Redis 1 Master 2 Slave 3 sentinel Construction

Redis Master-slave + sentinel installation

Pre-installation preparation

1. Machine preparation 5 sets

1 master node, 1 slave node

The other three install one sentinel

2. Installation package preparation, version 3.2.9

3. Installation environment

Check by command gcc-v that the following command was not executed to install GCC

          yum install gcc

4. Prepare gcc environment-related packages if you do not support the installation of the yum command


After placing the package in the same folder, execute the following commands for installation

rpm -Uvh *.rpm --nodeps –force

Check GCC version gcc-v

II. Installation process

1. Unzip redis installation package

cd /opt
tar -zxf redis-3.2.9.tar.gz

Compile and install

cd /opt/redis
make && make install



If the above problem occurs, the command make MALLOC=libc needs to be executed

Then enter the directory cd/src to execute the following commands

          make install

3. Modify the configuration file redis.conf after the two machines are installed in accordance with the above steps

          cd /opt/redis/

          vi redis.conf

The master redis_6379.conf configuration file needs to be modified as follows:

port 6379 #port
requirepass "myredis" #Password
daemonize yes #Daemon process
logfile "logs/redis_6379.log" #Log Path
dbfilename "dump.rdb" #rdb file
dir "/opt/redis file name" #working directory
masterauth "myredis"
pidfile "/var/run/"
appendonly yes

The slave-1 redis_6379.conf configuration file needs to be modified as follows:

port 6379 #port
bind #local ip
requirepass "myredis" #Password
daemonize yes #Daemon process
logfile "logs/redis_6379.log" #Log Path
dbfilename "dump_6379.rdb" #rdb file
dir "/opt/redis file name" #working directory
masterauth "myredis" #After the master node configures the password, the slave node must be matched
pidfile "/var/run/"
slaveof masterIP port  #Slave node configuration
appendonly yes

The slave-2 redis_6380.conf configuration file needs to be modified as follows:

port 6380 #port
bind #local ip
requirepass "myredis" #Password
daemonize yes #Daemon process
logfile "logs/redis_6380.log" #Log Path
dbfilename "dump_6380.rdb" #rdb file
dir "/opt/redis file name" #working directory
masterauth "myredis" #After the master node configures the password, the slave node must be matched
pidfile "/var/run/"
slaveof masterIP port  #Slave node configuration
appendonly yes

After configuring, you need to create a logs file mkdir logs or start it up with an error

3. Start-up verification

Start redis

/opt/redis/src/redis-server redis_6379.conf

/opt/redis/src/redis-server redis_6379.conf

/opt/redis/src/redis-server redis_6380.conf

Link redis

/opt/redis/src/redis-cli -p 6379 -a myredis

Setting Values

set name zhangsan

get name

        if value is zhangsan true or false

Sentinel Installation

1. Perform the above redis installation steps on three machines

The directory where sentinel installs redis is / opt/server/redis

2. Configure sentinel configuration file after three machines have installed redis separately

           cd /opt/redis

           vi sentinel       

port 63791 #port
daemonize yes #Daemon process
logfile "/var/log/sentinel_63791.log" #log file
protected-mode no
dir "/opt/redis-4.0.11" #working directory
sentinel monitor mymaster masterIP 2
#If the redis data master node is authenticated, the following configuration is required
sentinel auth-pass mymaster Password #Password authentication
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 30000
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000

Except for inconsistent port numbers, the three sentinel.conf configuration files are 63791, 63792 and 63793, all of which are the same.

3. Start three sentinel s by executing the following commands

/opt/server/redis/src/redis-sentinel sentinel.conf

Sentinel verification

        /opt/server/redis/src/redis-cli –p 63791

info sentinel view sentinel status


So far, redis is built from three sentinel s.


Keywords: Redis yum RPM

Added by Silver_Eclipse on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:26:11 +0300