Reading and writing of use case parameterized ddt&&json file

Steps for ddt:

1,from ddt import ddt, data
2. Use @ ddt on the test class (@ is the syntax of the decorator. Don't delve into it. Just learn to use it now)
3. On the test case method, @ data, and pass in the test data
4. ddt will generate test cases according to the parameters passed in data (one test case will be generated for each parameter)
5. Define a parameter in the test method to receive the case data passed from data

import unittest
from ddt import ddt, data
class TestDemo(unittest.TestCase):
    @data(1, 22, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    def test_login(self, item):
        print('item:', item)
cases Is a list of all use case data, and each data in the list is a test case
cases = [
    {'params': {'username': "python3522"},
     "expected": {"code": 1, "msg": "Incorrect account or password"}
    {'params': {'username': "python3522"},
     "expected": {"code": 2, "msg": "Incorrect account or password"}
    {'params': {'username': "python3522"},
     "expected": {"code": 3, "msg": "Incorrect account or password"}
class TestDome(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_login(self, item):

json file

The difference between json format data and python data:
List in python: [] --- > is called Array in json
Dictionary in python: {key: value} ---- > is called object in json
Boolean value in python: true false ----- > Boolean value in json: true false
Null value in python: none ---- > Boolean value null in json
The quotation marks in json use double quotation marks uniformly

Conversion of data types in json and python
1,json.dumps: converting data from python to JSON data
2,json.loads: convert JSON data into data in python
3,json.load: load the JSON file and convert it to the data format corresponding to python
4,json.dump: write python data into JSON file (automatic conversion format)

import json

json data is in the form of string in python

The difference between json format data and python data:
List in python: [] --- > is called Array in json
Dictionary in python: {key: value} ---- > is called object in json
Boolean value in python: true false ----- > Boolean value in json: true false
Null value in python: none ---- > Boolean value null in json
The quotation marks in json use double quotation marks uniformly

Conversion of data types in json and python
1,json.dumps: converting data from python to JSON data
2,json.loads: convert JSON data into data in python
3,json.load: load the JSON file and convert it to the data format corresponding to python
4,json.dump: write python data into JSON file (automatic conversion format)

import json

json data

The difference between json format data and python data

List in python: [] --- > is called Array in json
Dictionary in python: {key: value} ---- > is called object in json
Boolean value in python: true false ----- > Boolean value in json: true false
Null value in python: none ---- > Boolean value null in json
The quotation marks in json use double quotation marks uniformly

Conversion of data types in json and python

1,json.dumps: converting data from python to JSON data
2,json.loads: convert JSON data into data in python
3,json.load: load the JSON file and convert it to the data format corresponding to python
4,json.dump: write python data into JSON file (automatic conversion format)

json data is in the form of string in python

1. Convert python data to corresponding json data
python data

li = [None, False, {'aa': True}]
res = json.dumps(li)
print(res, type(res))

2. Convert json data to data in python

jstr = '[null, false, {"aa": true}]'
res = json.loads(jstr)
print(res, type(res))

3. Load the json file and convert it to the data format corresponding to python

with open(r'C:\project\py41_class\py41_day16\data\test.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8')as f:
    res = json.load(f)


4. Write python data into json file (automatic conversion format)

data = {
    "name": "musen", "age": True, "sex": False, "price": None
with open(r'C:\project\py41_class\py41_day16\data\data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    json.dump(data, f)

Added by nec9716 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:23:17 +0200