What is the purpose of this person?
I have more or less heard some safety circle bulls say similar ideas, to the effect that they can scan configuration files of various programs and services (such as SVN files, RSYNC configuration files, etc.).
Find sensitive information from it, and then find the breakthrough of intrusion. Along the same lines, administrators use a variety of management tools (SSH,FTP,mysql and so on).
Such tools usually have passwords locally, and if the configuration information in these tools is read by malicious scans, it may cause extremely significant losses.
So I want to try to verify that the sensitive information of various management tools is easy to read and decode. Second, in the process of thinking, there will be a variety of data and hands-on practice, which can well practice and review programming skills.
Based on the idea that there are always people who want to be ashamed, I would rather that the operating system or security software can provide more sophisticated rights control. After all, whether Baidu or 360 or Xunlei's whole bucket, the bottom line of software of these companies is relatively low.
If these or other software do not have access to our sensitive data, we will be more assured.
sqlyog is a very good commercial open source mysql management tool.
After installing sqlyog, the configuration file will be stored in the user directory:
Take the environment variable% AppData%+on SQLyogsqlyog.ini.
The following is the sqlyog.ini file fragment:
[UserInterface] Language=zh-cn Version=2 ThemeFile=963 ThemeType=1 [Themedetails] ThemeFile=964 ThemeType=1 [SQLYOG] Encoding=utf8 Left=0 Top=0 Right=600 Bottom=600 Maximize=0 Host=new connection ChildMaximized=1 [Connection 1] Name=new connection Host=localhost User=root StorePassword=1 Password=sLBzS1h0309zR9IxMQ== Port=3306 Database= ......
The "==" sign is the most obvious feature of base64 encoding. Generally speaking, when you see characters like sLBzS1h0309zR9IxMQ===, you know base64.
The encoding process of sqlyog is to carry out bitwise operations on the bytes of the password, and then base 64 encoding exists in the configuration file.
Another thing to note is that python bit s move left and carry, so it needs to be 255.
Give an example:
>>> 2<<10 2048 >>> 2<<10&255 0
Python 3 reads the password in sqlyog.ini:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 2017-03-15 07:42:58 @author: codegay """ import os import configparser import base64 def decode(base64str): tmp = base64.b64decode(base64str) return bytearray([(b<<1&255)|(b>>7) for b in tmp]).decode("utf8") sqlyogini = os.environ.get('APPDATA')+"\\SQLyog\\sqlyog.ini" print("sqlyogini File path:",sqlyogini) ini = configparser.ConfigParser() ini.read(sqlyogini,encoding='utf8') connections = [r for r in ini.sections() if 'name' in ini.options(r) and ini.get(r,'password')] for c in connections: name = ini.get(c,'name') host = ini.get(c,'host') user = ini.get(c,'user') b64pass = ini.get(c,'password') password = decode(b64pass) print(name,host,user,sep='\n') print('Password',password) print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
After running the program, output:
Sqlyog INI file path: C: Users root AppData Roaming SQLyog sqlyog.ini new connection localhost root Password aa new connection bb
2017-4-8 21:55:53 codegay
Reference material:
Retrieve passwords stored in SQLyog https://dd9e.blogspot.jp/2014/05/retrieve-passwords-stored-in-sqlyog.html
sqlyog-decode-pwd https://github.com/gkralik/sqlyog-decode-pwd/blob/master/decode.py
The following is the function of encryption and decryption in sqlyog source code: https://github.com/webyog/sqlyog-community/blob/dc5840df35705e8b38058de862b6409135293c53/src/CommonHelper.cpp
Additionally, sqlyog's code feels pretty good.
DecodePassword(wyString &text) { wyChar pwd[512]={0}, pwdutf8[512] = {0}; strcpy(pwdutf8, text.GetString()); DecodeBase64(pwdutf8, pwd); RotateBitLeft((wyUChar*)pwd); strncpy(pwdutf8, pwd, 511); text.SetAs(pwdutf8); return wyTrue; } /*rotates bit right */ void RotateBitRight(wyUChar *str) { wyInt32 count; for(count = 0; str[count]; count++) str[count] = (((str[count])>>(1)) | ((str[count])<<(8 - (1)))); return; } // We keep the name in encrypted form. // so we do a bit rotation of 1 on the left before writing it into the registry. void RotateBitLeft(wyUChar *str) { wyInt32 count; for(count = 0; str[count]; count++) str[count] = (((str[count])<<(1)) | ((str[count])>>(8 - (1)))); return; } wyBool EncodePassword(wyString &text) { wyChar *encode = NULL, pwdutf8[512] = {0}; strcpy(pwdutf8, text.GetString()); RotateBitRight((wyUChar*)pwdutf8); EncodeBase64(pwdutf8, strlen(pwdutf8), &encode); strncpy(pwdutf8, encode, 511); text.SetAs(pwdutf8); if(encode) free(encode); return wyTrue; }