Learning notes on Redis underlying integer set (intset). This data type is relatively simple. The main knowledge points are the upgrading of set elements, the search and insertion of elements. In the implementation of element search, the binary search algorithm is used. If you want to learn the implementation of Redis binary search, you can pull down, and the code is in the second part (intsetSearch). In the general search implementation, the binary search algorithm will be directly used to search the entire ordered container, and Redis's method is to judge whether the searched elements fall outside the container index range, and if they fall outside the range, they will directly return to the container header The (tail) index can be used for subsequent operations. Only when the index falls within the container index range, the binary search algorithm is used to find the element position (or the position where the element needs to be inserted).
1, intset definition
encoding: element code type, indicating that the element is of int16, int32 and int64 types respectivelytypedef struct intset { uint32_t encoding; uint32_t length; int8_t contents[]; } intset; intset *intsetNew(void); intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success); intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, int *success); uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value); int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is); uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value); uint32_t intsetLen(intset *is); size_t intsetBlobLen(intset *is);
#define INTSET_ENC_INT16 (sizeof(int16_t))
#define INTSET_ENC_INT32 (sizeof(int32_t))
#define INTSET_ENC_INT64 (sizeof(int64_t))
contents: container for storing elements.
Although int8 is used_ T to define the container, but the element type stored in the container is specified by encoding.
Collection upgrade: when inserting a new element, if the length of the element is greater than the length of the element in the container, the collection will first upgrade all elements to the type of the new element, then expand the collection, and then insert. For example, if the container originally stored an element set of int32 and a new element of int64 is inserted later, all elements in the original set will be upgraded to int64, the container will be expanded to: (length+1)*sizeof(int64), and then the new element will be inserted into the new container.
2, Source code observation and learning
/* Note that these encodings are ordered, so: * INTSET_ENC_INT16 < INTSET_ENC_INT32 < INTSET_ENC_INT64. */ #define INTSET_ENC_INT16 (sizeof(int16_t)) #define INTSET_ENC_INT32 (sizeof(int32_t)) #define INTSET_ENC_INT64 (sizeof(int64_t)) /* Return the required encoding for the provided value. */ static uint8_t _intsetValueEncoding(int64_t v) { if (v < INT32_MIN || v > INT32_MAX) return INTSET_ENC_INT64; else if (v < INT16_MIN || v > INT16_MAX) return INTSET_ENC_INT32; else return INTSET_ENC_INT16; } /* Return the value at pos, given an encoding. */ static int64_t _intsetGetEncoded(intset *is, int pos, uint8_t enc) { int64_t v64; int32_t v32; int16_t v16; if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT64) { memcpy(&v64,((int64_t*)is->contents)+pos,sizeof(v64)); memrev64ifbe(&v64); return v64; } else if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { memcpy(&v32,((int32_t*)is->contents)+pos,sizeof(v32)); memrev32ifbe(&v32); return v32; } else { memcpy(&v16,((int16_t*)is->contents)+pos,sizeof(v16)); memrev16ifbe(&v16); return v16; } } /* Return the value at pos, using the configured encoding. */ static int64_t _intsetGet(intset *is, int pos) { return _intsetGetEncoded(is,pos,intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)); } /* Set the value at pos, using the configured encoding. */ static void _intsetSet(intset *is, int pos, int64_t value) { uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) { ((int64_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value; memrev64ifbe(((int64_t*)is->contents)+pos); } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { ((int32_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value; memrev32ifbe(((int32_t*)is->contents)+pos); } else { ((int16_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value; memrev16ifbe(((int16_t*)is->contents)+pos); } } /* Create an empty intset. */ intset *intsetNew(void) { intset *is = zmalloc(sizeof(intset)); is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(INTSET_ENC_INT16); is->length = 0; return is; } /* Resize the intset */ static intset *intsetResize(intset *is, uint32_t len) { uint32_t size = len*intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); is = zrealloc(is,sizeof(intset)+size); return is; } /* Search for the position of "value". Return 1 when the value was found and * sets "pos" to the position of the value within the intset. Return 0 when * the value is not present in the intset and sets "pos" to the position * where "value" can be inserted. */ static uint8_t intsetSearch(intset *is, int64_t value, uint32_t *pos) { int min = 0, max = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-1, mid = -1; int64_t cur = -1; /* The value