Reducing Redis Memory Occupancy

1. Advantages of reducing redis memory usage

1. Help reduce the time required to create and load snapshots

2. Improving the efficiency of loading and rewriting AOF files

3. Shorten the time required to synchronize from the server

4. Allowing redis to store more data without adding additional hardware

2. Short structure

Redis provides a set of configuration options for lists, collections, hashes, and ordered collections that allow redis to store shorter structures in a more economical way.

2.1, ziplist compressed list (list, hash, sequel and)

Normally used storage

When lists, hashes, ordered sets are short in length or small in size, redis will use a compact storage method called ziplist to store these structures.

ziplist is an unstructured representation of three different types of objects: list, hash and ordered set. It stores data in a serialized way. The serialized data need to be decoded every time it is read and coded every time it is written.

Differences between bi-directional lists and compressed lists:

In order to understand that compressed lists save more memory than other data structures, we take the list structure as an example for in-depth study.

Typical bi-directional lists

In a typical two-way list, each value has a node representation. Each node will have a pointer to the previous node and the latter node of the list, as well as a pointer to the string value contained in the node.

Each node contains string values that are stored in three parts. Includes the length of the string, the number of bytes remaining in the string value, and the string itself ending with empty characters.


If a node stores an'abc'string, conservatively estimates the additional overhead of 21 bytes on a 32-bit platform (three pointers + two int + null characters: 3*4 + 2*4 + 1 = 21)

An example shows that storing a 3-byte string requires at least 21 bytes of additional overhead.


Compressed lists are sequences of nodes, each containing two lengths and a string. The first length records the length of the previous node (used to traverse the compressed list backwards and forwards); the second is the length of the current point of the record book; and the stored string.


The storage string'abc', both lengths can be stored in 1 byte, resulting in an additional overhead of 2 bytes (two lengths, i.e. 1 + 1 = 2)


Compressed lists reduce additional overhead by avoiding storing additional pointers and metadata.


1 #list
2 list-max-ziplist-entries 512  #Represents the maximum number of elements allowed to be included
3 list-max-ziplist-value 64    #Represents the maximum allowable storage volume for compressed nodes
4 #hash                  #When any limit is exceeded, ziplist storage will not be used
5 hash-max-ziplist-entries 512
6 hash-max-ziplist-value 64
7 #zset
8 zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
9 zset-max-ziplist-value 64

Test list:

1. Establishing test.php file

1 #test.php
2 <?php
3 $redis=new Redis();
4 $redis->connect('','6379');
5 for ($i=0; $i<512  ; $i++) 
6 { 
7     $redis->lpush('test-list',$i.'-test-list');  #to test-list Push in 512 data
8 }
9 ?>


There are 512 pieces of data in the test-list at this time, which does not exceed the limit in the configuration file.

2. Push another data into the test-list

At this time, test-list contains 513 pieces of data, which is larger than 512 pieces Limited in configuration file. The index will abandon ziplist storage mode and adopt its original linkedlist storage mode.

Hashing is the same as ordered sets.

2.2, intset integer set (set)

The precondition is that all member s contained in a set can be resolved into decimal integers.

Storing collections in an ordered array can not only reduce memory consumption, but also improve the execution speed of collections operations.


1 set-max-intset-entries  512   #Limited set member Number, no more than intset storage



Establish test.php file

1 #test.php
2 <?php
3 $redis=new Redis();
4 $redis->connect('','6379');
5 for ($i=0; $i<512  ; $i++) 
6 { 
7     $redis->sadd('test-set',$i);   #Give Set test-set Insert 512 member
8 }
9 ?>

2.3. Performance issues

Despite lists, hashes, ordered sets, and collections, when the restrictions are exceeded, they will be converted to more typical underlying structure types. Because as the size of compact structures increases, the speed of operating these structures will become slower and slower.


# list will be used for representative testing

Test ideas:

1. Push 50,000 pieces of data into the test-list under the default configuration to see the time needed; then use rpoplpush to push all the test-list data into the new list-new to see the time needed

2. Modify the configuration, list-max-ziplist-entries 100000, and then perform the same operation as above.

3. Contrast the time and draw a conclusion

Testing under default configuration:

1. Insert data and view time

 1 #test1.php
 2 <?php
 3 header("content-type: text/html;charset=utf8;");
 4 $redis=new Redis();
 5 $redis->connect('','6379');
 6 $start=time();
 7 for ($i=0; $i<50000  ; $i++) 
 8 { 
 9     $redis->lpush('test-list',$i.'-aaaassssssddddddkkk');
10 }
11 $end=time();
12 echo "The insertion time is:".($end-$start).'s';
13 ?>


