Qt5.9.6 vs2015 SQlite database addition, deletion, modification and query



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Qt use database


one        Development environment... 1

two        Configure work... 1

two point one       Database driven configuration... 1

two point two       Create database add database table... 2

three        Qt using database... 2

three point one       Include header and library files... 3

three point two       Initialize database... 3

three point three       Open database... 4

three point four       Insert data... 4

three point five       Update data... 5

three point six       Query data... 6

three point seven       Delete data... 9


one          development environment

Qt5.9.6 vs2015, use QSQLITE to save data to local database file. Realize the function of adding, deleting, modifying and querying.

two          Configuration work

two point one    Database driven configuration

Install Qt in D: \ Qt \ Qt5.9.6 \ 5.9.6 \ msvc2015_ Copy the database driver folder sqldrivers of 64 \ plugins \ to your development program exe path, as shown in the following figure.





two point two    Create database and add database tables

Use the Sqlite tool DB Browser for SQLite.exe to create a database and create a new table for the database.




three          Qt use database

three point one    Contains header and library files







three point two    Initialize database

db_ = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");

    QString dbpath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/localSqliteDb";


three point three    Open database

if (!db_.open())


            msg = tr("open local database fail");



three point four    insert data

Query is a database request. You can execute SQL statements, organize data into a string, and insert data according to SQL syntax. You can also bind values with aliases in SQL templates through bindValue function, such as binding the value name in task and the label: name in SQL template. When executing SQL statements, you will replace: name with the value name in task, Execute SQL statements through the exec function.

int LocalDb::onSaveTask(QVariantMap & task,QString& strMsg)
    int errorCode = -1;
        QSqlQuery query;
        query.prepare("INSERT INTO alarmTask (id, name,type,target,similarity,time,createtime) "
            "VALUES ( :id,:name,:type,:target,:similarity,:time,:createtime)");
        query.bindValue(":id", QUuid::createUuid());
        query.bindValue(":name", task.value("name"));
        query.bindValue(":type", task.value("type"));
        query.bindValue(":target", task.value("target"));
        query.bindValue(":time", task.value("time"));
        query.bindValue(":similarity", task.value("similarity"));
        query.bindValue(":createtime", task.value("createtime"));
        if (!query.exec())
            QSqlError error = query.lastError();
            errorCode = error.type();
            strMsg = error.text();
            LOG_ERROR("insert task failed %s", strMsg.toStdString().c_str());
        errorCode = 0;
        //Create picture parsing task
    } while (0);
    return errorCode;


three point five    Update data

UPDATE statement is used to update data. QSqlQuery method is also used

int LocalDb::onUpdateTask(QVariantMap & task, QString & strMsg)


    int errorCode = -1;



        QSqlQuery query;

        query.prepare("update alarmTask set name=:name,type=:type,target=:target,similarity=:similarity,time=:time,createtime=:createtime where id=:id");

        query.bindValue(":id", task.value("id"));

        query.bindValue(":name", task.value("name"));

        query.bindValue(":type", task.value("type"));

        query.bindValue(":target", task.value("target"));

        query.bindValue(":time", task.value("time"));

        query.bindValue(":similarity", task.value("similarity"));

        query.bindValue(":createtime", task.value("createtime"));

        if (!query.exec())


            QSqlError error = query.lastError();

            strMsg = error.text();

            errorCode = error.type();

            LOG_ERROR("UpdateTask  failed %s", strMsg.toStdString().c_str());



        errorCode = 0;

        //Create picture parsing task

    } while (0);

    return errorCode;



three point six    Query data

When using a query, if there are multiple conditions, such as select * from vehicle where vehicle type in (: vehicle color), if you use query.bindvalue (": vehicle color", task.value ("vehicle color")); When the vehiclecolor value is multiple, for example, 'Red', 'yellow'. If you use query.bindValue(":vehiclecolor", task.value("vehiclecolor")); Binding value, you will find that the statement is invalid when executing. Only valid after organizing colors into strings with, strcondition + = qstring ("vehiclecolor in (% 1)   AND").arg(strtemp);

void LocalDb::SlotQueryVehicleByCondition(int pageno, int pagesize, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString>> cond)


    int errorCode = 0;

    QString msg;

    QString sqlcount = "SELECT count(*) from vehicle ";

    QVariantMap bindvalue;

