '' ) SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 AND [ParentGUID] IS NULL ;
2. Paging query using CTE
Explain: please don't miss the idea that CTE is used for paging. CTE doesn't have paging function. Using CTE, you can stream obscure paging SQL statements (personal words)
Let's take a look at the common SQL paging statements
/****** A Type SQL paging statement******/ SELECT TOP 08 [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 AND [AIID] NOT IN ( SELECT TOP ((2 - 1) * 08) [AIID] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 ) ; /****** B Type SQL paging statement******/ SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY [AIID] ASC OFFSET ((2 - 1) * 08) ROWS FETCH NEXT 08 ROWS ONLY ;
Then take a look at SQL paging statements using CTE
/****** First level streaming using CTE paging******/ WITH CTE_L01 ([CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [AIID] ASC) AS [CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM ( SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 AND 0 < LEN([Information]) AND [Version] = '' ) AS tCTE_Row_Number ) SELECT [CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE_L01 WHERE 1 = 1 AND CTE_L01.[CTE_Row_Number] BETWEEN ((2 - 1) * 08 + 1) AND (2 * 08) ; /****** Secondary fluidization using CTE paging******/ WITH CTE_L01 ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 AND 0 < LEN([Information]) AND [Version] = '' ) , -- This comma is essential CTE_L02 ([CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [AIID] ASC) AS [CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE_L01 WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [CTE_Row_Number], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE_L02 WHERE 1 = 1 AND CTE_L02.[CTE_Row_Number] BETWEEN ((2 - 1) * 08 + 1) AND (2 * 08) ;
1. Use CTE for standard reverse recursive query
Explain: according to the subordinate relationship of data, carry out bottom-up data extraction
Standard: no data tampering
/****** Standard reverse recursive query******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ParentGUID] = tC.[ThisGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ;
2. Standard forward recursive query using CTE
Explain: according to the subordinate relationship of data, carry out top-down data extraction
Standard: no data tampering
/****** Standard forward recursive query******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ;
Personal observation query results, version as follows
SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18386.0
SQL Server management objects (SMO) 16.100.46437.65
Microsoft Analysis Services client tools 15.0.19618.0
Microsoft data access component (MDAC) 10.0.19041.1
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating system 10.0.19043
The principle of CTE recursive query strategy is: breadth first
3. Error prevention of recursive query using CTE
The following is an example of an incorrect recursive query
/****** Reverse recursive query (error example)******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that, Bad recursive query) SELECT tB.[AIID], tB.[ThisGUID], tB.[ParentGUID], tB.[Information], tB.[Version], tB.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ParentGUID] = tC.[ThisGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ; /****** Error message: Message 530, level 16, state 1, statement terminated. The maximum recursion of 100 has been used up before completing the execution statement******/
To prevent the above errors, SQL Server provides the recursion restriction option
Personal opinion: the best precaution is to write correct SQL statements
Taking forward recursive query as an example, this paper introduces several non-standard recursive queries
Non standard: tamper with data as required
1. CTE recursive query containing hierarchical information
/****** Nonstandard forward recursive query (level)******/ WITH CTE ([CTE_Level], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query(Please note that, Contains hierarchy information) SELECT 0 AS [CTE_Level], tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that, Contains hierarchy information) SELECT tB.[CTE_Level] + 1, tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [CTE_Level], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ;
2. Use hierarchical information to interfere with recursive query
/****** Find the data containing specific information in the data set under a certain data******/ WITH CTE ([CTE_Level], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT 0 AS [CTE_Level], tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT CASE -- Increment the hierarchy only if it contains specific information WHEN 0 = CHARINDEX('x', tC.[Information]) THEN tB.CTE_Level ELSE tB.CTE_Level + 1 END, tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 -- On interference recursive query conditions AND (tB.CTE_Level + 1) < 2 ) SELECT TOP 1 [CTE_Level], [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 -- Hierarchical filter criteria AND 1 = [CTE_Level] ;
3. Use recursive query to construct the subordinate relationship path of data
/****** Construct the subordinate relationship path of data******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA WHERE 1 = 1 -- Fixed point query criteria AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{F7D59F0A-5D2F-4F4A-98D3-7836A2EEE1D6}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], CASE -- Membership path splicing WHEN 0 < LEN(tC.[Information]) THEN tB.[Information] + '/' + tC.[Information] ELSE tC.[Information] END, tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ;
1. Batch update of conditional global data
Global: not limited to subordination
