RxJava (Responsive Function Programming) First Experience

Responsive Function Programming_RxJava & RxAndroid

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1. Purpose:
Asynchronous operation
You can still keep the logic of your code concise in cases where the logic of your program is exceptionally complex

Configuration: Add dependencies:
    compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.1.3'
    compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.1.0'
If used in conjunction with Retrofit, the following dependencies need to be added
     compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.1'
     compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.0.1'
     compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava:2.0.1'

2. Basic concepts:

    (1) Observed: Observable
       Role: Determines when and how events will be triggered
       Create method:
          Observable.just(T...) parameter is single
          Observable.from(T[])/Observable.from(Iterable<? Extends T>) parameter is an array or Iterable  
    (2) Observer
        Role: What happens when an event triggers
        The implementation class has Observer / Subscriber
    (3) Subscription: subscribe
        Role: Associate Observable with Observer
    (4) Events:
            onNext(): Common events
            onCompleted(): End of event queue
            onError(): Event queue exception
      It is important to note that onCompleted() and onError() are mutually exclusive. Calling one of them should not trigger the other.

3. Cases:

Case 1:
     There is an existing array String[] arr ={"afdsa", "bfdsa", "cfda"}, find the string that starts with the letter "a" and add "from Alpha", and print out the length of the new string
     private void simpleDemo() {
          String[] arr = {"afdsa", "bfdsa", "cfda"};
          //Method 2:
                   .filter(new Func1<String, Boolean>() {
                      public Boolean call(String s) {
                       return s.startsWith("a");
                    .map(new Func1<String, String>() {
                            public String call(String s) {
                                return s + " from Alpha";
                     .subscribe(new Action1<String>() {
                          public void call(String s) {
                      System.out.println("Rxjava:" + s.length());
            //Method 1:
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    String temp = arr[i];
                    if (temp.startsWith("a")) {
                        temp += " from Alpha";
                   System.out.println("Normal:" + temp.length());

Case 2:
      Pictures are taken from a specified drawable file id and displayed in the ImageView, and Toast errors are printed when an exception occurs:
private void simpleDemo() {
     final int drawID = R.mipmap.ic_launcher;
            .create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Drawable>() {
             public void call(Subscriber<? super Drawable> subscriber) {
          Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(drawID);
              .subscribe(new Observer<Drawable>() {
                        public void onCompleted() {


                        public void onError(Throwable e) {
   Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                        public void onNext(Drawable drawable) {



Role: Controls the thread. Specifies in which thread a piece of code runs.
Built-in Scheduler:
   *Schedulers.immediate(): Runs directly on the current thread, equivalent to not specifying a thread.This is the default Scheduler.
   *Schedulers.newThread(): Always enable new threads and perform operations on them.
   *Schedulers.io(): Scheduler used for I/O operations (reading and writing files, reading and writing databases, network information exchange, etc.).The behavior pattern is similar to newThread(), except that the internal implementation of IO () uses an infinite number of upper-bound thread pools and can reuse idle threads, so in most cases IO () is more efficient than newThread().Don't put your calculations in io(), you can avoid creating unnecessary threads.
    *Schedulers.computation(): The Scheduler used for the calculation.This calculation refers to CPU-intensive computing, operations that are not limited by operations such as I/O, such as graphical computing.This Scheduler uses a fixed thread pool of CPU cores.Do not place I/O operations in computation (), otherwise the wait time for I/O operations will waste CPU.
    *Android Schedulers.mainThread(): Android-specific, which specifies that the operation will be run on the Android main thread.

 Specify the thread's method:
     Observable.subscribeOn(): Specifies the thread on which subscribe() occurs, that is, the thread on which Observable.OnSubscribe is activated.Or thread called event generation
     Observable.observeOn(): Specifies the thread on which Subscriber is running.Or a thread called event consumption.

5. Data transformation:
Role: is to process the object or the whole sequence of events into different events or sequence of events

Observable.map: one-to-one transformation
     private void simpleDemo() {
                        .map(new Func1<Integer, Drawable>() {
                     public Drawable call(Integer integer) {
                      return getResources().getDrawable(integer);
                        .subscribe(new Action1<Drawable>() {
                         public void call(Drawable drawable) {
Observable.flatMap: One-to-many conversion
      public class Course {
                private String name;
                private int id;

                public Course(String name, int id) {
                    this.name = name;
                    this.id = id;

                public String getName() {
                    return name;

                public void setName(String name) {
                    this.name = name;

                public int getId() {
                    return id;

                public void setId(int id) {
                    this.id = id;
    public class Student {
                private String name;

                private ArrayList<Course> courses;

         public Student(String name, ArrayList<Course> courses) {
                    this.name = name;
                    this.courses = courses;

                public String getName() {
                    return name;

                public void setName(String name) {
                    this.name = name;

               public ArrayList<Course> getCourses() {
                    return courses;

              public void setCourses(ArrayList<Course> courses) {
                    this.courses = courses;
    private void student() {

                Course yuwen = new Course("Chinese", 1);
                Course shuxue = new Course("Mathematics", 2);
                Course yingyu = new Course("English", 3);
                Course lishi = new Course("History", 4);
                Course zhengzhi = new Course("Politics", 5);
                Course xila = new Course("Greek", 6);

                ArrayList<Course> course1 = new ArrayList<>();
             Student zhangsan = new Student("zhangsan", course1);

              .flatMap(new Func1<Student, Observable<Course>>() {
                public Observable<Course> call(Student student) {
               return Observable.from(student.getCourses());
                .subscribe(new Action1<Course>() {
                    public void call(Course course) {

6. Use with Retrofit

 Add dependencies:
        compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.1'
        compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.0.1'
        compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava:2.0.1'

utilize http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/ Create a data model
Create the REST API interface. Note that the return is not Call, but Observable.Example code:

public interface LocationInterface {
 // http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=
 public Observable<Location> getLocation(@Query("ip") String ip);

    Create a Retrofit object and make a request. Note that Retrofit needs to add the addCallAdapterFactory at this point. Sample code:
  Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

         LocationInterface locationInterface = retrofit.create(LocationInterface.class);
         Observable<Location> location = locationInterface.getLocation("");
             .map(new Func1<Location, String>() {
                 public String call(Location location) {
                    return location.getData().getCountry();
                    .subscribe(new Action1<String>() {
                        public void call(String s) {

Keywords: Retrofit Android github PHP

Added by ekalath on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 19:33:38 +0300