ranger and presto source code compilation

Summary of Presto+Ranger source code compilation problems

Recently, I want to integrate prestodb and ranger, so I want to know more about presto and add Ranger plug-ins.

To this end, I compiled the source code of presto and ran 0 7.1 (online version) compiled the source code. presto is compiled on win10, and ranger is compiled on Ubuntu 16 04, the main compilation process will be explained below

1, Presto source code compilation

1, Environment


2, Steps

1. Modify presto- maven-plugin

Presto is compiled using Presto Maven plugin. Failed to compile under Window because the class cannot be found during compilation and the file path is wrong.

The version of Presto Maven plugin used by Presto here is 0.3. Download the source code from GitHub prestodb / Presto Maven plugin 0.3.

Modify ServiceDescriptorGenerator

String className = classPath.substring(0, classPath.length() - 6).replace('/', '.');

replace with

String className = classPath.substring(0, classPath.length() - 6).replace(File.separatorChar, '.');

Because the class name is by replacing the file separator of the class path with The delimiter of Windows is \, so replace '/' with file separatorChar.

Then transfer Presto Maven plugin, mvn clean install -DskipTests to the local warehouse.

2. Modify the root directory POM xml

Do you want to install Python
It may be related to the Python environment. The document is generated by sphinx and commented without installation.


Do you want to create a GIT warehouse and download it by git clone
If you have, don't worry.
No, you need to add configuration in the element


Re annotation

3. Configure unix like environment

Commands in Linux will be used during Presto compilation. Git Bash has some Unix like commands.

Set the environment variable Path of Windows, plus:% GIT_HOME%\usr\bin, where GIT_HOME is the installation Path of GIT. Generally, the default installation Path is C:\Program Files\Git.

If Intellij Idea is used, you need to restart Intellij Idea to take effect after configuring the environment variables.

4. Compile the project
mvn clean install -DskipTests

After the compilation is successful, you need to enter Presto main to modify the relevant configuration

3, Modify configuration

Modify Presto main \ etc \ config properties

# http port
# The embedded version of Discovery is enabled in the Coordinator, so it should be the URI of the Coordinator

# Plug in folder
#  ../presto-blackhole/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-memory/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-jmx/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-raptor/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-hive-hadoop2/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-example-http/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-kafka/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-tpch/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-local-file/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-mysql/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-sqlserver/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-postgresql/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-tpcds/pom.xml, \
#  ../presto-i18n-functions/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-function-namespace-managers/pom.xml,\
#  ../presto-druid/pom.xml

Modify Presto main \ etc \ catalog \ hive properties
Set hive Rename properties to hive properties. bak. After startup, all connectors under the catalog directory will be loaded by default. If there is no hadoop, hive and other local environment, an error will be reported, resulting in startup failure. For other self-contained catalogs, if not used, please modify the name to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by startup.

Generally, you can verify mysql.

Modify prestosystemrequirements java

Note the code of Presto main module PrestoSystemRequirements, and find the relevant code fragments with the IDEA search function

failRequirement("Presto requires Linux or Mac OS X (found %s)", osName);

Modify the file descriptor size limit (manually changed to 10000):

private static OptionalLong getMaxFileDescriptorCount()
        try {
            MBeanServer mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
            //Object maxFileDescriptorCount = mbeanServer.getAttribute(ObjectName.getInstance(OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN_NAME), "MaxFileDescriptorCount");
            Object maxFileDescriptorCount = 10000;
            return OptionalLong.of(((Number) maxFileDescriptorCount).longValue());
        catch (Exception e) {
            return OptionalLong.empty();

The following a/b steps can be selected according to the purpose. Step a does not contain any plug-ins and can quickly debug the interface. Step B contains a complete plug-in with complete functions:
a. Next, comment out the PluginManager plug-in,

   /*for (File file : listFiles(installedPluginsDir)) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {

        for (String plugin : plugins) {

Rename all the configuration files of etc/catalog to properties.bak.
b. Download presto-server-0.207.tar.gz Unzip the file to any directory. Take the plugin directory here as the plugin directory of the IDEA project. You need to open the file pluginmanagerconfig Java, modify as follows:

//    private File installedPluginsDir = new File("plugin");
    private File installedPluginsDir = new File("D:\\presto-server-0.207\\plugin");

The configuration file of / etc/catalog is renamed as required properties.bak.
Finally, run PrestoServer.

