Member modifier
Two members
- public member
- private member, field name
- cannot directly access, only indirectly access private members through internal methods
For example: public member and private member
class Info: country = 'China' # Static field __gender = 'male' # Static field privatization def __init__(self,name,age): = name self.__age = age # The age field is private and cannot be accessed directly by external users def show(self): return self.__age,Info.__gender def __get(self): print('Private method') def gain(self): r = self.__get() return r obj = Info('alex',19) print( # print(obj.__age) # Error will be reported at this time, unable to access res = # Method is in class, so private field can be accessed internally through method print(res) # obj.__get() # At this time, an error will also be reported and cannot be accessed obj.gain() # Access through internal methods >>>>>>>>> alex (19, 'male') //Private method
Special members
- "init" class () auto execute
- call object () class () () automatic execution
- execute
- str str() execution
- dict object. Dict execution, which returns all contents encapsulated in the object in the form of a dictionary
Example: call method
class Info: def __init__(self): print('init') def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Object () auto execute print('call') obj = Info() obj() # Execute call method only Info()() # Equivalent to obj()() >>>>>>>>> init call init call
For example: int method str method dict method getitem method
class Info: def __init__(self,name,age): = name self.age = age # Int object, automatically execute the method and assign the return value to the int object def __int__(self): return 0 # STR object, automatically execute the str method and assign the return value to the str object def __str__(self): return '%s - %s' %(,self.age) def __getitem__(self, item): return item obj = Info('alex',20) print(obj) # In fact, print() executes print(str(obj)) d = obj.__dict__ print(d) res = Info.__dict__ # View content in class print(res) li = Info('mike',22) res = li['APPLE'] # Automatically execute the "getitem" method in the class of li object, and "apply" is passed to the item as a parameter print(res) >>>>>>>>> alex - 20 {'name': 'alex', 'age': 20} {'__int__': , '__getitem__': , '__str__': , '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Info' objects>, '__init__': , '__doc__': None, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Info' objects>, '__module__': '__main__'} APPLE
metaclass, the source type of a class
Everything in python is an object. When calling a class, it passes through the type class. In python, the default metaclass = type
For example: create a Mytype class to inherit the methods in the type class. In the Mytype class, you can customize the methods you need without necessarily executing the methods in the type class
class Mytype(type): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): # self = Info class super(type, self).__init__() def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): # self = Info class obj = self.__new__(self,*args,**kwargs) # r is the object returned in the new method of the Info class self.__init__(obj) class Info(object,metaclass=Mytype): def __init__(self): print('hello world')
# obj = Info() is actually a call to the new method in the class to create the obj object def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs): return object.__new__(cls,*args,**kwargs) # The object is created def func(self): print('hi world') obj = Info() >>>>>>>>> hello world
Note that obj is an object and belongs to Info class
The Info class is also an object, just an object in the type class. In fact, type is also a class
In fact, the execution order of a class in the execution phase is: object = class () -- call method in the type class -- new method in the class () -- init method in the class; instead of simply calling the init method as mentioned before