Python installation in offline environment

1, System environment

Assuming that you have an offline server with CentOS system installed, you can only load data through U SB flash disk or intranet transmission. Here is how to install Python environment using Intranet environment.

System: CentOS 7.5 one thousand eight hundred and four

2, Environment configuration

1. Configure SSH environment

FTP or SSH can be used to transfer files over the intranet. Now SSH is generally used. Because it is more secure, the first step is to configure the SSH environment of CentOS.

Usually, the full version of CentOS distribution includes SSH environment by default. If it is not included in your system, you need to use USB flash disk to copy SSH RPM installation package, which is the basis of everything. If you already have SSH, you can start configuration directly.

(1) Confirm whether the SSH service exists

rpm –qa | grep ssh

If an SSH environment already exists, the following results are displayed:

(2) modify SSH service configuration

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Modify the following configurations:

Port 22	# Port of SSH service
PermitRootLogin yes	# Allow root user login
PasswordAuthentication yes	# Allow password login

(3) Restart SSH service

After modification, restart the SSH service and check the service status:

systemctl restart sshd.service
systemctl status sshd.service

The following results will be obtained:

(4) configure firewall

First, confirm whether the firewall is on:

fireall-cmd --state	# running is displayed when the firewall is turned on
firewall-cmd –-zone=public –query-port=22/tcp	# Check whether port 22 used by SSH service is open. yes is displayed if it is open, otherwise no is displayed

If port 22 is not open, do the following to open the port:

firewall-cmd –-zone=public –add_port=22/tcp --permanent	# Permanently add port 22 to the firewall whitelist
firewall-cmd --reload	# Reload firewall rules
firewall-cmd --zone=public --query-port=22/tcp	# Confirm port opening

If the port is open, the following results are displayed:

At this time, you can log in to the system through putty, XShell, SecureCRT, MobaXterm and other clients.

2. Install dependent Libraries

(1) Install zlib

Because our CentOS is an offline environment, we can't directly use the yum install command or wget command to obtain the software package, so we need to download the source code of zlib to the Windows system first, and then upload SFTP to CentOS.

Go to sourceforge to download the source code of zlib at:

After uploading to cenos (assuming uploading to / home / [username] / downloads directory), unzip the source code first:

tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz

Configure installation path:

cd zlib-1.2.11/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/zlib

Compile and install:

make && make install

To build a shared library:

make clean
./configure --shared
make test
make install
cp zutil.h /usr/local/include/
cp zutil.c /usr/local/include/

Finally, write the zlib library to the path of the dynamic library:

echo "/usr/local/zlib/lib" >> /etc/
ldconfig -v

(2) Install libffi

First, download the libffi source package at:

After downloading, upload it to the / home/[Username]/Downloads directory of CentOS (the same below), and extract the file:

tar -zxvf libffi-3.4.2.tar.gz

Next, set the installation path:

cd libffi-3.4.2/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libffi

Compile and install:

make && make install

Finally, add the libffi library to the dynamic link library:

echo "/usr/local/libffi/lib" >> /etc/
ldconfig -v

(3) Install bzip2

First, download the bzip2 source code at:

After downloading, upload to the / home/[Username]/Downloads directory of CentOS, and extract the file:

tar -zxvf bzip2-1.0.8.tar.gz

Specify to link the source code compilation to the dynamic link library, and then compile and install:

cd bzip2-1.0.8/
make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
make && make install

(4) Install openssl

First, download the openssl source code at:

tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1l.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd openssl-1.1.1l/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openssl

Compile and install:

make && make install

(5) Install ncurses

Download the ncurses source code at:

tar -zxvf ncurses.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd ncurses-6.3/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ncurses

Compile and install:

make && make install

(6) Install sqlite

Download sqlite source code at:

tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3370000.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd sqlite-autoconf-3370000/
./configure    # Use the default configuration

Compile and install:

make && make install

(7) Install readline

Download the readline source code at:

tar -zxvf readline-8.0.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd readline-8.0/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/readline

Compile and install:

make && make install

(8) Install tk

To install tk, you need to install tcl first. Download the tcl source code at:

tar -zxvf tcl8.6.12-src.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd tcl8.6.12/unix/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/tcl

Compile and install:

make && make install

Download tk source code at:

tar -zxvf tk8.6.12-src.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd tk8.6.12/unix/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/tk

Compile and install:

make && make install

(9) Install git

Download Git source code at:

tar -zxvf git-2.34.1.tar.gz

Configure installation directory:

cd git-2.34.1/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/git

Compile and install:

make && make install

3, Install Python

1. Download Python 3.8 12 source code

Due to the slow speed of foreign sources, you can download Python source code from domestic images. Download address:

After downloading, upload to / home/[Username]/Downloads /python directory of CentOS.

2. Unzip and set the installation address

tar -zxvf Python-3.8.12.tgz
cd Python-3.8.12/
./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3

3. Compile and install

make && make install

4. Add soft connection

ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3
ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/pip3.8 /usr/bin/pip3

[note] since the default Python version of CentOS 7 system is version 2.7, in order not to conflict with the system environment, the soft connection of Python 3.8 is named python3. If you want to use Python 3.8 environment later, you must enter python3, as shown in the following figure.

Keywords: Python Back-end

Added by virva on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 04:10:27 +0200