Really explain the five Redis data structures


As a cached database, Redis currently has a large usage in the market. Most people use its string format storage in their work. For the rest of the data structure, it is rarely used. The basic data structure of Redis includes: string, hash, list, set, sorted set. These five data structures are often used in different scenarios in our work and are frequently asked during interviews, so mastering the use and scenarios of these five basic data structures is the most fundamental and important part of Redis knowledge.

1.5 Basic Data Structures

2. String String

2.1. Common operations

SET  key  value 			//Save string key-value pairs
MSET  key  value [key value ...] 	//Bulk Storage of String Key-Value Pairs
SETNX  key  value 		//Save a non-existent string key-value pair
GET  key 			//Gets a string key value
MGET  key  [key ...]	 	//Bulk Get String Key Values
DEL  key  [key ...] 		//Delete a key
EXPIRE  key  seconds 		//Set the expiration time of a key (seconds)
INCR  key 			//Add 1 to the number stored in the key
DECR  key 			//Reduce the number stored in the key by 1
INCRBY  key  increment 		//Add increment to the value stored by key
DECRBY  key  decrement 	//Subtract decrement from value stored in key

2.2. Application Scenarios

2.2.1, Single Value Cache (most commonly used)

2.2.2, Object Cache

Convert Object to json Storage

SET  user:1  value(json Format data)

Each field of the object is stored as available

MSET  user:1:name  zhuge   user:1:balance  1888

2.2.3, Distributed Lock

SETNX  product:10001  true 		//Return 1 for successful lock acquisition
SETNX  product:10001  true 		//Return 0 indicates failure to acquire lock
. . . Perform business operations
DEL  product:10001			//Execute Business Release Lock

SET product:10001 true  ex  10  nx //Set expiration time to prevent program accidental termination leading to deadlock

2.2.4, Counters

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Distributed System Global Sequence Number, which affects performance if each system uses a sequence number from redis, so each system can request N serial numbers in batches for use by the current system at a time, and continue to obtain them after use can improve performance

3. Hashash

3.1. Common Operations

HSET  key  field  value 			//Stores the key value of a hash table key
HSETNX  key  field  value 		//Stores a key value for a non-existent hash table key
HMSET  key  field  value [field value ...] 	//Storing multiple key-value pairs in a hash table key
HGET  key  field 				//Gets the field key value corresponding to the hash table key
HMGET  key  field  [field ...] 		//Bulk Get Multiple field key Values in Hash Table key
HDEL  key  field  [field ...] 		//Delete field key value in hash table key
HLEN  key				//Returns the number of field s in the hash table key
HGETALL  key				//Returns all the key values in the hash table key

HINCRBY  key  field  increment 		//Add increment to the value of the field key in the hash table key

3.2. Application Scenarios

3.2.1, Object Cache

3.2.2, E-commerce shopping cart

Add shopping cart operation with user id as key, commodity id as field, commodity quantity as value

HSET cart:1  10001 2   //User 1: Commodity 10001 Quantity 2
HSET cart:1  10002 1   //User 1: Commodity 10002 Quantity 1
HINCRBY cart:1 10001 1 //User 1: Commodity 10001 Quantity + 1
HINCRBY cart:1 10001 -2 //User 1: Commodity 10001 Quantity-2
HLEN cart:1  //Get the number of items in User 1 shopping cart
HGETALL cart:1  //Get User 1 shopping cart items and quantities
hdel cart:1 10001  //Delete User 1's 10001 Merchandise

1) Classification and integrated storage of similar data to facilitate data management
2) string consumes less memory than cpu
3) Save more space than string storage
Expired functionality cannot be used on field, it can only be used on key
Redis cluster architecture is not suitable for large-scale use (the same key will only fall on one of these machines after hash)

4. list

4.1. Common Operations

LPUSH  key  value [value ...] 		//Insert one or more value values into the header of the key list (leftmost)
RPUSH  key  value [value ...]	 	//Insert one or more value values at the end of the key list (rightmost)
LPOP  key			//Remove and return the header element of the key list
RPOP  key			//Remove and return the tail element of the key list
LRANGE  key  start  stop		//Returns the elements within a specified interval in the list key, specified by offsets start and stop
LINSERT key  BEFORE|AFTER pivot element  // Insert pivot before and after element element element element
LREM key count element  //Remove count > 0 from the list of elements equal to the parameter VALUE based on the value of the parameter COUNT: Search from the header to the tail, remove elements equal to the VALUE, number COUNT 
//Count < 0: Search the header from the end of the table, removing elements equal to VALUE, in absolute COUNT.
//count = 0: Remove all values in the table that are equal to VALUE.
BLPOP  key  [key ...]  timeout	//Pop up an element from the header of the key list. If there are no elements in the list, block the wait for timeout seconds. If timeout=0, block the wait all the time
BRPOP  key  [key ...]  timeout 	//Pop up an element from the end of the key list table. If there are no elements in the list, block waiting for timeout seconds. If timeout=0, block waiting all the time

4.2. Application Scenarios

Stack(Stack FILO) = LPUSH + LPOP  
Queue(queue FIFO)= LPUSH + RPOP
Blocking MQ(Blocking queue)= LPUSH + BRPOP

4.2.1 Weibo and WeChat Business Number Messages

As the public number in the picture above: I subscribed to Ali Yunyunqi (id10001), Xinhua (id10002), infoQ (id10003), etc.
1. First add 10001, 10002, 10003 to the msg:1 list, and the corresponding messages for each user

