Cognitive dictionary
- Dictionaries
- The dictionary is a container data type. It takes {} as the flag of the container. The elements in the dictionary are key value pairs, such as: {key 1: value 1, key 2: value 2, key 3: value 3,...}
- The dictionary is variable (addition, deletion and modification are supported)
- The dictionary is out of order (subscript operation is not supported)
- Dictionary element (key value pair)
- All elements in the dictionary must be key value pairs, and keys and values must appear in pairs; Dictionaries store values, and keys are used to distinguish and explain different values.
- Key: any immutable data can be used as a key. In actual development, the string is generally used as a key; Key is unique.
- Value: any type of data can be used as the value of the dictionary.
Create and use dictionaries
There are three ways to create a dictionary
# literal syntax student1 = { 'id': 1001, 'name': 'indigo plant', 'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '1999-07' } print(student1) # Constructor function student2 = dict(id=1002, name='Xiaobai', sex='female', birthday='2000-01') print(student2) # Generative Grammar (deductive grammar) dict1 = {i: i ** 2 for i in range(1, 9)} print(dict1)
Operation results:
{'id': 1001, 'name': 'indigo plant', 'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '1999-07'} {'id': 1002, 'name': 'Xiaobai', 'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '2000-01'} {1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64}
There is also a common method of creating a dictionary, which compresses lists and strings, lists and lists, strings and strings, and creates a dictionary.
# You can zip two sequences and create a dictionary through Python's built-in function items1 = dict(zip('ABCDE', '12345')) print(items1) # {'A': '1', 'B': '2', 'C': '3', 'D': '4', 'E': '5'} items2 = dict(zip('ABCDE', range(1, 10))) print(items2) # {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, 'D': 4, 'E': 5} list1 = [1, 2, 3] str1 = 'hello' list2 = ['xx', 'yy', 'zz'] print(dict(zip(str1, list1))) # {'h': 1, 'e': 2, 'l': 3} print(dict(zip(list2, list1))) # {'xx': 1, 'yy': 2, 'zz': 3}
Traversal list
student1 = { 'id': 1001, 'name': 'indigo plant', 'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '1999-07' } # Loop traversal # Traverse keys in the dictionary for key in student1: print(key, student1[key]) print('-' * 20) # Traverse keys in the dictionary for key in student1.keys(): print(key, student1[key]) print('-' * 20) # Traverse the values in the dictionary for value in student1.values(): print(value) print('-' * 20) # Traverse key value pairs in the dictionary for key, value in student1.items(): print(key, value)
Operation results:
id 1001 name indigo plant sex female birthday 1999-07 -------------------- id 1001 name indigo plant sex female birthday 1999-07 -------------------- 1001 indigo plant female 1999-07 -------------------- id 1001 name indigo plant sex female birthday 1999-07
Dictionary operation
The member operation can determine whether the specified key is in the dictionary. The index operation can obtain the corresponding value through the key or add a new key value pair to the dictionary. It is worth noting that the index of the dictionary is different from the index of the list. Because the elements in the list have their own serial numbers, the index of the list is an integer; Because key value pairs are saved in the dictionary, the index of the dictionary is the key in the key value pair. The original value can be modified or a new key value pair can be stored in the dictionary through index operation.
The keys in the dictionary must be immutable types, such as integer (int), floating point number (float), string (str), tuple and other types of values; Obviously, list s and set s cannot be used as keys in dictionaries. Of course, dictionary types can no longer be used as keys in dictionaries, because dictionaries are also variable types, but dictionaries can be used as values in dictionaries.
student = dict(id=1002, name='Xiaobai', sex='female', birthday='2000-01') # Member operation print('name' in student) # True print('age' in student) # False print('address' not in student) # True # Index operation # The index operation of the dictionary is placed to the left of the assignment operator # If the key corresponding to the index exists in the dictionary, its value is updated student['name'] = 'Xiaorou' # If the key corresponding to the index does not exist in the dictionary, the key value pair is added student['address'] = 'Chengdu, Sichuan' print(student) # {'id': 1002, 'name': 'xiaorou', 'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '2000-01', 'address':' Chengdu, Sichuan '} print(student['birthday']) # 2000-01 # When using the get function to obtain value through key, if the key does not exist, it returns None print(student.get('age')) # None # If the key does not exist, the specified value is returned print(student.get('age', 20)) # 20 # Delete key value pair print(student.pop('id')) # 1002 del student['name'] print(student) # {'sex': 'female', 'birthday': '2000-01', 'address':' Chengdu, Sichuan '} print(student.get('name', 'anonymous person')) # anonymous person # If you use index operation, you must ensure that the key must exist, otherwise an error will be reported if 'birthday' in student: print(student['birthday']) # 2000-01
dict1 = {'A': 100, 'B': 200, 'C': 300} dict2 = {'D': 400, 'E': 500, 'A': 600} # Update dictionary dict1.update(dict2) print(dict1) # {'A': 600, 'B': 200, 'C': 300, 'D': 400, 'E': 500} # The delete -- > key must exist, otherwise KeyError will be generated del dict1['B'] dict1.pop('C') print(dict1) # {'A': 600, 'D': 400, 'E': 500} # Delete the last key value pair dict1.popitem() print(dict1) # {'A': 600, 'D': 400} # Empty dictionary dict1.clear() print(dict1) # {} # If the key exists, the corresponding value is returned. If it does not exist, a new key value pair is added and the corresponding value is returned print(dict2.setdefault('A')) # 600 print(dict2.setdefault('K', 1000)) # 1000 print(dict2) # {'D': 400, 'E': 500, 'A': 600, 'K': 1000}
Application of dictionary
Example 1: enter a paragraph and count the number of occurrences of each English letter.
import string str1 = input() # English letter to lowercase str1 = str1.lower() # Generates a dictionary consisting of 26 lowercase English letters with a value of 0 dict_str = {letter: 0 for letter in string.ascii_lowercase} # Count the number of occurrences of each English letter for s in str1: if s in dict_str: dict_str[s] += 1 for letter, count in dict_str.items(): print(f'{letter}: {count}')
Call ASCII in string Library_ Lowercase variable can get 26 lowercase English letters.
Example 2: save the stock code and price in a dictionary, find out the stocks with a stock price greater than 100 yuan, create a new dictionary, find the stock code corresponding to the stocks with the highest and lowest price, and sort the stock codes according to the stock price from high to low
stocks = { 'AAPL': 191.88, 'GOOG': 1186.96, 'IBM': 149.24, 'ORCL': 48.44, 'ACN': 166.89, 'FB': 208.09, 'SYMC': 21.29 } stocks1 = {k: v for k, v in stocks.items() if v > 100} print(stocks1) # {'AAPL': 191.88, 'GOOG': 1186.96, 'IBM': 149.24, 'ACN': 166.89, 'FB': 208.09} # zip can compress two lists into several tuples print(max(zip(stocks.values(), stocks.keys()))[1]) # GOOG print(min(zip(stocks.values(), stocks.keys()))[1]) # SYMC # Find the maximum by value and return the key corresponding to the maximum value print(max(stocks, key=stocks.get)) # GOOG # Find the minimum by value and return the key corresponding to the minimum value print(min(stocks, key=stocks.get)) # SYMC # Sort by value and return an ordered list. reverse = True indicates descending order print(sorted(stocks, key=stocks.get, reverse=True)) # ['GOOG', 'FB', 'AAPL', 'ACN', 'IBM', 'ORCL', 'SYMC']