Programming topic + database topic summary

Programming problem

prices = {
    'AAPL': 191.88,
    'GOOG': 1186.96,
    'IBM': 149.24,
    'ORCL': 48.44,
    'ACN': 166.89,
    'FB': 208.09,
    'SYMC': 21.29

1. Some stock codes (keys) and prices (values) are saved in the dictionary. Use one line of code to find the stock with the highest price and output the stock code. (5 points)

max(prices,key = lambda x : prices[x]) # 'GOOG'
max(prices,key = prices.get) # 'GOOG'

2. Some stock codes (keys) and prices (values) are saved in the dictionary. Use one line of code to sort the dictionary according to the stock price from high to low, and output the list of stock codes. (5 points)

sorted(prices,key = lambda x:prices[x],reverse = True) # ['GOOG', 'FB', 'AAPL', 'ACN', 'IBM', 'ORCL', 'SYMC']
# Reverse -- collation, reverse = True descending, reverse = False ascending (default).
sorted(prices,key = prices.get) # ['SYMC', 'ORCL', 'IBM', 'ACN', 'AAPL', 'FB', 'GOOG']

Solving problems with pandas 1,2

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data = prices.values(),index = prices.keys() ,columns = ['prices'])

# 1
df.prices.nlargest(1).index # Index(['GOOG'], dtype='object')

# 2
df.prices.sort_values(ascending = False).index # Index(['GOOG', 'FB', 'AAPL', 'ACN', 'IBM', 'ORCL', 'SYMC'], dtype='object')

3. Design a function to generate a verification code with a specified length. The verification code is composed of upper and lower case English letters and numbers. (10 points)

Stupid method: first list the upper and lower case English letters and numbers, and generate the index according to the random number of the specified length to form the verification code

import random
list1 = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','g','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','G','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']
length = len(list1)
# print(length)
def func_1(n):
    res = []
    for _ in range(n):
    return ''.join(res)


Reference answer: directly call the list of letters and numbers in string, using random Choose a verification code of the specified length

import string
all_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits

def random_code(length = 4):
    return ''.join(random.choices(all_chars,k=length))

Note: because you are modifying named variables, you need to write "variable name = set value" when modifying the default parameter value of variables“

for _ in range(10):
    print(random_code(length = 7))

4. Design a function to count the number of occurrences of English letters and numbers in the string and return them in the form of two tuples. (10 points)

Using regular expressions to solve problems

import re
def func_2(data):
    length = len(data)
    num = re.sub(r'\D',"",data) # Replace non numeric characters with empty strings
    return length-len(num),len(num)

data2 = 'abc23543RFGV'
print(func_2(data2)) # (7, 5)

Reference answer: define two counters to count letters and numbers respectively

def count_(content:str):
    letters_count,num_count = 0,0
    for x in content:
        if 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z':
        if  '0' <= x <= '9':
    return letters_count,num_count
print(count_('abc23543RFGV')) # (7, 5)

5. Design a function to count the characters with the highest frequency in a string and their occurrence times, and return them in the form of binary. Note that there may be more than one character with the highest frequency. (10 points)

Reference answer:

def find_highest_freq(content:str):
    for ch in content:
        info[ch] = info.get(ch,0) + 1 # Get each character of the string one by one, take the character as the key to get the corresponding value, and the value + 1 updates the value corresponding to the corresponding key in the dictionary
    max_count = max(info.values())
    return [key for key,value in info.items() if value == max_count],max_count

# Dictionaries. get(key, default value) - get the value corresponding to the specified key in the dictionary. If the key does not exist, the default value will be returned


find_highest_freq('aabbccaacc') # (['a', 'c'], 4)

6. There are 1000000 elements in the list, and the value range is [1000, 10000). Design a function to return the repeated elements in the list. Please take the execution efficiency of the function into account. (10 points)

Reference answer: space for time

def find_duplicates(nums):
    counters = [0]*10000  # Create an array with a length of 10000 and an element of 0. The value corresponding to the array subscript is the number of occurrences of the subscript value in the given array
    for num in nums:
        counters[num] += 1 # Take out each number and modify the value of the corresponding subscript of the count array plus 1
    return [index for index,item in enumerate(counters) if item >1] # Returns the subscript value with value > 1 in the count array


find_duplicates([1111,1111,1112,1113,1112]) # [1111 , 1112]


1. There are tb_student and tb_myopia as shown below to query the names of students without myopia. (10 points) (183 points deducted for similar problems)

# tb_student
# +---------+-----------+
# | stu_id  | stu_name  |
# +---------+-----------+
# | 1       | Alice     |
# | 2       | Bob       |
# | 3       | Jack      |
# | 4       | Jerry     |
# | 5       | Tom       |
# +---------+-----------+
# tb_myopia
# +------+------------+
# | mid  | stu_id     |
# +------+------------+
# | 1    | 3          |
# | 2    | 2          |
# | 3    | 5          |
# +------+------------+

Build table

create table tb_student
stu_id int unsigned auto_increment,
stu_name varchar(20) not null ,
primary key (stu_id)

create table tb_myopia
`mid` int unsigned auto_increment,
stu_id int not null,
primary key (`mid`)

insert into tb_student (stu_id,stu_name)

insert into tb_myopia (`mid`,stu_id)

