Preliminary Study on OSSIM Sensor Agent Transport Mechanism

The main function of OSSIM Agent is to collect all the data sent by various devices that exist on the network, and then send it to OSSIM Server in a standard way. After collecting the data, Agent should normalize the data before sending it to Server. This paper mainly focuses on how to send the data in an orderly way and how to complete normalization.Discuss.
OSSIM sensors convert the communication protocol and data format between OSSIM proxy and OSSIM server through GET framework.Let's start with a brief look at the ossim-agent script:

#!/usr/bin/python -OOt
import sys
from ossim_agent.Agent import Agent
agent = Agent()

Here, GET is required to transport data to the OSSIM server as an OSSIM proxy.The two main operations required for tight integration are "Mapping" for generating (or) OSSIM-compliant events and "Transferring" servers for such data to OSSIM.The two components of the GET framework that it is responsible for such operations are EventHandler and Ender Agent, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 integrates Get framework content into OSSIM

The primary task of Event Handler is to map events collected by the data source plug-in to the OSSIM standardized event format for SIEM instance alerts.To perform this process, the original message undergoes a transition from RAW LOG to the existing normalized data field format; in the figure above, these mechanisms are represented as Normalization and OSSIM messages.Partial log normalization code:

from Logger import Logger
from time import mktime, strptime
logger = Logger.logger
class Event:
    EVENT_TYPE = 'event'
        "snort_sid",    # snort specific
        "snort_cid",    # snort specific

    def __init__(self):
        self.event = {}
        self.event["event_type"] = self.EVENT_TYPE

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):

        if key in self.EVENT_ATTRS:
            self.event[key] = self.sanitize_value(value)
            if key == "date":
                # In seconds
                    self.event["date"]=int(mktime(strptime(self.event[key],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
                    logger.warning("There was an error parsing date (%s)" %\
        elif key != 'event_type':
            logger.warning("Bad event attribute: %s" % (key))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.event.get(key, None)
    # Event Representation
    def __repr__(self):
        event = self.EVENT_TYPE
        for attr in self.EVENT_ATTRS:
            if self[attr]:
                event += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self[attr])
        return event + "\n"
    # Return internal hash value
    def dict(self):
        return self.event

    def sanitize_value(self, string):
        return str(string).strip().replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("'", "")

class EventOS(Event):
    EVENT_TYPE = 'host-os-event'

class EventMac(Event):
    EVENT_TYPE = 'host-mac-event'

class EventService(Event):
    EVENT_TYPE = 'host-service-event'

class EventHids(Event):
    EVENT_TYPE = 'host-ids-event'

class WatchRule(Event):

    EVENT_TYPE = 'event'
class Snort(Event):
    EVENT_TYPE = 'snort-event'

Log code: Zhengzhou Infertility Hospital:

import threading, time
from Logger import Logger
logger = Logger.logger
from Output import Output
import Config
import Event
from Threshold import EventConsolidation
from Stats import Stats
from ConnPro import ServerConnPro
class Detector(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, conf, plugin, conn):

        self._conf = conf
        self._plugin = plugin
        self.os_hash = {}
        self.conn = conn
        self.consolidation = EventConsolidation(self._conf)"Starting detector %s (%s).." % \
                    (self._plugin.get("config", "name"),
                     self._plugin.get("config", "plugin_id")))
    def _event_os_cached(self, event):
        if isinstance(event, Event.EventOS):
            import string
            current_os = string.join(string.split(event["os"]), ' ')
            previous_os = self.os_hash.get(event["host"], '')
            if current_os == previous_os:
                return True
                # Failed and added to cache
                self.os_hash[event["host"]] = \
                    string.join(string.split(event["os"]), ' ')
        return False
    def _exclude_event(self, event):

        if self._plugin.has_option("config", "exclude_sids"):
            exclude_sids = self._plugin.get("config", "exclude_sids")
            if event["plugin_sid"] in Config.split_sids(exclude_sids):
                logger.debug("Excluding event with " +\
                    "plugin_id=%s and plugin_sid=%s" %\
                    (event["plugin_id"], event["plugin_sid"]))
                return True
        return False

    def _thresholding(self):
    def _plugin_defaults(self, event):
        # Get default parameters from configuration file
        if self._conf.has_section("plugin-defaults"):

