Query of database data by Mybatis

Mapping of simple types

Returns a simple base type

Definition in interface

    int getAdminCount();//How many pieces of data are returned to the database

Specific implementation in xml

    <select id="getAdminCount" resultType="int">
        select count(*) from admin

Here I chose a jar package for testing, which was directly used for testing without trying the main method.

    @Test//How many pieces of data are returned to the data port
    public void find3() {
        SqlSession sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession();
        AdminMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(AdminMapper.class);

        int count = mapper.getAdminCount();


test result

Return multiple sets of data

In the database, to find multiple groups of data, you need to accept, and the acceptance mainly depends on the collection to accept the data returned by the database.

Definition in interface:

    /*Multiple tables*/
    List<Admin> getAdminList();//The returned data is in the form of a collection
    //The query result is a collection, which is automatically encapsulated into a collection through List

Definition of xml in Mybatis:

    <select id="getAdminList" resultType="Admin">
        select * from admin

Here I chose a jar package for testing, which was directly used for testing without trying the main method.

   @Test//Columns are passed and collections are returned
   public void findList() {
       SqlSession sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession();
       AdminMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(AdminMapper.class);

       List<Admin> adminList = mapper.getAdminList();

Here, I try to check the log. The database returns several pieces of data and prints them out

POJO object output mapping

POJO (Plain Old Java Objects)

If the column name of the table in the database is exactly the same as the attribute name in the class, Mybatis will automatically encapsulate the query results into the POJO object

If the standard hump naming is used in java, the standard underline connection naming method is also used in the database, so you can start global settings and realize automatic conversion.

            <!--Open from the classic database name to java Conversion between hump naming
        <!--Hump naming automatic mapping-->
        <setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true"/>
public User findUserInfoById(int id)
<select id="findAdminInfoById" parameterType="int" resultType="User"> 
	select * from dmin where id=#{id} 

Return of complex types


In special cases, the column names and attribute names of the database are inconsistent, so we need to solve the problem of mapping.
So here is the use of resultMap. resultMap is the mapping of the result set. It is a kind of custom mapping

However, resultMap is mainly used for multi table Association.

Define resultMap

The labels in the resultMap mainly include id (mapped primary key) and result (mapped non primary key)
Column represents the data column name in the database, and property represents the property name defined in the class

If the attribute name in the class is consistent with the column name in the database, you don't need to write all the data in the resultMap
Write only the required data names, and you don't need to write the same.

    <!--resultMap Is the mapping of the result set-->
    <!--column Represents the name of the data column in the database, property Represents the property name defined in the class-->
    <!--If the attribute name in the class is consistent with the column name in the database, you don't have to write all the data in the database resultMap among
    Just write some links between the required data names-->
    <resultMap id="one" type="Admin">
        <id column="id" property="id"></id>
        <result column="account" property="account"></result>
        <result column="password" property="password"></result>
        <result column="sex" property="sex"></result>
  1. The id attribute of the resutlMap is the unique identifier of the resutlMap, which is defined as "one" in this example.
  2. The id attribute of the resutlMap is the mapped POJO class.
  3. The id tag maps to a primary key, and the result tag maps to a non primary key.
  4. Property sets the property name of the POJO, and column maps the column name of the query result

Using resultMap

    <select id="getAdminById" resultMap="one">
        select * from admin where id = #{id}

The output map is not resultType, but resultMap. The value of resultMap is filled in the resultMap value of the defined id

Define a resultMap value corresponding to the resultMap value

    <resultMap id="one" type="Admin">
        <id column="id" property="id"></id>
        <result column="account" property="account"></result>
        <result column="password" property="password"></result>
        <result column="sex" property="sex"></result>

Multi table Association processing result set (resultMap)

resultMap is mainly used for queries between multiple tables

association and collection elements in resultMap element
association and collection are associations of complex types,

association: it is a one-to-one relationship. For example, the operation of a department is directed to an operator.
association can refer to itself or from other places.

collection: a one to many or many to one relationship. For example, a department targets multiple employees.
collection can refer to itself or from other places.