The result took four seconds

2. Executing the corresponding commands and viewing time-consuming

 1 #test2.php
 2 <?php
 3 header("content-type: text/html;charset=utf8;");
 4 $redis=new Redis();
 5 $redis->connect('','6379');
 6 $start=time();
 7 $num=0;
 8 while($redis->rpoplpush('test-list','test-new'))
 9 {
10     $num+=1;
11 }
12 echo 'The number of executions is:'.$num."<br/>";
13 $end=time();
14 echo "Time-consuming:".($end-$start).'s';
15 ?>

Change the test under the configuration file

1. Modify the configuration file first

list-max-ziplist-entries 100000 # Modify this value a little larger to better highlight the impact on Performance

list-max-ziplist-value 64 # This value is unchanged

2. Insert data

Execute test1.php

The result is that it takes 12 seconds.


3. Executing the corresponding commands and viewing time-consuming

Execute test2.php

The results were as follows: execution times: 50,000, time-consuming 12 seconds.


In this machine, there is a difference of 8 seconds when 50,000 data are tested. In the case of high concurrency, long compressed lists and large integer sets will not have any optimization, but will reduce performance.


3. Sheet structure

The essence of fragmentation is to divide the data into smaller parts based on simple rules, and then decide where to send the data according to the part to which the data belongs. Many databases use this technology to expand storage space and increase the amount of load they can handle.

Considering the previous discussion, it is not difficult to find the importance of fragmentation structure for redis. So we need to make appropriate adjustments in the configuration file about ziplist and intset.

3.1. Piecewise hashing



 1 <?php
 2 class ShardHash
 3 {
 4     private $redis='';  #storage redis object
 5     /**
 6     * @desc Constructor
 7     * 
 8     * @param $host string | redis Host
 9     * @param $port int    | port
10     */
11     public function __construct($host,$port=6379)
12     {
13         $this->redis=new Redis();
14         $this->redis->connect($host,$port);
15     } 
17     /**
18     * @desc Calculate the slice ID of a key
19     *
20     * @param $base  string | Base hash
21     * @param $key   string | Key names to be stored in a fragmented hash
22     * @param $total int    | Estimated total number of non-digital fragments
23     * 
24     * @return string | Return the splitting key
25     */
26     public function shardKey ($base,$key,$total)
27     {
28         if(is_numeric($key))
29         {
30             $shard_id=decbin(substr(bindec($key),0,5));  #take $key Binary high five decimal values
31         }
32         else
33         {
34             $shard_id=crc32($key)%$shards;  #Finding Remainder Module
35         }
36         return $base.'_'.$shard_id;
37     }
39     /**
40     * @desc Fragmented hash hset operation
41     *
42     * @param $base  string | Base hash
43     * @param $key   string | Key names to be stored in a fragmented hash
44     * @param $total int    | Total number of predicted elements
45     * @param $value string/int | value
46     *
47     * @return bool | Is hset successful
48     */
49     public function shardHset($base,$key,$total,$value)
50     {
51         $shardKey=$this->shardKey($base,$key,$total);
52         return $this->redis->hset($shardKey,$key,$value);
53     }
55     /**
56     * @desc Fragmented hash hget operation
57     *
58     * @param $base  string | Base hash
59     * @param $key   string | Key names to be stored in a fragmented hash
60     * @param $total int    | Total number of predicted elements
61     *
62     * @return string/false | Successful return of value
63     */
64     public function shardHget($base,$key,$total)
65     {
66         $shardKey=$this->shardKey($base,$key,$total);
67         return $this->redis->hget($shardKey,$key);
68     }
70 } 
72 $obj=new ShardHash('');
73 echo $obj->shardHget('hash-','key',500);
74 ?>

Hash splitting calculates the splitting key ID based on the base key and the key contained in the hash, and then splices it with the base key to form a complete splitting key. In the execution of hset and hget and most hash commands, key (field) needs to be processed by shardKey method before the next operation can be carried out.

3.2. Piecewise Sets

How to construct a fragmented collection to save more memory and make it more powerful? The main idea is to convert the data stored in the collection into decimal data as far as possible without changing its original function. As mentioned earlier, when all members of a collection can be parsed into decimal data, intset storage will be used, which not only saves memory, but also improves response performance.


If you want a large website, you need to store the unique user visits every day. Then the unique identifier of the user can be converted into decimal digits and stored in a fragmented set.