4, Start

First, configure the jvm parameter VM options to start

-Xmx800M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=150M -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true  -Dconfig=etc/config.properties -Dlog.levels-file=etc/log.properties 

Then select Presto main project, and the main class is com facebook. presto. server. PrestoServer

[the external chain image transfer fails, and the source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-ufztckkn-1643349229752) (C: \ users \ luohaizhang \ appdata \ roaming \ typora \ typora user images \ 1643106498641. PNG)]

5, Problems encountered

1,Cannot resolve symbol 'SqlBaseParser

When running the project, there is an error that the Presto parser module Cannot resolve symbol 'SqlBaseParser lacks code, for example, because the source code does not contain the generated code of anltr4. You can run the command that generates anltr4 code in the root directory.

mvn antlr4:antlr4

After executing the command, the error still does not disappear. We can see the structure of the project. File - > project structure - > modules - > Presto parser, set the target - > generated Sources - > anltr4 of Presto parser to Sources

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-wuo7n1a5-1643349229753) (C: \ users \ luohaizhang \ appdata \ roaming \ typora \ typora user images \ 16431067431. PNG)]

Reference article:



2, Compiler process of ranger source code

1. Deployment preparation

ranger: go to apach's official website to download http://ranger.apache.org/download.html , ranger0 is used this time 7.1 at https://codeload.github.com/apache/ranger/zip/refs/tags/release-ranger-0.7.1

Maven: enter the Maven official website of Apache http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi Download, this time using Maven 3 eight point two

Python2.7: Because Python 2.0 is required in compilation and trial 7 version of python, so if it is a Centos6 system, you need to manually upgrade Python to Python 2 7. Refer to historical articles for the upgrade process Python upgrade

MySQL: MySQL database is required. If MySQL is unavailable, a set of MySQL needs to be deployed. Please refer to the historical article for the deployment method MySQL deployment

MySQL connector Java: download from MySQL official website https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.1.html

JDK version: the JDK version used this time is 1.8.0_ three hundred and twenty-one

The specific process of installing these components will not be repeated. Please refer to the two articles posted below.

2. Compilation

Set ranger0 7.1 after downloading, upload it to the ubuntu directory and put it in your user's home directory. Note that the current account must have permission, otherwise you will encounter many problems of insufficient permission;

Unzip and import into idea. Or you don't need the idea to decompress it directly. For the convenience of reading the code, the idea makes subsequent plug-in modifications and so on.

Modify POM. In the ranger root directory XML file

            <name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
<!--            <url>https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url>-->
            <name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>

Execute mvn command and package

mvn clean compile package assembly:assembly install -Dmaven.test.skip=true;

All unit tests are omitted here, because some unit tests have problems, which will affect the compilation.

Note that python2 must be installed, otherwise you can't compile Ranger util

Results of successful compilation:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for ranger 0.7.1:
[INFO] ranger ............................................. SUCCESS [  3.591 s]
[INFO] Jdbc SQL Connector ................................. SUCCESS [  1.632 s]
[INFO] Credential Support ................................. SUCCESS [  0.479 s]
[INFO] Audit Component .................................... SUCCESS [  1.731 s]
[INFO] Common library for Plugins ......................... SUCCESS [  2.892 s]
[INFO] Installer Support Component ........................ SUCCESS [  0.265 s]
[INFO] Credential Builder ................................. SUCCESS [  0.405 s]
[INFO] Embedded Web Server Invoker ........................ SUCCESS [  0.341 s]
[INFO] Key Management Service ............................. SUCCESS [  0.891 s]
[INFO] ranger-plugin-classloader .......................... SUCCESS [  0.198 s]
[INFO] HBase Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [  1.319 s]
[INFO] HBase Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  1.280 s]
[INFO] Hdfs Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  4.005 s]
[INFO] Hive Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  2.247 s]
[INFO] Knox Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  0.550 s]
[INFO] Storm Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  0.642 s]
[INFO] YARN Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  0.462 s]
[INFO] Ranger Util ........................................ SUCCESS [  5.051 s]
[INFO] Unix Authentication Client ......................... SUCCESS [  0.330 s]
[INFO] Security Admin Web Application ..................... SUCCESS [ 13.658 s]
[INFO] KAFKA Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  1.504 s]
[INFO] SOLR Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  3.403 s]
[INFO] NiFi Security Plugin ............................... SUCCESS [  0.354 s]
[INFO] Unix User Group Synchronizer ....................... SUCCESS [  1.097 s]
[INFO] Ldap Config Check Tool ............................. SUCCESS [  2.643 s]
[INFO] Unix Authentication Service ........................ SUCCESS [  2.010 s]
[INFO] KMS Security Plugin ................................ SUCCESS [  2.111 s]
[INFO] Tag Synchronizer ................................... SUCCESS [  2.863 s]
[INFO] Hdfs Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [  0.515 s]
[INFO] Hive Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [  1.543 s]
[INFO] Knox Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [  0.665 s]
[INFO] YARN Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [  0.543 s]
[INFO] Storm Security Plugin shim ......................... SUCCESS [  0.536 s]
[INFO] KAFKA Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [  0.572 s]
[INFO] SOLR Security Plugin Shim .......................... SUCCESS [  0.848 s]
[INFO] Atlas Security Plugin Shim ......................... SUCCESS [  0.332 s]
[INFO] KMS Security Plugin Shim ........................... SUCCESS [  0.577 s]
[INFO] Ranger Hive Utils .................................. SUCCESS [  1.189 s]
[INFO] ranger-examples .................................... SUCCESS [  0.126 s]
[INFO] Ranger Examples - Conditions and ContextEnrichers .. SUCCESS [  0.523 s]
[INFO] Ranger Examples - SampleApp ........................ SUCCESS [  0.844 s]
[INFO] Ranger Examples - Ranger Plugin for SampleApp ...... SUCCESS [  1.209 s]
[INFO] Ranger Tools ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.728 s]
[INFO] Atlas Security Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  0.976 s]
[INFO] Unix Native Authenticator .......................... SUCCESS [  1.484 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  07:03 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-01-28T10:38:15+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