The association Association element handles relationships of type "there is one", that is, one-to-one associations.
It can be associated in two ways:

  1. Nested query: returns the expected complex type by executing another SQL mapping statement.
  2. Nested results: use nested result mapping to handle a subset of duplicate federated results.

The Collection Association element handles one to many associations.

Mybatis is extremely convenient in associating multiple tables
When creating classes for storing information, we can create a class for each table to map the data association of adjacent tables to our class. Make the class under construction, name and so on

Create the corresponding data storage class first

Class corresponding to Admin (operator)

package com.demo.mybatispro.model;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Admin implements Serializable {

    private int id;
    private String account;
    private String password;
    private String sex;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getAccount() {
        return account;

    public void setAccount(String account) {
        this.account = account;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

    public String getSex() {
        return sex;

    public void setSex(String sex) {
        this.sex = sex;

    public String toString() {
        return "Admin{" +
                "id=" + id +
                ", account='" + account + '\'' +
                ", password='" + password + '\'' +
                ", sex='" + sex + '\'' +

Class corresponding to dept

package com.demo.mybatispro.model;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

public class Dept implements Serializable {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private List<Employer> employers;//Collection of employees
    //private List<Employer> employers = new ArrayList<>;
    // The latter can be written without writing. It will be automatically encapsulated when it is created

    private Admin admin;//Encapsulate the operator information directly into the object

    public int getId(int i) {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public List<Employer> getEmployers() {
        return employers;

    public void setEmployers(List<Employer> employers) {
        this.employers = employers;

    public Admin getAdmin() {
        return admin;

    public void setAdmin(Admin admin) {
        this.admin = admin;

    public String toString() {
        return "Dept{" +
                "id=" + id +
                ", name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", employers=" + employers +
                ", admin=" + admin +

Class corresponding to employee

package com.demo.mybatispro.model;

import javafx.scene.DepthTest;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Employer implements Serializable {
//    implements Serializable generates the serial number (the serial number is the serial number of the line to be generated as soon as the class is updated,
//    This specifies that it can only generate one serial number)

    private int id;
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private Dept dept;
    private Admin admin;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public Dept getDept() {
        return dept;

    public void setDept(Dept dept) {
        this.dept = dept;

    public Admin getAdmin() {
        return admin;

    public void setAdmin(Admin admin) {
        this.admin = admin;

    public String toString() {
        return "Employer{" +
                "id=" + id +
                ", name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", age=" + age +
                ", dept=" + dept +
                ", admin=" + admin +

Read the core configuration of Mybatis, create a factory such as SqlSessionFactory, and encapsulate the created SqlSession objects into a class

package com.demo.mybatispro.util;

import org.apache.ibatis.io.Resources;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;

public class MybatisUtil {
    static SqlSessionFactory development = null;

    //Because it is only executed once, you can write all these to static. With the loading of the class, it is only executed once
    static {
        Reader resourceAsReader = null;
        try {
            resourceAsReader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("mybtis.xml");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        development = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(resourceAsReader);


    public static SqlSession getSqlSession() {
        return development.openSession();

association refers to the one-to-one relationship between tables

Interface definition method name

public interface EmployerMapper {
    Employer getEmployerById(int id);

Mybatis adopts the specific implementation of association in xml (one-to-one relationship)

    <resultMap id="empmap" type="Employer">
    <!-- column Corresponding to the name in the database, property The corresponding is the name in the attribute-->
        <id column="id" property="id"></id>
        <result column="ename" property="name"></result>
        <result column="age" property="age"></result>
        <!--Information of packaging Department-->
        <!--property The corresponding attribute name, javaType Is the type corresponding to the property-->
        <association property="dept" javaType="Dept">
            <result column="dname" property="name"></result>
        <!--Encapsulate operator information-->
        <association property="admin" javaType="Admin">
            <result column="account" property="account"></result>

    <select id="getEmployerById" resultMap="empmap">
emp.name ename,
d.name dname,
FROM employee emp LEFT JOIN dept d ON emp.deptId = d.id
			   LEFT JOIN admin a ON emp.adminId = a.id
WHERE emp.id = #{id}

Method call: (I use the tested jar package, so I can start the function directly without using the main method)

    public void find(){
        SqlSession sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession();
        EmployerMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(EmployerMapper.class);