 1 <?php
 2 class ShardSet
 3 {
 4     private $redis='';  #storage redis object
 5     /**
 6     * @desc Constructor
 7     * 
 8     * @param $host string | redis Host
 9     * @param $port int    | port
10     */
11     public function __construct($host,$port=6379)
12     {
13         $this->redis=new Redis();
14         $this->redis->connect($host,$port);
15     } 
17     /**
18     * @desc Calculate the splitting keys based on the base keys and hashed included keys
19     *
20     * @param $base  string | Base hash
21     * @param $key   string | Key names to be stored in a fragmented hash
22     * @param $total int    | Estimated total number of fragments
23     * 
24     * @return string | Return the splitting key
25     */
26     public function shardKey ($base,$member,$total=512)
27     {
28         $shard_id=crc32($member)%$shards;  #Finding Remainder Module
29         return $base.'_'.$shard_id;
30     }
32     /**
33     * @desc Calculating the Daily Access of Unique Users
34     * 
35     * @param $member int | User Unique Identifier
36     *
37     * @return string | ok Represents count plus 1 false to indicate that the user has accessed no more than 1 today
38     */
39     public function count($member)
40     {
41         $shardKey=$this->shardKey('count',$member,$total=10);  #$totla Make it smaller for testing
42         $exists=$this->redis->sismember($shardKey,$member); 
43         if(!$exists)   #judge member Have you visited today?
44         {
45             $this->redis->sadd($shardKey,$member);
46             $this->redis->incr('count');
47             $ttl1=$this->redis->ttl('count');
48             if($ttl1===-1)
49                 $this->redis->expireat('count',strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))); #Set expiration time
50             $ttl2=$this->redis->ttl($shardKey);
51             if($ttl2===-1)
52             {
53                 $this->redis->expireat("$shardKey",strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))); #Set expiration time
54                 #echo $shardKey;  #Test usage
55             }
56             #echo $shardKey;    #Test usage
57             return 'ok';
58         }
59         return 'false';
60     }
63 }
67 $str=substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 8);   #Remove the top eight
68 #take $str Unique identifier for customers
69 $str=hexdec($str);      #Converting hexadecimal to decimal
70 $obj=new ShardSet('');
71 $obj->count($str);
73 ?>



4. Packing information into storage bytes

Combining with the previous fragmentation technology, string fragmentation structure is adopted to store information for a large number of continuous ID users.

A fixed-length string is used to allocate n bytes for each ID to store the corresponding information.

Next, we will use the examples of storage user countries and provinces to illustrate:

If a user needs to store the information of China and Guangdong Province and use utf8 character set, it will consume at least 5*3=15 bytes. If the number of users of the website is large, it will take up a lot of resources. Next, we adopt the method that each user only needs two bytes to complete the storage of information.

Specific ideas and steps:

1. First of all, we set up corresponding information forms for the information of the country and the provinces in each country.

2. The establishment of the Information Form also means that each country and province has its corresponding index number.

3. Looking at this, you should all think of it. That is to say, two indexes are used as information stored by users. However, it should be noted that we still need to deal with these two indexes accordingly.

4. Treat index as ASCII code and convert it to corresponding characters specified by ASCII (0-255)

5. Find out the storage location of users by using the fragmentation technology mentioned above and the fixed-length fragmentation string structure (a string in redis can not exceed 512M)

6. Implementing the write-in and take-out of information (getrange, setrange)

Implementation code:


