QT realizes the function of dragging and copying files
1. Add header file
#include <QDragEnterEvent> #include <QUrl> #include <QMimeData> #include <QDropEvent> #include <QDrag> #include <QRect> #include <QFile> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QFileInfoList>
2. Add. h file code
protected: void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event); //Drag into event void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event); //Drop events private: bool copyFiles(QString sourceFile,QString destFile); bool copyDir(QString sourceDir,QString destDir);
3. Add. cpp file code
//Drag and drop void Softdog::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if(event->mimeData()->hasUrls()){ event->acceptProposedAction(); } else{ event->ignore(); } } void Softdog::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { const QMimeData *mimedata = event->mimeData(); if(mimedata->hasUrls()){ QList<QUrl>urlList = mimedata->urls(); if(urlList.isEmpty()){ return ; } QString fileName = urlList.at(0).toLocalFile(); qDebug() << fileName; if(fileName.isEmpty()){ return ; } QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); if(fileInfo.isFile()){ QFile file(fileName); // qDebug() << tr("%1-%2").arg(fileName).arg("DND File"); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ return ; } // QTextStream in(&file); // ui->label_addfiles->setText(in.readAll()); bool res = copyFiles(fileName,privateSum); qDebug() << res; } else if(fileInfo.isDir()){ bool res = copyDir(fileName,privateSum); qDebug() << res; } } }
Copy files and folders
bool Softdog::copyFiles(QString sourceFile, QString destFile) { if(sourceFile == destFile ){ return true; } if(!QFile::exists(sourceFile)){ return false; } // if(!QFile::copy(sourceFile,destFile)){ // qDebug() << "source:" << sourceFile << ";"; // qDebug() << "dest:" << destFile << ";"; // QFile file(sourceFile); // file.remove(destFile); // return false; // } QProcess *pro1=new QProcess; pro1->start("cp \""+sourceFile+"\" "+destFile); //If there is a space in the filename, you must add double quotes around the filename + suffix. If you are in quotes, you need to add escape characters and a slash\ return true; } bool Softdog::copyDir(QString sourceDir, QString destDir) { if(sourceDir == destDir ){ return true; } // if(!QFile::copy(sourceFile,destFile)){ // qDebug() << "source:" << sourceFile << ";"; // qDebug() << "dest:" << destFile << ";"; // QFile file(sourceFile); // file.remove(destFile); // return false; // } QProcess *pro1=new QProcess; pro1->start("cp -r "+sourceDir+" "+destDir); return true; }
Set mouse hover style
//Drag and drop area styles ui->label_addfiles->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background:#FFFFFF;}" "QLabel:hover{color:red;" "background:#FFFFE1;}" );
4. effect
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