can never be found when the set is empty */ if (intrev32ifbe(is->length) == 0) { if (pos) *pos = 0; return 0; } else { /* Check for the case where we know we cannot find the value, * but do know the insert position. */ if (value > _intsetGet(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)-1)) { if (pos) *pos = intrev32ifbe(is->length); return 0; } else if (value < _intsetGet(is,0)) { if (pos) *pos = 0; return 0; } } while(max >= min) { mid = ((unsigned int)min + (unsigned int)max) >> 1; cur = _intsetGet(is,mid); if (value > cur) { min = mid+1; } else if (value < cur) { max = mid-1; } else { break; } } if (value == cur) { if (pos) *pos = mid; return 1; } else { if (pos) *pos = min; return 0; } } /* Upgrades the intset to a larger encoding and inserts the given integer. */ static intset *intsetUpgradeAndAdd(intset *is, int64_t value) { uint8_t curenc = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); uint8_t newenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); int length = intrev32ifbe(is->length); int prepend = value < 0 ? 1 : 0; /* First set new encoding and resize */ is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(newenc); is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); /* Upgrade back-to-front so we don't overwrite values. * Note that the "prepend" variable is used to make sure we have an empty * space at either the beginning or the end of the intset. */ while(length--) _intsetSet(is,length+prepend,_intsetGetEncoded(is,length,curenc)); /* Set the value at the beginning or the end. */ if (prepend) _intsetSet(is,0,value); else _intsetSet(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length),value); is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); return is; } static void intsetMoveTail(intset *is, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) { void *src, *dst; uint32_t bytes = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-from; uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) { src = (int64_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int64_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int64_t); } else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) { src = (int32_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int32_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int32_t); } else { src = (int16_t*)is->contents+from; dst = (int16_t*)is->contents+to; bytes *= sizeof(int16_t); } memmove(dst,src,bytes); } /* Insert an integer in the intset */ intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); uint32_t pos; if (success) *success = 1; /* Upgrade encoding if necessary. If we need to upgrade, we know that * this value should be either appended (if > 0) or prepended (if < 0), * because it lies outside the range of existing values. */ if (valenc > intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)) { /* This always succeeds, so we don't need to curry *success. */ return intsetUpgradeAndAdd(is,value); } else { /* Abort if the value is already present in the set. * This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert * the value when it cannot be found. */ if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) { if (success) *success = 0; return is; } is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+1); } _intsetSet(is,pos,value); is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+1); return is; } /* Delete integer from intset */ intset *intsetRemove(intset *is, int64_t value, int *success) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); uint32_t pos; if (success) *success = 0; if (valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) { uint32_t len = intrev32ifbe(is->length); /* We know we can delete */ if (success) *success = 1; /* Overwrite value with tail and update length */ if (pos < (len-1)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos+1,pos); is = intsetResize(is,len-1); is->length = intrev32ifbe(len-1); } return is; } /* Determine whether a value belongs to this set */ uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value) { uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value); return valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,NULL); } /* Return random member */ int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is) { return _intsetGet(is,rand()%intrev32ifbe(is->length)); } /* Sets the value to the value at the given position. When this position is * out of range the function returns 0, when in range it returns 1. */ uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value) { if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) { *value = _intsetGet(is,pos); return 1; } return 0; } /* Return intset length */ uint32_t intsetLen(intset *is) { return intrev32ifbe(is->length); } /* Return intset blob size in bytes. */ size_t intsetBlobLen(intset *is) { return sizeof(intset)+intrev32ifbe(is->length)*intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); }
The intset type is mainly used for one of the underlying implementations of Redis set keys. When the elements of the set are integers and the number of elements is small, Redis will use the intset as the underlying implementation of the set keys.