Puppeter Usage Summary

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NodeJS environment configuration

Nodejs download address: http://nodejs.cn/download/

MAC configuration

Just download from the official website and install it directly

Installation mode 2:

# View node version
brew search node

# Install node
brew install node

# Check whether the installation is successful
node -v
npm -v

node version management:

npm install -g n

# View all node versions
n ls

# Switch between different versions from the installed node

# Install node 12 version
n 12

Linux configuration

sudo apt-get install nodejs

The version management tool node can also be used for version switching

Windows configuration

  1. Download the installation package

  2. All defaults - next - Finish to complete the installation (you can change the installation path. I usually install it to disk D)

  3. CMD opens the command line and enters node -v and npm -v to view the version numbers of node and npm

  4. Configure the global module installation path and cache path, and create two folders node under the installation directory of nodejs_ Global and node_cache

  5. CMD opens the command line and executes the following contents (the specific path is filled in according to your own)

    npm config set perfix "D:Program Files
    npm config set cache  "D:Program Files
  6. System environment variable new NODE_PATH, the path is the node added above_ New node under global folder_ Modules folder

    D:Program Files
  7. Edit the user variable path and add a node_global path

    D:Program Files

Windows configuration environment reference address: https://www.cnblogs.com/hshdexy/p/13605176.html

Development environment initialization

Basic environment

  1. Find a location to create a new folder, for example: test

  2. Create a JS file, such as test js

  3. Enter the test folder, run the command line in this directory, and execute the following command

    npm init
    # Then just press enter all the way, that is, fill in a project description and so on, and then a package will be generated JSON configuration file
  4. To use the puppeter in the project, run the following command to install it (refer to GitHub)

    npm i puppeteer
    # or "yarn add puppeteer"

    Tip: when installing puppeter, it will download the latest version of Chromium (MAC 170MB, Linux 282mb, windows 280MB) that can be used with puppeter

    Here, I developed it on the Mac and directly used it, because I need to display the running process of the program on the browser. Later, when I deploy it to the Linux server, I will no longer use the browser (the browser type can be customized), and then I can install puppeter core. The installation steps are as follows

    npm i puppeteer-core
    # or "yarn add puppeteer-core"

    Tip: starting from version 1.7.0, the puppeter core software package has been officially released. This is a puppeter version. By default, no browser will be downloaded. The puppeter core is designed as a lightweight version of puppeter to launch an existing browser installation or to connect to a remote browser. Make sure that the version of puppeter core you install is compatible with the browser you intend to connect to. (translated from Github)

  5. Official screenshot example

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
    (async () => {
      const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
      const page = await browser.newPage();
      await page.goto('https://example.com');
      await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });
      await browser.close();
  6. Edit test JS, and then run the following command on the command line to execute the script

    node test.js

GitHub address: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer

Baidu OCR docking

Note: because my own program needs to be identified with verification code, I used Baidu OCR

Download character recognition node js SDK: https://ai.baidu.com/sdk#ocr

  1. Unzip the SDK into a separate folder, such as AIP node SDK version, and copy it to the test folder

  2. Enter the AIP node sdk version folder and run the following command to install the sdk dependency Library

    npm install
  3. Treat directories as module dependencies

  4. Enter the test folder to install the dependency

    npm install baidu-aip-sdk
  5. You can use the sample interface of Baidu ordinary character recognition

    var fs = require('fs');
    var image = fs.readFileSync("assets/example.jpg").toString("base64");
    // Call general character recognition, and the picture parameter is local picture
    client.generalBasic(image).then(function(result) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // If a network error occurs
    // If there are optional parameters
    var options = {};
    options["language_type"] = "CHN_ENG";
    options["detect_direction"] = "true";
    options["detect_language"] = "true";
    options["probability"] = "true";
    // Call general character recognition with parameters, and the picture parameters are local pictures
    client.generalBasic(image, options).then(function(result) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // If a network error occurs
    var url = "https//www.x.com/sample.jpg";
    // Call general character recognition, and the picture parameter is remote url picture
    client.generalBasicUrl(url).then(function(result) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // If a network error occurs
    // If there are optional parameters
    var options = {};
    options["language_type"] = "CHN_ENG";
    options["detect_direction"] = "true";
    options["detect_language"] = "true";
    options["probability"] = "true";
    // Call general character recognition with parameters, and the picture parameters are remote url pictures
    client.generalBasicUrl(url, options).then(function(result) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // If a network error occurs

My example code

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

// Website user name and login password
const userName = "xxxxxxxxxx";
const passWord = "xxxxxxxxxx";
// Website home page and position list address
const gotoUrl = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
const listUrl = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
// Verification code picture path
const verCodeImgPath = "verCodeImg.png";
// Verification Code
let code;
// Quote Baidu OCR
let AipOcrClient = require('baidu-aip-sdk').ocr;