        # 1) Date
            default_date_format = self._conf.get("plugin-defaults",
            if event["date"] is None and default_date_format and \
               'date' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
                event["date"] = time.strftime(default_date_format, 
        # 2) Sensors
            default_sensor = self._conf.get("plugin-defaults", "sensor")
            if event["sensor"] is None and default_sensor and \
               'sensor' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
                event["sensor"] = default_sensor
        # 3) Network Interface
            default_iface = self._conf.get("plugin-defaults", "interface")
            if event["interface"] is None and default_iface and \
               'interface' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
                event["interface"] = default_iface
        # 4) Source IP
            if event["src_ip"] is None and 'src_ip' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
                event["src_ip"] = event["sensor"]
        # 5) Time Zone
            default_tzone = self._conf.get("plugin-defaults", "tzone")
            if event["tzone"] is None and 'tzone' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
                event["tzone"] = default_tzone

        # 6) sensor,source ip and dest != localhost
            if event["sensor"] in ('', ''):
                event["sensor"] = default_sensor

            if event["dst_ip"] in ('', ''):
                event["dst_ip"] = default_sensor

            if event["src_ip"] in ('', ''):
                event["src_ip"] = default_sensor
        # Type of detection log
        if event["type"] is None and 'type' in event.EVENT_ATTRS:
            event["type"] = 'detector'
        return event
    def send_message(self, event):
        if self._event_os_cached(event):

        if self._exclude_event(event):
        #Use default values for some empty attributes.
        event = self._plugin_defaults(event)

        # Check before merge
        if self.conn is not None:
                id = self._plugin.get("config", "plugin_id")
                c = ServerConnPro(self._conf, id)
                self.conn = c.connect(0, 10)
        elif not self.consolidation.insert(event):
    def stop(self):
#Override in subclasses
    def process(self):
    def run(self):
class ParserSocket(Detector):
    def process(self):
class ParserDatabase(Detector):
    def process(self):

... ...

As you can see from the above, the normalization of the sensor is mainly responsible for re-encoding the data fields within each LOG to generate a completely new event that may be used to send to the OSSIM server.In order to achieve this goal, the GET framework contains specific functions for converting all functions to fields requiring BASE64 conversion.The OSSIM Message is responsible for populating fields that do not exist in the original event generated by the GET.So the plugin_id, plugin_sid mentioned above are used to represent the log message source type and subtype, which are also required fields to generate SIEM events.For event format integrity, sometimes the system will use to populate the field by default when the source or destination IP cannot be confirmed.

Note: This required field allows us to view the MySQL database for OSSIM using the phpmyadmin tool.
Sender Agent is responsible for the following two tasks:
Send events collected by GET and formatted by event to OSSIM server. This task is accomplished by Event Hander creating message queues to send to message middleware, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Sequence diagram: Conversion from security detector log to OSSIM server events

2) Manage the communication between the GET framework and the OSSIM server, with TCP 40001 as the communication port through a two-way handshake.Normalizing the original logs is an important part of the normalization process. OSSIM preserves the original logs while normalizing the logs, which can be used for log archiving and provides a means to extract the original logs from normalized events.
The normalized EVENTS is stored in the MySQL database, as shown in Figure 3.Then the correlation engine makes cross-correlation analysis according to the parameters such as rule, priority, reliability, etc. to get the risk value and send out various alert information.Zhengzhou Infertility Infertility Hospital:

Figure 3 OSSIM platform log storage mechanism
Next, let's look at an example. Here is a raw log of Apache, CiscoASA, and SSH, as shown in Figures 4, 5, and 6.

  1. Regular expressions in the Apache plug-in:
    [0001 - apache-access] Access log
    regexp=((?P\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(:(?P\d{1,5}))? )?(?P\S+) (?P\S+) (?P\S+) \[(?P\d{2}\/\w{3}\/\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s+[+-]\d{4}\] \"(?P[^\"]*)\" (?P\d{3}) ((?P\d+)|-)( \"(?P[^\"]*)\" \"(?P[^\"]*)\")?$

[0002 - apache-error] error log

regexp=\[(?P\w{3} \w{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4})\] \[(?P(emerg|alert|crit|error|warn|notice|info|debug))\] (\[client (?P\S+)\] )?(?P.*)

Figure 4 Apache original log

Figure 51 Cisco ASA raw log

Figure 6 Cisco ASA event classification

The actual format after normalization by OSSIM is presented to you through the Web front end for easy reading.Comparing the normalized events with the original logs will be explained in the book OSSIM Troubleshooting for Open Source Security Operations and Maintenance Platform: Introduction.In the example shown in Figure 7, only Userdata1 and Userdata2 are used, and the extensions Userdata3-Userdata9 are not used, mainly to reserve for other devices or services, where the destination address is marked as an IP address, for example, Host192.168.11.160.In fact, normalization occurs after the system collects and stores events, before Association and data analysis, in SIEM tools, the data is converted into a readable format during collection, and the formatted data is easier to understand.

Keywords: Programming Apache network Mac MySQL

Added by winggundamth on Sat, 28 Sep 2019 21:04:55 +0300