The main idea of the topic
Give you a tree, each node has three kinds of black, white and gray colors.
You have to cut off some edges (each edge needs to pay a certain price) so that every tree in the forest can meet the following requirements:
No black dots or at most one white dot.
Thinking process
This problem is a tree DP...
For each subtree, there are \ (5 \) states:
- Status \ (00 \), indicating no black and white dots.
- Status \ (01 \), indicating that there is no black dot, only one white dot.
- Status \ (02 \), indicating that there are no black dots, and there are two or more white dots.
- Status \ (10 \), indicating that there is a black dot and no white dot.
- Status \ (11 \), indicating that there is a black dot and a white dot.
And then there's the long equation of state transition...
Give it in after typing, 10 points...
Turn to autistic mode, only to find that the original state \ (02 \) only has two white dots...
Positive solution
My approach is also one of the solutions.
The method of problem solving is relatively powerful, with only three states:
- \(F(v) \) means there are no black dots, and any number of white dots.
- \(G(v) \) means there are any number of black dots, but no white dots.
- \(H(v) \) indicates that there are any number of black dots and a white dot.
Then transfer...
using namespace std; #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define N 300010 int n; int col[N]; struct EDGE{ int to,w; EDGE *las; } e[N*2]; int ne; EDGE *last[N]; inline void link(int u,int v,int w){ e[ne]={v,w,last[u]}; last[u]=e+ne++; } struct Status{ long long _00,_01,_02,_10,_11; } f[N]; long long g[N]; int fa[N]; inline void bfs(){ static int q[N]; int head=1,tail=1; q[1]=1; fa[1]=0; while (head<=tail){ int x=q[head++]; for (EDGE *ei=last[x];ei;ei=ei->las) if (ei->to!=fa[x]){ fa[ei->to]=x; q[++tail]=ei->to; } } memset(f,63,sizeof f); for (int i=tail;i>=1;--i){ int x=q[i]; if (col[x]==0) f[x]._10=0; else if (col[x]==1) f[x]._01=0; else f[x]._00=0; for (EDGE *ei=last[x];ei;ei=ei->las) if (ei->to!=fa[x]){ int y=ei->to,w=ei->w; f[x]._11=min({ f[x]._11+min({f[y]._00,f[y]._10,g[y]+w}), f[x]._10+min(f[y]._01,f[y]._11), f[x]._01+f[y]._10, f[x]._00+f[y]._11}); f[x]._10=min( f[x]._10+min({f[y]._00,f[y]._10,g[y]+w}), f[x]._00+f[y]._10); f[x]._02=min({ f[x]._02+min({f[y]._00,f[y]._01,f[y]._02,g[y]+w}), f[x]._01+min(f[y]._01,f[y]._02), f[x]._00+f[y]._02}); f[x]._01=min( f[x]._01+min(f[y]._00,g[y]+w), f[x]._00+f[y]._01); f[x]._00=f[x]._00+min(f[y]._00,g[y]+w); } g[x]=min({f[x]._00,f[x]._01,f[x]._02,f[x]._10,f[x]._11}); } } int main(){ freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--){ scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&col[i]); memset(last,0,sizeof last); ne=0; for (int i=1;i<n;++i){ int u,v,w; scanf("%d%d%d",&u,&v,&w); link(u,v,w),link(v,u,w); } bfs(); printf("%lld\n",g[1]); } return 0; }
The most important thing about DP is to be careful...