Method 1: sub query + not in
Idea: select stu_ Name of student whose ID is not in the myopia table

select stu_name from tb_student
where stu_id not in (select stu_id from tb_myopia);

Method 2: left outer connection
Idea: the final choice is the left table, and the right table does not. Select the left outer connection, and the condition is where mid is null / where stu_id is null

select stu_name from tb_student t1 left join tb_myopia t2 on t1.stu_id=t2.stu_id where mid is null;


select stu_name from tb_student t1 left join tb_myopia t2 on t1.stu_id=t2.stu_id where t2.stu_id is null;

2. There are the following employee table (tb_emp) and department table (tb_dept). It is required to use the window function to query the employees with the highest salary (sal) in each department. (10 points) (185 questions deducted)

# tb_emp
# +-----+--------+--------+--------+
# | eno | ename  | sal    |  dno   |
# +-----+--------+--------+--------+
# | 1   | Alice  | 85000  |  1     |
# | 2   | Amy    | 80000  |  2     |
# | 3   | Bob    | 65000  |  2     |
# | 4   | Betty  | 90000  |  2     |
# | 5   | Jack   | 69000  |  1     |
# | 6   | Jerry  | 85000  |  1     |
# | 7   | Martin | 72000  |  2     |
# | 8   | Vera   | 75000  |  1     |
# +-----+--------+--------+--------+
# tb_dept
# +----+-------+
# | id | name  |
# +----+-------+
# | 1  | R&D   |
# | 2  | Sales |
# +----+-------+

Build table

create table tb_emp
	eno int unsigned auto_increment,
	ename varchar(20) not null,
	sal int not null,
	dno int not null,
	primary key (eno)

create table tb_dept
	id int not null,
	name varchar(20)

insert into tb_emp (eno,ename,sal,dno)

insert into tb_dept (id,name)

Idea: window function + sub query

select name `Department`,ename `Employee`,sal `Salary`
	select name,ename,sal,
	dense_rank() over (partition by id order by sal desc) as rn
	from tb_emp t1, tb_dept t2
	where t1.dno =
) temp
where rn<=3;

Intermediate process (sub query):

select name,ename,sal,
dense_rank() over (partition by id order by sal desc) as rn
from tb_emp t1, tb_dept t2
where t1.dno =;

3. There is a table (tb_sales) as shown below, and it is required to find the results shown in the table (tb_result). (10 points)

# tb_sales
# +------+---------+--------+
# | year | quarter | amount |
# +------+---------+--------+
# | 2020 |   2     |   11   |
# | 2020 |   2     |   12   |
# | 2020 |   3     |   13   |
# | 2020 |   3     |   14   |
# | 2020 |   4     |   15   |
# | 2021 |   1     |   16   |
# | 2021 |   1     |   17   |
# | 2021 |   2     |   18   |
# | 2021 |   3     |   19   |
# | 2021 |   4     |   18   |
# | 2021 |   4     |   17   |
# | 2021 |   4     |   16   |
# | 2022 |   1     |   15   |
# | 2022 |   1     |   14   |
# +------+---------+--------+
# tb_result
# +------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
# | year |   Q1   |   Q2   |   Q3   |   Q4   |
# +------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
# | 2020 |   0    |   23   |   27   |   15   |
# | 2021 |   33   |   18   |   19   |   51   |
# | 2022 |   29   |   0    |   0    |   0    |
# +------+--------+--------+--------+--------+

Table creation:

create table tb_sales
	year int not null,
	quarter int not null,
	amount int not null

delete from tb_sales;

insert into tb_sales

Idea: aggregate function + (case when then else end)
Wide watch and narrow Watch

select year,
			 sum(case quarter when 1 then amount else 0 end) as 'Q1', 
			 sum(case quarter when 2 then amount else 0 end) as 'Q2', 
			 sum(case quarter when 3 then amount else 0 end) as 'Q3', 
			 sum(case quarter when 4 then amount else 0 end) as 'Q4'
from tb_sales
group by year;

4. There is a table (tb_record) as shown below, in which the second column (income) represents everyone's income and counts the mode of income. (10 points)

# tb_record
# +--------+--------+
# | name   | income |
# +--------+--------+
# | Alice  | 85000  |
# | Amy    | 65000  |
# | Bob    | 65000  |
# | Betty  | 90000  |
# | Jack   | 82000  |
# | Jerry  | 65000  |
# | Martin | 82000  |
# | Vera   | 85000  |
# +--------+--------+

Build table

create table tb_record
	name varchar(20) not null,
	income int unsigned not null

insert into tb_record (`name` , income)

Idea: ALL: if it is true compared with ALL the values returned by the sub query, it will return true

select income from tb_record group by income
having count(*) >= all(select count(*) from tb_record group by income);

5. There is the following table (tb_login_log) to count the users who have logged in for three consecutive days (user_id). It is required to use the window function. (10 points)

Build table

create table tb_login_log
	user_id varchar(10) not null,
	login_date date not null

insert into tb_login_log(user_id,login_date)

Idea: window function + sub query

select distinct user_id
from (
		select user_id,login_date,
		row_number() over (partition by user_id order by login_date) as rn
		from tb_login_log
) temp
group by user_id,subdate(login_date,rn)
having count(*) >= 3;

Keywords: Python Algorithm leetcode

Added by gregtel on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:20:06 +0200