Problems encountered in building Redis clusters from scratch

Install Redis

Download package

On the official website install

Download redis-6.2.6 tar. GZ file

Use Xshell to transfer files into the virtual machine

Using sftp protocol, the host ip is the ip address in ens33 in ifconfig on the command line. For the first time, you need to enter the virtual machine login account root and password

Unzip and compile

tar -zxvf redis-6.2.6.tar.gz  
mv redis-6.2.6 /usr/local/redis
cd /usr/local/redis
make && make install

Modify configuration

vi /usr/local/redis/redis.conf

The modification configuration is as follows. When modifying, you can use / the string to search, such as / bind, to quickly find in vi

bind access to ip and remote connections
protected-mode no

Enter (colon): w to save

Start Redis

cd /usr/local/redis/src
redis-server ../redis.conf #Start redis according to the configuration

If the following occurs, the startup is successful

Connect to Redis using RedisDesktopManager

If there is a problem, there are two possibilities: one is that the above configuration has not been modified successfully, and the other is that the firewall needs to be closed or the filtering rules need to be set as follows

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6379/tcp --permanent #--permanent is permanently open
firewall-cmd --reload #service crond reload 
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports #View all open ports

Master slave replication setup


First, duplicate redis twice, that is, a total of three redis. Build one master and two slaves. In order to simplify the construction of three instances on the same virtual machine

cp -r /usr/local/redis /usr/local/redis-slave
cp -r /usr/local/redis /usr/local/redis-slave2

-r means recursive replication. Because there are directories under redis, you must - r recursive replication

Host configuration

Modify the following items in the configuration file

port 6379
protected-mode no #Set to unprotected mode
requirepass 123456 #Set the password required to connect to redis

Slave configuration

Slave 1
Modify the following items in the configuration file

port 6380 #Different ports
protected-mode no
requirepass 123456
masterauth 123456 #Set the password for the slave service to connect to the master
replicaof 6379 #Specify the local machine as the slave, and configure the address of the connected host

Slave 2
Modify the following items in the configuration file

port 6381 #Different ports
protected-mode no
requirepass 123456
masterauth 123456 #Set the password for the slave service to connect to the master
replicaof 6379 #Specify the local machine as the slave, and configure the address of the connected host


Use the command to connect two redis automatically and synchronize data. Use RedisDesktopManager to connect two redis to see data synchronization. Remember to add a password when connecting, because the password has been set in the above configuration.
Start the command according to the configuration file as follows

/usr/local/redis/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave2/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave2/redis.conf

The following log on the primary server indicates that the connection is successful

Sentry Switch Setup

Modify configuration

Modify sentinel. In the three redis folders just copied Conf configuration, in which only sentinel sentinel is configured to know the IP and port of the primary redis. By communicating with the primary redis, sentinel sentinel will know that multiple sentinels will communicate with each other through the secondary redis and the primary redis.

protected-mode:no #Turn off protected mode for external access
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2 #Specify the IP address and port of the host, and specify that when two sentinels think the host is hung, the host will be switched for disaster recovery.
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 123456 #Redis needs to provide a password if requirepass is enabled.
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 3000 #It is set here that if the host does not respond for several seconds, it is considered offline
snetinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1 #During active / standby switching, the maximum number of slave s that synchronize the new master at the same time is set to 1 by default.
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000 #The timeout for failover is set to three minutes here


protected-mode:no #Turn off protected mode for external access
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2 #Specify the IP address and port of the host, and specify that when two sentinels think the host is hung, the host will be switched for disaster recovery.
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 123456 #Redis needs to provide a password if requirepass is enabled.
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 3000 #It is set here that if the host does not respond for several seconds, it is considered offline
snetinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1 #During active / standby switching, the maximum number of slave s that synchronize the new master at the same time is set to 1 by default.
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000 #The timeout for failover is set to three minutes here


protected-mode:no #Turn off protected mode for external access
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2 #Specify the IP address and port of the host, and specify that when two sentinels think the host is hung, the host will be switched for disaster recovery.
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 123456 #Redis needs to provide a password if requirepass is enabled.
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 3000 #It is set here that if the host does not respond for several seconds, it is considered offline
snetinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1 #During active / standby switching, the maximum number of slave s that synchronize the new master at the same time is set to 1 by default.
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000 #The timeout for failover is set to three minutes here

Turn off the master redis and observe the master-slave switch

Turn off primary redis

redis-cli -p 6379
auth 123456 #Enter password verification
info replication #View master-slave replication information
shutdown #Turn off redis

Restart redis later

/usr/local/redis/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis/redis.conf

Check the main redis information again to see if it has been switched

redis-cli -p 6379
auth 123456 #Enter password verification
info replication #View master-slave replication information

If not, check sentinel info

redis-cli -p 26379
info sentinel #View sentinel information

My is always displayed as 1 at the beginning, so I can't automatically switch between master and slave

At this time, sentinel The sentinel my id 981e49fbf1483aa3ec28bacc7ed11 of conf is annotated or changed to three different IDs. Otherwise, the three IDS will be one by default. Restart and repeat the above steps to see the master-slave switching

Redis cluster deployment

Redis cluster needs at least three nodes, and each node has at least one backup node, so it needs at least six nodes, that is, three master and three slave


Copy redis three more times

cp -r /usr/local/redis /usr/local/redis-slave3
cp -r /usr/local/redis /usr/local/redis-slave4
cp -r /usr/local/redis /usr/local/redis-slave5

After modifying the configuration file, there are six redis files as follows


Modify configuration

Redis.redis Conf file

port 6379
protected-mode no #Set to unprotected mode
requirepass 123456 #Set the password required to connect to redis


port 6380 #Different ports
protected-mode no
requirepass 123456
masterauth 123456 #Set the password for the slave service to connect to the master
replicaof 6379 #Specify the local machine as the slave, and configure the address of the connected host


port 6381
protected-mode no #Set to unprotected mode
requirepass 123456 #Set the password required to connect to redis


port 6382 #Different ports
protected-mode no
requirepass 123456
masterauth 123456 #Set the password for the slave service to connect to the master
replicaof 6381 #Specify the local machine as the slave, and configure the address of the connected host


port 6383
protected-mode no #Set to unprotected mode
requirepass 123456 #Set the password required to connect to redis


port 6384 #Different ports
protected-mode no
requirepass 123456
masterauth 123456 #Set the password for the slave service to connect to the master
replicaof 6383 #Specify the local machine as the slave, and configure the address of the connected host

Start 6 redis servers

/usr/local/redis/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave2/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave2/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave3/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave3/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave4/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave4/redis.conf
/usr/local/redis-slave5/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis-slave5/redis.conf

Install ruby environment

yum install ruby
gem install redis-6.2.6.gem #Consistent with your own redis version

gem install redis-6.2.6.gem appears

That is, the network is not good. If the installation is successful, use redis trib The RB command changes six servers into a cluster

Create cluster

redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1

Keywords: Database Redis Cache

Added by alan543 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 20:35:15 +0200