Input is an input statement for human-computer interaction. The input() function takes a standard input data and returns a string type. If you need to enter a non numeric value for, you need an additional definition.
sex=input("Sex:") #In this case, it will default to Sex as a string type variable #Need to be changed to: sex=int(input("Sex:") #That's what makes Sex an integer
There are generally three ways of string splicing
1. Splicing with plus sign (the most intuitive method, but not recommended)
2. Splice with% placeholder
3. Use the. format formatter for space splicing.
See the following code specifically: program cases spliced with% placeholders
1 name=input("name:") 2 sex=input("sex:") 3 age=int(input("age:")) #age It's a plastic variable. It needs to use int()assignment 4 5 infor=''' 6 ------infor of %s----- 7 name:%s 8 sex:%s 9 age:%d #Because age is an integer variable, use% d 10 11 '''%(name,name,sex,age) 12 13 print(infor.title()) #.title The format is to capitalize the first letter of each line
Code run result:
1 C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\untitled\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/untitled/show530/ 2 3 name:hongtao 4 sex:male 5 age:36 6 7 ------Infor Of Hongtao----- 8 Name:Hongtao 9 Sex:Male 10 Age:36 11 12 13 14 Process finished with exit code 0
Program case of space splicing with. Format format tool:
1 name=input("Please input your name:") 2 sex=input("Please input your sex:") 3 job=input("Please input your job:") 4 saleary=int(input("Please input your saleary:")) 5 6 7 8 print("Information of {_name}\n\tname:{_name}\n\tsex:{_sex}\n\tjob:{_job}\n\tsaleary:{_saleary}".format(_name=name,_sex=sex,_job=job,_saleary=saleary).title())
Code run result:
1 C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\untitled\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/untitled/show530/ 2 3 Please input your name:hongtao 4 Please input your sex:male 5 Please input your job:it 6 Please input your saleary:30000 7 8 9 Information Of Hongtao 10 Name:Hongtao 11 Sex:Male 12 Job:It 13 Saleary:30000 14 15 16 Process finished with exit code 0