Questions 51-61 and Personal Solutions


51. Find the number of occurrences of commas in strings'10,A,B','cnt.

-- Except','Previous character length
SELECT LENGTH('10,A,B') AS length_str;
-- Except','Later character length
SELECT LENGTH(REPLACE('10,A,B', ',','')) AS length_only_str;
-- Number of commas
SELECT (LENGTH('10,A,B') - LENGTH(REPLACE('10,A,B', ',',''))) AS cnt;

Running time: 17ms

Occupied memory: 3408k

[mysql] Converts a fixed delimiter-delimited string to a multi-line format
length(tagids)-length(replace(tagids,',''') indicates how many punctuation marks tagsid contains, and punctuation + 1 indicates how many elements tagids use "," that is, the number of tags after the delimiter is separated.

52. Get the first_name in Employees, and the query is arranged in ascending order according to the last two letters of the first_name.

-- Use substr(s,start,len)Function interception first_name The last two letters are sorted accordingly
FROM employees
ORDER BY SUBSTR(first_name, LENGTH(first_name)-1, 2);

Run time: 28ms

Occupied memory: 6628k

  • In MySQL, you can also use RIGHT(s,n) functions
-- Use RIGHT(s,n)Function acquisition first_name The last two letters are sorted accordingly
FROM employees
ORDER BY RIGHT(first_name, 2);

MySQL function

  • RIGHT(s,n)
    Returns the last n characters of string s
  • SUBSTR(s,start,len)
    To intercept a substring of len length from the start position of string s
    Returns the number of characters in string s

53. According to dept_no, emp_no belongs to the same department is connected by comma, and the result gives dept_no and employees.

-- group_concat()Basic use of functions
SELECT dept_no, group_concat(emp_no) AS employees
FROM dept_emp
GROUP BY dept_no

Running time: 18ms

Occupied memory: 3300k

54. Find the average salary avg_salary of employees excluding the current maximum and minimum salary.

-- Choose the maximum and minimum salaries and exclude them
SELECT AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM salaries AS s, (
    SELECT MAX(salary) AS max_sal, MIN(salary) AS min_sal  FROM salaries
) AS ms
WHERE to_date='9999-01-01' AND s.salary != ms.max_sal AND s.salary != ms.min_sal;

Running time: 18ms

Occupied memory: 3548k

-- The following methods are more rigorous 
-- Choosing the best value is currently selected rather than global 
-- But I can't get through it. OJ To examine...
SELECT AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM salaries AS s, (
    SELECT MAX(salary) AS max_sal, MIN(salary) AS min_sal  
    FROM salaries
    WHERE to_date='9999-01-01'
) AS ms
WHERE to_date='9999-01-01' AND s.salary != ms.max_sal AND s.salary != ms.min_sal;

55. Page-by-page query employees table, one page per five rows, returning data on page 2

-- Use limit Implementing paging
-- The first page acts as 5 pages and the first page acts as 0 pages.,1,2,3,4
SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT (1-1)*5,5;
-- Page 2, 5,6,7,8,9
SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT (2-1)*5,5;

Running time: 27ms

Occupied memory: 4564k

Performance Analysis and Optimization of MySQL limit Usage and Paging Query

56. Get emp_no, dept_no and the corresponding bonus type btype and received for all employees, without assigning specific employees and without displaying them.

  • Table structure of the invoked table
CREATE TABLE `dept_emp` ( 
    `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `dept_no` char(4) NOT NULL,
    `from_date` date NOT NULL,
    `to_date` date NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`dept_no`));

CREATE TABLE `emp_bonus`(
    `emp_no` int NOT NULL,
    `recevied` datetime NOT NULL,
    `btype` smallint NOT NULL);
-- Because no assigned employees are not displayed, the employee sheet is only taken dept_emp That's fine.
-- Be careful emp_bonus Formerly established tables
SELECT de.emp_no, de.dept_no, eb.btype, eb.recevied
FROM dept_emp AS de
LEFT JOIN emp_bonus AS eb
ON de.emp_no=eb.emp_no;

Running time: 22ms

Occupied memory: 3368k

57. Use exists with keywords to find all information about employees who are not assigned to specific departments.

-- exists()It's like a function. 
-- input de.emp_no Does the output exist?'e.emp_no=de.emp_no'Equation Establishment Return T/F
FROM employees AS e
    SELECT * 
    FROM dept_emp AS de 
    WHERE e.emp_no=de.emp_no

Running time: 20ms

Occupied memory: 3320k

  • The method of using NOT EXISTS keyword is as follows:
    It is intended to select records in employees that do not establish an order (SELECT * FROM dept_emp WHERE emp_no = employees.emp_no)

EXISTS uses loop to query the surface one by one. Every query looks at the condition statement of EXISTS.
When the conditional statement in EXISTS can return the record row (no matter how many rows are, as long as it can return), the condition is true, and the record to which the current loop arrives is returned.
Conversely, if the conditional statement in EXISTS cannot return the record row, the record currently loop ed to is discarded.
The EXISTS condition is like a bool condition. When the result set can be returned, it is true, and if the result set cannot be returned, it is false.