/****** Update the specified data when it is uncertain whether there is a specified data******/ WITH CTE_01 ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT TOP 1 [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 --Expected condition AND 0 < CHARINDEX('x', [Information]) AND [Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union --'disappointment'result SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) , -- This comma is essential CTE_02 ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT TOP 1 [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] --Search from desired data set FROM CTE_01 WHERE 1 = 1 ) UPDATE tTreeList SET [Information] = CTE_02.[Information] FROM tTreeList AS tMirror, CTE_02 WHERE 1 = 1 AND tMirror.[Version] = '' ;
2. Batch update of unconditional local range data
Local: limited to subordination
/****** Unify a field value of the data under a certain data******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA -- Fixed point query criteria WHERE 1 = 1 AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version] --Unify a field value(Please note that) , tB.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) UPDATE tTreeList SET [Reserved] = tE.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tD JOIN CTE AS tE ON tD.[ThisGUID] = tE.[ThisGUID] WHERE 1 = 1 ;
1. Delete subordinate relationship data
/****** Delete a data and its subordinate data in the tree structure table******/ WITH CTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( -- Fixed point query SELECT tA.[AIID], tA.[ThisGUID], tA.[ParentGUID], tA.[Information], tA.[Version], tA.[Reserved] FROM tTreeList AS tA -- Fixed point query criteria WHERE 1 = 1 AND tA.[ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND tA.[Version] = '' UNION ALL -- union -- recursive query (Please note that) SELECT tC.[AIID], tC.[ThisGUID], tC.[ParentGUID], tC.[Information], tC.[Version], tC.[Reserved] FROM CTE AS tB INNER JOIN tTreeList AS tC -- Recursive query condition(Please note that) ON tB.[ThisGUID] = tC.[ParentGUID] AND tC.[Version] = '' WHERE 1 = 1 ) --You can DELETE tTreeList FROM tTreeList AS tD JOIN CTE AS tE ON tD.[ThisGUID] = tE.[ThisGUID] WHERE 1 = 1 ; --You can do the same DELETE FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 AND [ThisGUID] IN ( SELECT [ThisGUID] FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ) ; --But never(Catastrophic error) DELETE FROM CTE WHERE 1 = 1 ;
2. Delete and repair subordinate relationship data
/****** Delete a data in the tree structure table (the child data of the deleted data is automatically attached to the parent data of the deleted data)******/ WITH tParentCTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 -- Locate the parent data of the deleted data AND [ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND [Version] = '' ) , -- This comma is essential tChildCTE ([AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] ) AS ( SELECT [AIID], [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 -- Locate sub data of deleted data AND [ParentGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' AND [Version] = '' ) --Repair affiliation UPDATE tTreeList SET [ParentGUID] = tParent.[ThisGUID] FROM tParentCTE AS tParent, tTreeList AS tMirror JOIN tChildCTE AS tChild ON tMirror.[ThisGUID] = tChild.[ThisGUID] DELETE FROM tTreeList WHERE 1 = 1 --Delete this data AND [ThisGUID] = '{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}' ;
Table structure operation is as follows
/****** Delete if table already exists******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tTreeList]') AND TYPE IN (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[tTreeList] GO ; /****** Create table******/ CREATE TABLE tTreeList( [AIID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ThisGUID] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [ParentGUID] [nvarchar](128) NULL, [Information] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [Version] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [Reserved] [nvarchar](max) NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([AIID] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO ; /****** Add table field comments******/ EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'Self increasing ID', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'AIID' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'book GUID', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'ThisGUID' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'father GUID', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'ParentGUID' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'information', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'Information' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'edition', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'Version' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_Description', @value=N'reserve', @level0type=N'SCHEMA', @level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE', @level1name=N'tTreeList', @level2type=N'COLUMN', @level2name=N'Reserved' GO ; /****** Batch add data******/ INSERT INTO tTreeList([ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved]) SELECT [ThisGUID], [ParentGUID], [Information], [Version], [Reserved] from tTreeList--Bak WHERE 1 = 1 ; /****** Check data******/ SELECT * FROM tTreeList ;
There are many reasons why the GUID field of character type is used as the reference of data membership relationship instead of the self increasing integer field:
On the one hand, there may be N to 1, that is, multiple parents at the same level and one child
On the other hand, data may move in and out of different databases
What else will happen?
Of course, there are many disadvantages in doing so. Things are multifaceted
One of the more serious problems is that when the breadth and depth of data relations in the structure can not be underestimated, a slow word is not enough to describe the query operation
A mild solution is to create indexes for related fields, and build the following indexes for the tTreeList table
/****** Create index******/ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uiThisGUID ON tTreeList([ThisGUID]) CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX nciParentGUID ON tTreeList([ParentGUID])