LPUSH sub:1 10001 10002 10003

LPUSH msg:10001 1 2 3
LPUSH msg:10002 4 5 6
LPUSH msg:10003 8 9 

2. At this time 10002 sends a message id: 11, first remove 10002 from the collection I subscribe to, then add 10002 first, and then 11 from the msg

LREM sub:1 0 10002
LPUSH sub:1 10002 
LPUSH msg:10002 11

5. Collection set

5.1 Common Operations

SADD  key  member  [member ...]			//Save an element in the collection key, ignore it if it exists, and create a new one if the key does not exist			
SREM  key  member  [member ...]			//Remove element from collection key
SMEMBERS  key					//Gets all the elements in the collection key
SCARD  key					//Gets the number of elements of the collection key
SISMEMBER  key  member			//Determine if member element exists in collection key
SRANDMEMBER  key  [count]			//Select count elements from the set key, and do not delete elements from the key
SPOP  key  [count]				//Select count elements from the set key, delete elements from the key

SINTER  key  [key ...] 				//intersect
SINTERSTORE  destination  key  [key ..]		//Save the intersection results in a new set destination
SUNION  key  [key ..] 				//Union operation
SUNIONSTORE  destination  key  [key ...]		//Save union results in a new set destination
SDIFF  key  [key ...] 				//Difference set operation
SDIFFSTORE  destination  key  [key ...]		//Save the difference result in a new set destination

5.2 Scenarios

5.2.1 Draw

  1. Participate in the Draw
SADD luck:1001 100001 //Add User 100001 to Participation Pool of Commodity 1001
  1. View all users participating in the lottery
SMEMBERS luck:1001
  1. Draw a winner
SPOP luck:1001 1

5.2.2 Microblog Comments, Collections, Labels

  • Give the thumbs-up
SADD like:1 1001
  • Cancel a favor
SREM like:1 1001
  • Check if the user has overrated
SISMEMBER  like:1 1001

5.2.3 Weibo Weixin Focus Model

Liu Haoran pays attention to: Zhang Jie, Liu Tao, Wang Baoqiang

SADD follow:lhr zj lt wbq

Zhang Jie pays attention to: Liu Haoran, Liu Tao, Wang Baoqiang, Wang Yuezheng, Xiena, Hu Ge

SADD follow:zj  lhr lt wbq wlz xl hg

Liu Tao pays attention to: Liu Haoran, Zhang Jie, Chen Yixun, Xu Song

SADD follow:lt  lhr zj cyx xs

Model 1: Shared focus
People that Liu Haoran and Zhang Jie pay attention to

SINTER follow:lhr follow:zj

Model 2: People I care about also have concerns
Liu Haoran's concerned people are also concerned about Hu Ge

SISMEMBER follow:zj hg
SISMEMBER follow:lt hg
SISMEMBER follow:wbq hg

Model 2: People who might be interested
When Liu Haoran visits Zhang Jie's homepage, he will recommend people who are interested. People who Zhang Jie cares about go and not in Liu Haoran's attention can be recommended.

SDIFF follow:zj  follow:lhr

5.2.4 Merchandise Screening on Shopping Sites

SADD  brand:huawei  P30  //p30 in Huawei Brand Collection
SADD  brand:xiaomi  mi-6X //mi-6X in Millet brand collection 
SADD  brand:iPhone iphone8 //iphone8 in Apple Brand Collection  
SADD os:android  P30  mi-6X  //P30 mi-6X in the Android Collection
SADD cpu:brand:intel  P30  mi-6X //P30 mi-6X in the cpu Intel collection
SADD ram:8G  P30  mi-6X  iphone8 //P30 mi-6X iphone8 in 8G memory collection

Find handsets with 8G of memory, Intel CPU and Android:

SINTER  os:android  cpu:brand:intel  ram:8G

6. Ordered set sorted

6.1 Common Operations

ZADD key score member [[score member]...]	//Add a score element to an ordered set key
ZREM key member [member ...]		//Delete element from ordered collection key
ZSCORE key member 			//Returns the score of an element member in an ordered set key
ZINCRBY key increment member		//Add increment to the score of the member of the element in the ordered set key 
ZCARD key				//Returns the number of elements in an ordered set key
ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]	//Get ordered set key s from start subscript to stop subscript elements in positive order
ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]	//Gets the elements of the ordered set key from the start subscript to the stop subscript in reverse order

ZUNIONSTORE destkey numkeys key [key ...] 	//Union calculation
ZINTERSTORE destkey numkeys key [key ...]	//Intersection calculation

6.2 Application Scenarios

6.2.1 microblog hot search list

Take daily hot search news as a collection, and when a user clicks on a topic that day, the score is + 1
Click News

ZINCRBY hotnews:20220201 1 dawmll //2022-02-01 Click Winter Olympics We're coming+1
ZINCRBY hotnews:20220201 1 gtljp //2022-02-01 Click on Gold Medals in Gao Tingyu+1
  • Show Top Ten of the Day
  • 2-day Search List Calculation
ZUNIONSTORE newhots 2 hotnews:20220201 hotnews:20220202 //Add the fractions of the same value from two or more together and place the result in newhots

  • Show 2nd Top Ten
ZREVRANGE newhots 0 10 //Remove the top 10 from the new set of statistics above


Tip: Here is a summary of the article:
Through this article, you have a better understanding of the five Redis data structures, including the use in real-world scenarios. We hope to help you solve the problems in your work, and we will update the Redis architecture related articles in the future.
Thank you for your interest

Keywords: Redis data structure Cache hash

Added by MatrixGL on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 20:35:22 +0200