Q Language Learning Road-Dictionary

1. Dictionary Basis

1. definition
The dictionary is key-values pairs, but in q, the dictionary is stored by list. Dictionary creation uses operators!, read bang:) All dictionary types are 99h.

q)10 20 30!1.1 2.2 3.3
10| 1.1
20| 2.2
30| 3.3

q)`a`b`c!100 200 300
a| 100
b| 200
c| 300

You can use the operators key, value, count to get the keys, values, and number of dictionaries, respectively.

Although the q language does not enforce the historical mistake of keys, it provides a unique output for each input value, and only the first key will be seen.

When you know that the key of a dictionary is unique, you can use the command `u'to convert the dictionary into a hash table, which will speed up the search compared with the original linear search.

q)(`u#`a`b`c)!10 20 30

Note: Unlike traditional languages, dictionaries in different order are different in q.

q)(`a`b`c!10 20 30)~`a`c`b!10 30 20

2. Empty and Singular Dictionaries

Empty dictionary:


Empty dictionary with type:


In a singleton dictionary, you must use the enlist form to form a list, otherwise you will make an error.

q)(enlist `x)!enlist 42
x| 42

3. search
Use parentheses or juxtapositions:

q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30
q)d `b

When the lookup value is not in the key table of the dictionary, the Null value of the initial value type in the list of values is returned:


4. Reverse lookup?
Similar to lists, the return value corresponds to the key in the dictionary.

q)d:`a`b`c`a!10 20 30 10

When the value found is not in the dictionary's list of values, the Null value of the initial value type in the key list is returned:

q)d:`a`b`c`a!10 20 30 10

5. Dictionaries and lists
A sparse list can be represented by a dictionary:

q)d1:0 100 500000!10 20 30
q)d2:0 99 1000000!100 200 300
0      | 110
100    | 20
500000 | 30
99     | 200
1000000| 300

6. Not unique keys and values
As mentioned earlier, when the key is not unique, it returns the value when the first key appears:

q)ddup:`a`b`a`c!10 20 30 20

Reverse Search Similarly:


7. Non-simple keys and values

Key and value are nested lists:

q)d:(`a`b; `c`d`e; enlist `f)!10 20 30
q)d `f
q)d:`a`b`c!(10 20; 30 40 50; enlist 60)
q)d `b
30 40 50
q)d?30 40 50
q)d?enlist 60

Note that the key or value of a single element should be separately generated into a list (enlist), otherwise there will be the following problems:

q)dwhackey:(1 2; 3 4 5; 6; 7 8)!10 20 30 40 / atom 6 is whack
q)dwhackey 1 2
q)dwhackey 6
q)dwhackval:10 20 30 40!(1 2; 3 4 5; 6; 7 8) / atom 6 is whack
q)dwhackval?3 4 5

This will cause the search to fail and return the Null value.

2. Dictionary operation

1. Amend and Upsert


q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30


q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30

In q language, update/insert operation is called upsert operation.

2. Extracting Subdictionaries
Using the extraction operator #, the left operator is the key of the sub-dictionary and the right operator is the original dictionary. In addition, when the original dictionary has duplicate keys, only the first keys are extracted:

q)ddup:`a`b`a`c!10 20 30 20
a| 10
c| 20

3. delete
Using the operator, the usage is similar to, but it needs to be noted that space is added before and after.

q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30
q)`a`c _ d
b| 20
q)(enlist `b) _ d

Deleting all key-value pairs yields an empty dictionary with a type:

q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30
q)`a`b`c _ d
q)-3!`a`b`c _ d

The operator cut works the same as in the dictionary.

Another rarely used use is that the dictionary is on the left side of and the right operand is a single key, indicating that the dictionary deletes the key:

q)d _ `b
a| 10
c| 30

4. Basic operations on dictionaries
Some common basic operations are shown in the following examples, which are very easy to understand.

q)d:`a`b`c!10 20 30
q)neg d
a| -10
b| -20
c| -30

Dictionary addition: The same key value is added, while different key values are retained.

q)d1:`a`b`c!1 2 3
q)d2:`b`c`d!20 30 40
a| 1
b| 22
c| 33
d| 40

5. join,
Use, merge dictionary operation, because q language is right to left characteristics, so if the two dictionaries have the same key value, then the right will be retained.

q)d1:`a`b`c!10 20 30
q)d2:`c`d!300 400
a| 10
b| 20
c| 300
d| 400

Therefore, the order of dictionary merging is very important.

6. Coalesce ^
This method of merging is similar to merging, but different from it, when the value of ^ right-hand item is Null, the left-hand item is not covered. See the following example:

q)d1:`a`b`c!10 0N 30
q)d2:`b`c`d!200 0N 400

a| 10
b| 200
c| 30
d| 400

a| 10
b| 200
d| 400

7. Arithmetic and Equal Operators
For equality comparison, because null represents missing values, all null values are considered equal.

q)(`a`b`c!10 20 30)=`b`c`d!20 300 400
a| 0
b| 1
c| 0
d| 0
q)(`a`b`c!0N 20 30)=`b`c`d!20 300 0N
a| 1
b| 1
c| 0
d| 1
q)(`a`b`c!10 20 30)<`b`c`d!20 300 400
a| 0
b| 0
c| 1
d| 1

3. column dictionary

Column Dictionary is the basis of table.

1. Definitions and terminology
A general column dictionary has the following forms:


Where ci is a symbol ic type and vi is a list of the same length. Usually vi is a simple list.

2. Simple examples

q)travelers:`name`iq!(`Dent`Beeblebrox`Prefect;42 98 126)
name| Dent Beeblebrox Prefect
iq  | 42   98         126


q)travelers[`name; 1]
q)travelers[`iq; 2]

A single-column dictionary:

q)dc1:(enlist `c)!enlist 10 20 30
c| 10 20 30

4. Inversion of Column Dictionary

q)dc:`c1`c2!(`a`b`c; 10 20 30)
c1| a b c
c2| 10 20 30
q)t:flip dc
c1 c2
a 10
b 20
c 30


q)dc[`c1; 0]
q)dc[`c1; 1]
q)dc[`c1; 2]
q)t[0; `c1]
q)t[1; `c1]
q)t[2; `c1]

Unlike the case of transposing rectangular lists, transposing a column dictionary does not physically re-arrange data. (Flipping does not change the storage of data)

Keywords: Database

Added by edikasim81 on Sat, 18 May 2019 09:27:57 +0300