- Python+selenium [Chapter 7] Unittest learning
- testcase: a complete test unit. The execution of the test unit can complete the verification of a problem, which is fully reflected in the pre test environment setup, the execution of test code (run), and the post test environment restore (tearDown);
- testsuite: a collection of multiple test cases, test suite or test plan;
- testLoader: loads TestCase into TestSuite, where loadTestsFrom__ () method is used to find testcases, create their instances, add them to TestSuite, and return TestSuite instances;
- testrunner: execute the test cases and save the test results to the TextTestResult instance, including how many test cases have been run, how many have succeeded, how many have failed, etc;
- testfixture: initialization preparation and environment restoration of a test case, mainly the setUp() and setDown() methods
Basic steps for unittest:
- a) Introducing unittest module with import statement
- b) Let all classes that execute tests inherit from the TestCase class. TestCase can be regarded as a collection of methods that test a specific class
- c) The initialization before the test is performed in the setup () method and the cleanup after the test is performed in the teardown() method. They are all methods in TestCase
- d) The best way to write a test is to start with test (you can run it directly) deftest_add(self) and deftest_sub(self), etc. you can write multiple test cases to test the tested object
- e) In the process of writing test methods, use the methods provided by TestCaseclass to test function points, such as assertEqual
- f) Call unittest The main () method runs all methods that start with test
Introduction to common assertions of unittest:
Assertion is to compare the expected results with the actual results.
assertEqual(a,b) a==b # is it equal
assertNotEqual(a,b) a!=b # is it unequal
assertTrue(x) bool(x) is True # or not
assertFalse(x) bool(x) is False # is it False
assertIn(a,b) a # in b
Assert greater (a, b) a > b # greater than
assertGreaterEqual(a,b) a > = B # greater than or equal to
assertLess(a,b) a < b# less than
assertLessEqual(a,b) a < = B # less than or equal to
You can add custom test failure information to the last parameter of the assertion, such as:
assertEqual(10,20, "10! = 20 test failed") displays this message when the assertion fails.
- Code example
- unittest_demo_14.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:24 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_14 import unittest class TestCase01(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: print("Pre execution") def tearDown(self) -> None: print("Post execution information") def test_case01(self): '''addition''' self.assertEqual(1 + 2, 3) def test_case02(self): self.assertEqual(1 + 2, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": TestCase01().test_case01()
- Code example
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:35 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_15 # Assertion exercise import time import unittest class TestCase02(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: # print("Pre execution") pass def tearDown(self) -> None: # print("Post execution information") pass def test_case01(self): a = 1 == 1 self.assertTrue(a, 'assertion failure ,no True') # def test_case02(self): # a =1 ==3 # self.assertTrue(a,'assertion failure ,no True') def test_case03(self): str = "Do you have a dream" self.assertTrue(str.__contains__("Dream")) def test_case04(self): name = ['Zhang San', 'Li Si', 'Wang Wu'] self.assertIn('Li Si', name) print("Range test") def test_case05(self): self.assertIsInstance('lishou', str) print("Type determination") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
- Change code execution order
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:35 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_15 import unittest class TestCase03(unittest.TestCase): def test_case01_aaa(self): print("Execute use case:test_aaa") def test_case02_ddd(self): print("Execute use case:test_ddd") def test_case03_ccc(self): print("Execute use case:test_ccc") def test_case04_bbb(self): print("Execute use case:test_bbb") if __name__ == "__main__": # unittest.main() # # Method of changing execution order # suite = unittest.TestSuite() # suite.addTest(TestCase03('test_bbb')) # suite.addTest(TestCase03('test_ccc')) # unittest.main(defaultTest='suite') pass # Change name test_case04_bbb unittest.main()
- Skip use case
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:35 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_15 import unittest class TestCase04(unittest.TestCase): def test_case01(self): print("Computing test_case01") self.assertEqual(3 + 4, 7, "Summation failed") @unittest.skip("Unconditional skip") def test_case02(self): print("Computing test_case02") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipIf(True, 'Skip if condition is true') def test_case03(self): print("Computing test_case03") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipIf(False, 'If the condition is false, do not skip') def test_case04(self): print("Computing test_case04") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipUnless(False, 'Skip if condition is false') def test_case05(self): print("Computing test_case05") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure # Failure does not record the number of failures def test_case06(self): print("Computing test_case06") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_case07(self): print("Computing test_case07") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
- Collect use cases for running
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:35 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_15 import unittest class TestCase05(unittest.TestCase): def test_case01(self): print("Computing test_case01") self.assertEqual(3 + 4, 7, "Summation failed") @unittest.skip("Unconditional skip") def test_case02(self): print("Computing test_case02") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipIf(True, 'Skip if condition is true') def test_case03(self): print("Computing test_case03") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipIf(False, 'If the condition is false, do not skip') def test_case04(self): print("Computing test_case04") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipUnless(False, 'Skip if condition is false') def test_case05(self): print("Computing test_case05") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure # Failure does not record the number of failures def test_case06(self): print("Computing test_case06") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_case07(self): print("Computing test_case07") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") if __name__ == "__main__": testsuite = unittest.TestSuite(unittest.makeSuite(TestCase05)) unittest.main(defaultTest='testsuite')
- implement
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/12/30 14:35 # @Author : Limusen # @File : unittest_demo_19 import unittest class TestCase06(unittest.TestCase): def test_case01(self): print("Computing test_case01") self.assertEqual(3 + 4, 7, "Summation failed") @unittest.skip("Unconditional skip") def test_case02(self): '''Unconditional skip''' print("Computing test_case02") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipIf(True, 'Skip if condition is true') def test_case03(self): '''Skip if condition is true''' print("Computing test_case03") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 8, "Summation failed") # @unittest.skipIf(False, 'If the condition is false, do not skip') @unittest.skip("Unconditional skip") def test_case04(self): '''Unconditional skip''' print("Computing test_case04") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.skipUnless(False, 'Skip if condition is false') def test_case05(self): '''Skip if condition is false''' print("Computing test_case05") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure # Failure does not record the number of failures def test_case06(self): print("Computing test_case06") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_case07(self): print("Computing test_case07") self.assertEqual(4 + 4, 9, "Summation failed") if __name__ == "__main__": # # Method 1: load all the use cases under the test class # suite01 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCase06) # unittest.main(defaultTest='suite01') # # # Method 2: load all the use cases under the test module # # Import the module itself first # suite02 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(test_case6) # unittest.main(defaultTest="suite02") # # # Method 3: use string to load use cases # suite03 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('test_case6.TestCase06.test_case01') # # Whole module # suite04 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('test_case6.TestCase06') # suite05 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('test_case6') # # # Single load all test cases # all_suite = unittest.TestSuite() # all_suite.addTests(suite01) # all_suite.addTests(suite02) # all_suite.addTests(suite03) # all_suite.addTests(suite04) # all_suite.addTests(suite05) pass