        Employer employer = mapper.getEmployerById(1);

I use the log to achieve an overall output

In this relationship, an employee corresponds to a department (dept) and an operator (admin), which is a one-to-one relationship

collection refers to the one-to-one relationship between tables

Interface defines the method to be implemented.

public interface DeptMapper {
    Dept getDeptById(int id);

Specific implementation of Mybatis in xml (one-to-one relationship)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.demo.mybatispro.mapper.DeptMapper">
    <resultMap id="deptmap" type="Dept">
        <id column="id" property="id"></id>
        <result column="dname" property="name"></result>
        <!--Crazy operator information, single information, one-to-one-->
        <association property="admin" javaType="Admin">
            <result column="account" property="account"></result>
        <!--It encapsulates a collection of employee information, one to many-->
        <collection property="employers" javaType="list" ofType="Employer">
            <result column="ename" property="name"></result>
    <select id="getDeptById" resultMap="deptmap">
d.name dname,
e.name ename
FROM dept d LEFT JOIN admin a ON d.adminId = a.Id
		     LEFT JOIN employee e ON d.id = e.deptId
		     WHERE d.id = #{id}

Method call: (I use a jar package of the test, so I can start the function directly without using the main method)

    public void find() {
        SqlSession sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession();
        DeptMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(DeptMapper.class);
        Dept deptById = mapper.getDeptById(2);
        List<Employer> list = deptById.getEmployers();
        //Make a cyclic output for more in the one to many relationship
        for (Employer employer : list) {

The log is used to achieve an output of the whole

In this relationship, a dept corresponds to an operator (admin) and multiple employee s.
association is used when the Department corresponds to the operator, and collection is used when the Department corresponds to the employee.

nested queries

What is nested query?

Nested query is actually the result of multi table Association processing.

When you need to query association information, you can use the nested query feature of Mybatis.

Mybatis one-to-one association and one to many collection can realize lazy loading. When nesting loops, the resultMap is used, not the resultType.

Examples of nested queries

Method name defined in the interface

    Employer getEmlpyeeById1(int id);

Implementation in xml

    <resultMap id="emp1" type="Employer">
        <id column="id" property="id"></id>
        <result column="name" property="name"></result>
        <result column="age" property="age"></result>
        <!--property Is the name of the attribute, JavaType Is the type of the property fetchType Type of load lazy/eager
            select Your own name corresponds to the name of the associated table   column Columns in the value database-->

        <!--Nested query of department information-->
        <association property="dept" javaType="Dept" fetchType="lazy"
                     select="findDeptById" column="deptId">
            <result column="name" property="name"></result>
        <!--Nested query operator information-->
        <association property="admin" javaType="Admin" fetchType="lazy"
                     select="findAdminById" column="adminId">
            <result column="account" property="account"></result>

    <select id="getEmlpyeeById1" resultMap="emp1">
            FROM employee
                WHERE id = #{id}
    <select id="findDeptById" resultType="Dept">
        select name from dept where id = #{deptId};
    <select id="findAdminById" resultType="Admin">
        select account from admin where id = #{adminId};

Call method

    public void find2(){
        SqlSession sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession();
        EmployerMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(EmployerMapper.class);

        Employer employer = mapper.getEmlpyeeById1(2);

When the nested query is queried for the first time, only the information of the main table is queried, and the information of the associated table is obtained by loading when the user needs it.

Lazy load (load on demand)

The use of lazy loading can effectively reduce the pressure on the database.

Lazy loading is to add a global configuration of setting to the nested loop.

The lazy value should also be assigned in the tag. fetchType="lazy" means to enable delayed loading (query will be triggered when necessary)
The premise of lazy loading is that it must first be a nested query

In the core configuration file, configure lazyloading enabled through settings to close nested queries.

        <setting name="lazyLoadTriggerMethods" value=""/>

This lazy loading is implemented based on the nested loop above.

Make a breakpoint and use debug to debug step by step.

  1. first
  2. the second
  3. Third
    This is the way and process of lazy loading.

Previous article: > > > addition, deletion, modification and query of data by mybatis

Keywords: Database JavaEE Mybatis

Added by vigge89 on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:19:10 +0200