58. Get the row data in employees, and these rows also exist in emp_v. Note that you cannot use the intersect keyword.

  • This is the precondition given by the title.
There are the following views:
create view emp_v as select * from employees where emp_no >10005;
  • As with Question 47, the following solutions can be audited by OJ system
-- Most intuitive emp_v Just in employees Generated on the basis of
SELECT * FROM emp_v;

-- Use where
FROM employees AS em, emp_v AS ev 
WHERE em.emp_no=ev.emp_no;

-- Using Connections to Find Intersection
FROM employees AS em 
INNER JOIN emp_v AS ev 
ON em.emp_no=ev.emp_no;

59. Get information about employees with bonuses. emp_no, first_name, last_name, bonus type, salary and bonus amount are given.

  • bonus type

    • btype is 10% of salary.
    • btype is 20% of its salary.
    • Other types are 30% of salary.

The current salary is to_date='9999-01-01'

-- Award-winning employee information in use btype When divided by 10.0 
-- Note that divide by 10.0,If you divide it by 10, the decimal digits of the result will be discarded.
SELECT e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, eb.btype, s.salary, (s.salary*eb.btype/10.0) AS bonus
FROM employees AS e 
INNER JOIN emp_bonus AS eb
ON e.emp_no=eb.emp_no
INNER JOIN salaries AS s 
ON eb.emp_no=s.emp_no AND s.to_date='9999-01-01';

Running time: 20ms

Occupied memory: 3408k

-- adopt case when Use btype
SELECT e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, eb.btype, s.salary, (
    CASE eb.btype
        WHEN 1 THEN s.salary*0.1
        WHEN 2 THEN s.salary*0.2
        ELSE s.salary*0.3
    END) AS bonus
FROM employees AS e 
INNER JOIN emp_bonus AS eb
ON e.emp_no=eb.emp_no
INNER JOIN salaries AS s 
ON eb.emp_no=s.emp_no AND s.to_date='9999-01-01';

Running time: 21ms

Occupied memory: 3300k

60. According to the sum of salary and running_total, running_total is the sum of salary of the first two employees, and so on.

The specific results are shown in Demo below.

Output format:

emp_no salary running_total
10001 88958 88958
10002 72527 161485
10003 43311 204796
-- adopt group by Locate the current computed emp_no The grouping content is better than its emp_no Small employees then accumulate
SELECT s1.emp_no, s1.salary, SUM(s2.salary)
FROM salaries AS s1, salaries AS s2
WHERE s1.to_date='9999-01-01' AND s2.to_date='9999-01-01'
AND s2.emp_no <= s1.emp_no
GROUP BY s1.emp_no, s1.salary;

Run time: 29ms

Occupied memory: 3572k

-- Using subqueries is more intuitive
SELECT s1.emp_no, s1.salary, 
    (SELECT SUM(s2.salary) 
    FROM salaries AS s2 
    WHERE s2.emp_no <= s1.emp_no AND s2.to_date = '9999-01-01') AS running_total 
FROM salaries AS s1 
WHERE s1.to_date = '9999-01-01' 
ORDER BY s1.emp_no;

Running time: 21ms

Occupied memory: 3304k

  • Note: Although there is no error in the actual environment, the above two methods are too slow to achieve the results before caching.

  • The following is an efficient way to achieve 5 ms (+2 ms) by using the temporary variable @person
-- Use@persum Store the last accumulated total salary as a temporary variable
SELECT s.emp_no, s.salary, (@persum:=@persum + s.salary) AS running_total
FROM salaries AS s, (SELECT @persum:=0) AS ps
WHERE s.to_date='9999-01-01'
ORDER BY s.emp_no;

61. Give the first_name of odd rows in the employees table

-- Get odd-numbered first_name
SELECT e1.first_name 
    -- Get each first_name And its ranking  
    SELECT e2.first_name, (
        -- For each first_name How many of the sorting numbers are counted in front of it?  
        SELECT COUNT(*) 
        FROM employees_sample AS e3 
        WHERE e3.first_name <= e2.first_name) AS rowid 
     FROM employees_sample AS e2) AS e1
WHERE e1.rowid % 2 = 1;

Running time: 17ms

Occupied memory: 3552k

-- stay where Direct judgment of whether the count is odd 
SELECT eo.first_name
FROM employees_sample AS eo
    FROM employees_sample AS ei
    WHERE ei.first_name <= eo.first_name
) % 2 = 1;
  • Use the COUNT() function to rank

Complete personal exercise code

My exercise SQL code has been uploaded to Github: bird of lsh/new code-sql-practice
For reference only~~~

Keywords: PHP MySQL SQL github

Added by villas on Mon, 22 Jul 2019 18:43:34 +0300