Parenthesis problem
Author: Li Tingyuan
Setting: China Civil Aviation Flight Institute
Time limit: 400 ms
Memory limit: 64 MB
Code length limit: 16 KB
Problem description
Given a string of characters, no more than 100 characters, which may include brackets, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and spaces, programming checks whether (), [], {} in the string of characters > match.
Input format:
Input a line of string in one line, no more than 100 characters, including brackets, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and spaces.
Output format:
If the brackets are paired, output yes, otherwise output no.
Input example 1:
Output sample 1:
Input example 2:
Output sample 2:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define Maxsize 100 typedef struct SNode* Stack; struct SNode { char data[Maxsize]; int Top; }; Stack create (); int Push (Stack S, char x); char Pop (Stack S); int main () { char str[101]; Stack S = create (); int i = 0, flag = 1; gets(str); while(str[i] != '\0') { if(str[i] == '(' || str[i] == '[' || str[i] == '{') Push(S, str[i]); else if(str[i] == ')' || str[i] == ']' || str[i] == '}') { if(S->Top == -1) { flag = 0; printf("no\n"); break; } if(str[i] == ')') { if(S->Top == -1 || S->data[S->Top] != '(') { flag = 0; printf("no\n"); break; } else Pop(S); } if(str[i] == ']') { if(S->Top == -1 || S->data[S->Top] != '[') { flag = 0; printf("no\n"); break; } else Pop(S); } if(str[i] == '}') { if(S->Top == -1 || S->data[S->Top] != '{') { flag = 0; printf("no\n"); break; } else Pop(S); } } i++; } if(flag != 0) { if(S->Top == -1) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n"); } return 0; } Stack create () { Stack S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode)); S->Top = -1; return S; } int Push (Stack S, char x) { if(S->Top == 99) { printf("Stack Full\n"); return -1; } else { S->data[++(S->Top)] = x; return 1; } } char Pop (Stack S) { if(S->Top == -1) { printf("Stack Empty\n"); return -1; } else return (S->data[(S->Top)--]); }
At first, I used the while ((CH = getchar())! = '\ n') to read characters, and the result has been timeout. I think it may be due to too many calls to getchar function.