// Set Baidu OCR APPID/AK/SK
let APP_ID = "xxxxx";
let API_KEY = "xxxxxxxxx";
let SECRET_KEY = "xxxxxxxxx";

// Create a new object. It is recommended to save only one object and call the service interface
let client = new AipOcrClient(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
// Local picture upload
let fs = require('fs');

// Refresh function
async function refresh() {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    // Headless mode. The script running process is displayed without opening the browser. It can be opened during debugging
    headless: true,
    // Set browser window size
    defaultViewport: {
      width: 1000,
      height: 2000,
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  try {
    // Enter the login page and wait until there is no network connection
    await page.goto(gotoUrl, {
      waitUntil: "networkidle2",
  } catch(e) {
    console.log("Login page cannot be accessed!");
    // Close the browser and return to no longer run down. This refresh failed
    await browser.close();
  // Fill in user name
  try {
    // Find label element for user name
    let accountElements = await page.$x('//input[@id="UserName"]', {
      waitForTimeout: 3000
    // Fill in user name
    await accountElements[0].type(userName)
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("User name input failed!");
    await browser.close();
  await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
  // Fill in the password
  try {
    // Find label element for password
    let pwdElements = await page.$x('//input[@id="UserPass"]', {
      waitForTimeout: 3000
    // Fill in the password
    await pwdElements[0].type(passWord)
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Password input failed!");
    await browser.close();

  // Select user type
  await page.click('#RadioC');
  // Submit Form 
  await page.click('#Denglu');
  // Wait 5 seconds to load the page
  await page.waitForTimeout(5000);

  // Jump to position list page
  try {
    // Wait until there is no network connection
    await page.goto(listUrl, {
      waitUntil: "networkidle2"
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Position list page cannot be accessed!");
    await browser.close();

  //Click Select all
  try {
    await page.click("#CheckAll");
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Failed to select all!");
    await browser.close();

  // Verification code label element found
  const verCodeImg = await page.$('body > div:nth-child(5) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > form > table:nth-child(5) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > img');
  // Whether the verification code exists
  if (verCodeImg) {
    // Get the verification code and store it locally
    try {
      await verCodeImg.screenshot({
        path: verCodeImgPath
      var image = fs.readFileSync(verCodeImgPath).toString("base64");
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Verification code interception error!");
      await browser.close();
    // Baidu OCR
    // Call general character recognition, and the picture parameter is local picture
    client.generalBasic(image).then(async function(result) {
      code = result.words_result[0].words;
      // Wait for identification results
      await page.waitForTimeout(3000);
    }).catch(async function(err) {
      // If a network error occurs
      console.log("Baidu OCR Network error occurred on the interface!");
      await browser.close();
    // Fill in the verification code
    try {
      // Until the verification code input box label element
      let codeInput = await page.$("#Tel");
      // Wait 2 seconds
      await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
      // Enter verification code
      await codeInput.type(code);
      // Wait 2 seconds
      await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Verification code input error!");
      await browser.close();

  //Click refresh position
  try {
    // Click the refresh position button
    await page.click("#btn_tigao");
    // Wait for 3 seconds. There is a response time during the actual test, so there must be a waiting time
    await page.waitForTimeout(3000);
    console.log("Refresh succeeded!");
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Refresh failed!");
    await browser.close();
  await browser.close();
// Run the refresh function once
// Set a refresh every 2 minutes
setInterval(() => {
}, 120 * 1000);

Docker deployment

To be added

Little knowledge

  • What if you don't use an xpath selector to select tags?

    Directly navigate to the tab - right click - copy - copy selector and paste to page$ X ('') can be in single quotation marks. It's very simple!

  • Take a screenshot of a tag, get the tag element first, and then use element Just screenshot

Puppeter syntax

To be added




Wait for n milliseconds before executing, similar to the previous waitFor


Screenshot of page


You can also get a screenshot of the tag element

Error summary

  1. Raspberry pie (Ubuntu) running error:
  • Error: Failed to launch the browser process puppeteer

  • resolvent:

    sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

  1. Raspberry pie (Ubuntu) runs using puppeter core:
  • The puppeter core needs to be installed

  • Reference puppeter core in js file

    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core');
  1. In the async decorated function, await should be added to each operation

My blog

The blog will be updated in time. Please leave a message if you have any questions!

Blog address: https://pixiao.gitee.io/blog

Keywords: Javascript Front-end Vue.js html echarts

Added by postalservice14 on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 10:55:50 +0200