We can see the generated tar in the target folder of the root directory GZ package.

root@ubuntu:/home/luohaizhang/ideaProjects/ranger/ranger-release-ranger-0.7.1# ls target
antrun                            ranger-0.7.1-hbase-plugin.tar.gz  ranger-0.7.1-kms.tar.gz             ranger-0.7.1-solr-plugin.tar.gz   ranger-0.7.1-usersync.tar.gz
archive-tmp                       ranger-0.7.1-hbase-plugin.zip     ranger-0.7.1-kms.zip                ranger-0.7.1-solr-plugin.zip      ranger-0.7.1-usersync.zip
maven-shared-archive-resources    ranger-0.7.1-hdfs-plugin.tar.gz   ranger-0.7.1-knox-plugin.tar.gz     ranger-0.7.1-src.tar.gz           ranger-0.7.1-yarn-plugin.tar.gz
ranger-0.7.1-admin                ranger-0.7.1-hdfs-plugin.zip      ranger-0.7.1-knox-plugin.zip        ranger-0.7.1-src.zip              ranger-0.7.1-yarn-plugin.zip
ranger-0.7.1-admin.tar.gz         ranger-0.7.1-hive-plugin.tar.gz   ranger-0.7.1-migration-util.tar.gz  ranger-0.7.1-storm-plugin.tar.gz  rat.txt
ranger-0.7.1-admin.zip            ranger-0.7.1-hive-plugin.zip      ranger-0.7.1-migration-util.zip     ranger-0.7.1-storm-plugin.zip     version
ranger-0.7.1-atlas-plugin.tar.gz  ranger-0.7.1-kafka-plugin.tar.gz  ranger-0.7.1-ranger-tools.tar.gz    ranger-0.7.1-tagsync.tar.gz
ranger-0.7.1-atlas-plugin.zip     ranger-0.7.1-kafka-plugin.zip     ranger-0.7.1-ranger-tools.zip       ranger-0.7.1-tagsync.zip

3. Install and start Ranger admin

2.3.1 modify configuration file

#  Enter the target directory
cd /opt/apache-ranger-1.2.0/target/

#  Unzip ranger-1.2.0-admin tar. gz
tar  -zxvf  ranger-1.2.0-admin.tar.gz

# Enter the ranger-1.2.0-admin directory
cd  ranger-1.2.0-admin

# Modify install properties
vim install.properties

SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.17.jar   //  Modify the jar package and path downloaded in preparation



# You can log off the following
#Source for Audit Store. Currently only solr is supported.
# * audit_store is solr
## audit_store=solr

# * audit_solr_url URL to Solr. E.g. http://<solr_host>:6083/solr/ranger_audits
## audit_solr_urls=
## audit_solr_user=
## audit_solr_password=
## audit_solr_zookeepers=

There is no need for solr component statistics here, just testing

Call script/ setup.sh installation

Note that if the following errors are reported in the middle

2019-08-20 08:54:22,460  [I] '/usr/local/java/bin/java' command found
setup.sh:Line 325: bc: Command not found
setup.sh: Line 325:[: -eq: Expected unary expression

That is, the bc command is missing. You can install it.

Note that mysql must have access rights and must not limit the host of the current machine.

Finally, the following results appear

2019-08-20 09:00:18,240  [I] --------- Verifying Ranger DB connection ---------
2019-08-20 09:00:18,240  [I] Checking connection..
geradmin' -p '********' -noheader -trim -c \; -query "SELECT version();"
Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary.
2019-08-20 09:00:18,838  [I] Checking connection passed.
2019-08-20 09:00:19,091  [I] DB FLAVOR :MYSQL
2019-08-20 09:00:19,092  [I] --------- Verifying Ranger DB connection ---------
2019-08-20 09:00:19,092  [I] Checking connection..
geradmin' -p '********' -noheader -trim -c \; -query "SELECT version();"
Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary.
2019-08-20 09:00:19,660  [I] Checking connection passed.
Installation of Ranger PolicyManager Web Application is completed.

Indicates that the installation is complete.

4 . Start Ranger admin

#  Enter ews directory
cd ews 
# Start service
./ranger-admin-services.sh  start
/**  Under normal conditions, the following results occur:*/ 
Starting Apache Ranger Admin Service

Apache Ranger Admin Service with pid 236275 has started.

#  Check to see if it starts
ps -ef|grep ranger
netstat -lntp|grep 6080

After startup, you can log in and verify with the web. The default port is 6080, and the default user name and password are admin

Subsequent self verification is enough.

If a new component is added later, such as presto's plugin, after configuration, compile and start verification.

Reference article:



Keywords: Java Maven intellij-idea

Added by mcog_esteban on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:13:06 +0200