    QString sqlserchpage = "SELECT * from vehicle ";//ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset";

    QString strCondition = "";

    QString strtemp = "";

    if (cond.size() > 0)


        strCondition = "where";

        //Vehicle type

        if (cond.contains("vehicletype"))


            strtemp = GetStringCondition(cond["vehicletype"].keys());

            strCondition += QString(" vehicletype in (%1)  AND").arg(strtemp);


        //license plate

        if (cond.contains("vehiclenum"))


            strtemp = cond["vehiclenum"]["vehiclenum"];

            strCondition += QString(" vehiclenum in ('%1')  AND").arg(strtemp);


        //Feature identification

        if (cond.contains("mark"))


            if (cond["mark"].contains("copilot"))


                strCondition += QString(" visepilot in ('yes') AND");


            if (cond["mark"].contains("Pendant"))


                strCondition += QString(" hangthing in ('yes') AND");


            if (cond["mark"].contains("Sun visor"))


                strCondition += QString(" hidesunplate in ('yes') AND");


            if (cond["mark"].contains("Dangerous goods"))


                strCondition += QString(" danger in ('yes') AND");



        //License plate color

        if (cond.contains("platecolor"))


            strtemp = GetStringCondition(cond["platecolor"].keys());

            strCondition += QString(" platecolor in (%1)  AND").arg(strtemp);


        //Body color

        if (cond.contains("vehiclecolor"))


            strtemp = GetStringCondition(cond["vehiclecolor"].keys());

            strCondition += QString(" vehiclecolor in (%1)  AND").arg(strtemp);


        if (cond.contains("time"))


            if (cond["time"].contains("starttime"))


                strCondition += QString(" time >='%1' AND").arg(cond["time"]["starttime"]);



            if (cond["time"].contains("endtime"))


                strCondition += QString(" time <='%1' AND").arg(cond["time"]["endtime"]);



        if (strCondition.right(4) == " AND")//Remove the last AND


            strCondition = strCondition.left(strCondition.length() - 4);


        if (strCondition == "where")//Unconditional


            strCondition = "";



    QVariantMap replyData;



        //Find out the total qualified quantity first

        QSqlQuery countquery;

        //Delete the data in the database first

        sqlcount += strCondition;


        if (!countquery.exec()

            || !countquery.next())


            QSqlError error = countquery.lastError();

            errorCode = error.type();

            msg = error.text();

            LOG_ERROR("query vehicle count failed,msg:%s", msg.toStdString().c_str());



        quint64 totalCount = countquery.record().value(0).toULongLong();

        if (0 >= totalCount)




        QVariantList dataList;

        QSqlQuery query;

        sqlserchpage += strCondition;

        sqlserchpage += QString(" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %1 OFFSET %2").arg(pagesize).arg((pageno)* pagesize);


        if (!query.exec())


            QSqlError error = query.lastError();

            errorCode = error.type();

            msg = error.text();




        while (query.next())


            QSqlRecord record = query.record();

            int column = record.count();

            QVariantList recorditem;

            for (int i = 0; i < column; i++)


                QVariantMap data;

                data.insert("N", record.fieldName(i));

                data.insert("V", record.value(i));



            QVariantMap item;

            item.insert("data", recorditem);



        replyData.insert("totalCount", totalCount);

        replyData.insert("data", dataList);


    } while (0);

    singalQueryVehicle(errorCode, msg, replyData);



three point seven    Delete data

Delete is used to delete data. If the table is empty, there is no where condition. Similarly, if you delete multiple records at one time, you cannot bind the value with bindValue. The timing bound value is a spliced string, and it is useless to add quotation marks. You need to organize a string directly. Add the values of multiple taskids to the string.

int LocalDb::deleteAlarmTask(QString id,QString& strMsg)


    if (id=="")


        return -1;


    int errorCode = 0;

    QString msg;




        QSqlQuery query;

        //Delete the data in the database first

        query.prepare("delete from alarmTask where id =:taskId");


        if (!query.exec())


            QSqlError error = query.lastError();

            errorCode = error.type();

            msg = error.text();

            LOG_ERROR("delete %s failed,msg:%s", id.toStdString().c_str(), msg.toStdString().c_str());

            return -1;



    } while (0);

    return 0;



Keywords: Database Qt

Added by nadeem14375 on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:26:11 +0300