  1 <?php
  2 #Packed storage bytes
  3 #Storing User Country and Provincial Information
  4 class PackBytes
  5 {
  6     private $redis='';  #storage redis object
  7     /**
  8     * @desc Constructor
  9     * 
 10     * @param $host string | redis Host
 11     * @param $port int    | port
 12     */
 13     public function __construct($host,$port=6379)
 14     {
 15         $this->redis=new Redis();
 16         $this->redis->connect($host,$port);
 17     } 
 19     /**
 20     * @desc  Processing and caching national provincial data
 21     * @param $countries string | Type I data, country string
 22     * @param $provinces Two-dimensional array | Category II data, provincial arrays
 23     * @param $cache 1/0    | Whether to use caching, default 0 does not use
 24     *
 25     * @return array | Return total data
 26     */
 27     public function dealData($countries,$provinces,$cache=0)
 28     {
 29         if($cache)
 30         {
 31             $result=$this->redis->get('cache_data');
 32             if($result)
 33                 return unserialize($result);
 34         }
 35         $arr=explode(' ',$countries);
 36         $areaArr[]=$arr;
 37         $areaArr[]=$provinces;
 38         $cache_data=serialize($areaArr);
 39         $this->redis->set('cache_data',$cache_data);
 40         return $areaArr;
 41     }
 43     /**
 44     * @desc Converting Specific Information into Coded Information by Table Index
 45     * 
 46     * @param $countries,$provinces,$cache| Reference to dealData method
 47     * @param $country  string             | Specific information - country
 48     * @param $province   string           | Specific Information - Provinces
 49     *
 50     * @return string | Returns the encoding information of the transformation
 51     */
 52     public function getCode($countries,$provinces,$country,$province,$cache=0)
 53     {
 54         $dataArr=$this->dealData($countries,$provinces,$cache=0);
 56         $result=array_search($country, $dataArr[0]);  #Find if the array contains data1
 57         if($result===false)         #Judgment of existence
 58             return chr(0).chr(0);   #Returns the initial value if nonexistent
 59         $code=chr($result);
 60         $result=array_search($province, $dataArr[1][$country]);  #Find if the array contains data2
 61         if($result===false)
 62             return $code.chr(0);
 63         return $code.chr($result);      #Return correspondence ASCII(0~255)Characters specified 
 64     }
 66     /**
 67     * @desc Calculating the Relevant Location Information of the Coded Data Stored by the User
 68     * 
 69     * @param $userID int | User ID
 70     *
 71     * @return array | Returns an array containing the fragmented ID when the data is stored, and the storage location (offset) that belongs to the user.
 72     */
 73     public function savePosition($userID)
 74     {
 75         $shardSize=pow(2, 3);      #Size of each fragment
 76         $position=$userID*2;        #user Ranking
 77         $arr['shardID']=floor($position/$shardSize);   #Fragmentation ID
 78         $arr['offset']=$position%$shardSize;      #Offset
 79         return $arr;
 80     }
 82     /**
 83     * @desc | Integration method to store coded information in the corresponding position of string in redis
 84     *
 85     * @param $userID int           | User ID
 86     * @param $countries string     | Type I data, country string
 87     * @param $provinces Two-dimensional array | Category II data, provincial arrays
 88     * @param $country  string             | Specific information - country
 89     * @param $province   string           | Specific Information - Provinces
 90     * @param $cache 1/0            | Whether to use caching, default 0 does not use
 91     *
 92     * @return Successful return to write location/failed false
 93     */
 94     public function saveCode($userID,$countries,$provinces,$country,$province,$cache=0)
 95     {
 96         $code=$this->getCode($countries,$provinces,$country,$province,$cache=0);
 97         $arr=$this->savePosition($userID);  #Storage of relevant location information
 98         return $this->redis->setrange('save_code_'.$arr['shardID'],$arr['offset'],$code);
 99     }
101     /**
102     * @desc Access to user-specific country and province information
103     *
104     * @param $userID int | User ID
105     *
106     * @return array | Returns an array of country and province information
107     */
108     public function getMessage($userID)
109     {
110         $position=$this->savePosition($userID);
111         $code=$this->redis->getrange('save_code_'.$position['shardID'],$position['offset'],$position['offset']+1);
112         $arr=str_split($code);
113         $areaArr=$this->dealData('', '',$cache=1);  #Using cached data
114         $message['country']=$areaArr[0][ord($arr[0])];
115         $message['province']=$areaArr[1][$message['country']][ord($arr[1])];
116         return $message;
117     }
119 }
121 header("content-type: text/html;charset=utf8;");
122 $countries="No China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Russia, Pakistan, USA";
123 $provinces=array(
124         'nothing'=>array('nothing'),
125         'China'=>array('nothing','Guangdong','Hunan','Hubei','Guangxi','Yunnan','Hunan','Hebei'),
126         'Japan'=>array('nothing','Tortoise Sunzi District','Wangba District','Ghost District of Japan','Guizi District','Radish head area'),
127     );
128 $obj=new PackBytes('');
129 /*
130 #Data processing and caching in redis
131 $b=$obj->dealData($countries,$provinces);
132 echo "<pre>";
133 print_r($b);
134 echo "</pre>";die;  
135 */
136 /*
137 #Storage of user's national and provincial information
138 $country='China';
139 $province='Guangdong';
140 $result=$obj->saveCode(0,$countries,$provinces,$country,$province);
141 echo "<pre>";
142 print_r($result);
143 echo "</pre>";
144 */
145 /*
146 #Extract user country provincial information
147 $a=$obj->getMessage(15);
148 echo "<pre>";
149 print_r($a);
150 echo "</pre>";die;
151 */
153 ?>



1. The information processed by dealData is information table table.


userID Country Province
0 China Guangdong
13 Japan Tortoise Sunzi District
15 Japan Wangba District





Reference Books:

Redis Actual Warfare by Josiah Carlson

Translated by Huang Jianhong

(The above are some of my own opinions. If there are any shortcomings or mistakes, please point them out.)

Authors: A leaf follows the wind

Disclaimer: This blog article is original and only represents the views or conclusions I summarized at a certain time in my work and study. When reprinting, please give a link to the original text in a clear place on the article page.

Keywords: PHP Redis ascii encoding

Added by breath18 on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 21:56:30 +0300