Vue project basic configuration: secondary encapsulation Axios whole process analysis

Vue project basic configuration: secondary encapsulation Axios whole process analysis

sketch 📖, I'm a little unfamiliar with axios and the secondary packaging process, so let's sort it out 💻 . arrangement 🖊 Be more detailed, which is convenient for your current study and later review 📘 .

Overview: this chapter mainly includes the basic concepts of axios and the process of secondary packaging axios

  1. What is Axios?

    1. Axios is a promise based HTTP library that can be used in browsers and node JS.
  2. install

    1. npm install axios
    2. Or npm install axios --S
    3. Or npm install axios --save
    4. [note] the above three expressions have the same meaning. Do not add -- save or -- S, which is installed in the dependencies production dependency by default
  3. How to introduce axios into the project

    1. First:

      1. In main JS

        • 1. //Introducing axios
              import axios from 'axios';
              //Register axios with the prototype object of vue
              Vue.prototype.$axios = axios;
              //Why not use Vue Use(), because the developer of axios did not write the install step 
          2.  //Use method -- > in the called component
    2. Second:

      1. Create a utils – > utils JS file
      2. Specific reference ⏬ The following is the secondary packaging of axios
  4. request basic use case (based on cnode community) 🏠 Interface as an example - a good community 😆 )

    1. post request
      1."", {
                accesstoken: "45e7e524-2f99-4e2e-be68-f9c66401a2f1",
                title: "Late night test axios Secondary packaging-wcc",
                tab: "dev",
                content: "I hope we can go further and further on the road of technology!!!",
              }).then(res => {
              .catch(function (error) {
    2. get request
      1. In the first way, the input parameter is spliced in the form of query string

        • axios.get("")
                .then(res =>{
                  // Execute on success
                .catch(error => {
                  // Execute on error
      2. The second method is to pass in {params: {}} as an object

        • axios.get("",{
                .then(res =>{
                  // Execute on success
                .catch(error => {
                  // Execute on error
  5. Secondary packaging axios

    1. New folder utils -- > utils js

      1. Step 1: introduce the required configuration

        import axios from 'axios'; //Introducing axios
        import { Message,Loading} from 'element-ui' //Introduce message prompt / load on demand --- use it as a service (service: refer to the element UI official website)
        import qs from 'qs'; //Parameter serialization, convert the data format to x-www-form-urlencoded (the default format of post)
          qs It is a package managed by npm warehouse, which can be installed by npm install qs command 
            qs.parse()Parse the URL into the form of an object -- a key value pair
            qs.stringify()Serialize objects into URL s to & splice -- query strings
      2. Step 2: judge the current running environment - this piece of content is linked with * * * proxyTable * * *

        let BASE_URL = '',loadingInstance;
        let HOST = process.env.NODE_ENV;
        switch (HOST) {
          //Development represents the local development environment
          case 'development':
            BASE_URL = '/api';
           //Production stands for online environment (including dat, uat and production environment)
          case 'production':
            BASE_URL = '/';
            BASE_URL = '/api';
          In node, the global variable process represents the current node process
          process.env Contains variables about the system environment, but process Node does not exist in Env_ Env this thing.
          NODE_ENV Is a user-defined variable. In webpack, it is used to judge the production environment or development environment.
          [Note] process env. NODE_ Env is a global environment variable added when we execute script commands.
      3. Step 3: configure the default value of * * * axios * * * (in two cases, refer to the official document)

        1. Global axios default value (the method used in this example)

        2. Custom instance defaults

          // Global axios defaults -- more than that
          axios.defaults.timeout = 5000;//Timeout setting
          axios.defaults.baseURL = BASE_URL ;//Request root path
['content-type']='application/x-www-form-urlencoded';//Custom request header
      4. Step 4: request interceptor

        1. Do something before sending the request,

          1. Add unified cookie
          2. Request body plus verification
          3. Set request header
          4. Or jump to the login page without a token
          5. It is equivalent to a package for the same operation in each interface;
          axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
   = qs.stringify(;
            // let token=localStorage.getItem('token');
            // token && (config.headers.Authorization=token);// Request to carry token
            //  token &&Object. assign(config.headers,{Authorization:token});  Another way of writing
            // config.headers = {
            //     'content type': 'application / x-www-form-urlencoded' / / convert data format
            // }
            // Calling loading as a service -- > returns an instance of loading
            loadingInstance = Loading.service({
              lock: true,
              text: 'Content loading', //The load document displayed below the load icon
            return config;
          }, error => {
            // Do something wrong with the request
            return Promise.reject(error);
      5. Step 5: response interceptor

        1. After the request is responded to, some processing of the response body, such as unified data processing, is often used to judge the login failure, etc
        xios.interceptors.response.use(response => {
          // Do something with the response data
          setTimeout(() => {
            // Service mode: method of turning off mask layer
          }, 300)
          return response;
        }, error => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 300)
          let {
          } = error;
          if (response) {
            // The server has returned content
            let errormsg = '';
            switch (response.status) {
              case 400:
                errormsg = 'Error request'
              case 401:
                errormsg = 'Not logged in,Please log in again'
              case 403:
                errormsg = 'Refuse to visit'
              case 404:
                errormsg = 'Request error, the resource was not found'
              case 405:
                errormsg = 'Request method not allowed'
              case 408:
                errormsg = 'request timeout'
              case 500:
                errormsg = 'Server error'
              case 501:
                errormsg = 'Network not implemented'
              case 502:
                errormsg = 'network error'
              case 503:
                errormsg = 'Service Unavailable'
              case 504:
                errormsg = 'Network Timeout '
              case 505:
                errormsg = 'http The request is not supported by version'
                errormsg = 'Connection error'
            // Message global method
              type: 'error',
              message: errormsg
            return false;
          } else {
            //The server didn't even return the results. It may be disconnected or the server crashed
            // window.navigator contains some information such as browser manufacturer and version
            if (! {
              //Network disconnection treatment
              Message('Network interruption');
            } else {
              //The server crashed
              Message('The server crashed');
              return Promise.reject(error);//Promise pending - > rejected
      6. Step 6: GET and POST request encapsulation

        1. GET request

          *GET Method, corresponding to get request
          *@param {String} url [Requested url address]
          *@param {Object} params[Parameters carried by the request]]
          export function get(url,params){
              return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
                  }).then(res => {
                  }).catch(err =>{
        2. POST request

          *post Method, corresponding to the post request
          *@param {String} url [Requested url address]
          *@param {Object} params[Parameters carried by the request]]
          export function post(url, params) {
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        , params)
                      .then(res => {
                      }).catch(err => {
      7. Step 7: unified processing interface

        1. New api – > index JS file

          import {
          } from '@/utils/utils.js';
          // New theme
          // export const newTheme =  params =>post('/api/v1/topics',params);
          // export const getTopics =  params =>get('/api/v1/topics',params);
          const $CNodeApi = {
            // New theme
            newTheme: params =>post('/api/v1/topics',params),
            // Get topic
            getTopics:params =>get('/api/v1/topics',params),
          export default $CNodeApi;
      8. Step 8: use interface

        1. At HelloWorld Vue is introduced in different ways

          // import { newTheme,getTopics } from "@/api/index";
          import $CNodeApi from "@/api/index";
          //Call in method
          submit() {
                  title:'Late night test axios Secondary packaging-wcc',
                  content:'I hope we can go further and further on the road of technology!!!'
                }).then(res => {
                  // this.$message({
                  //   message: 'Congratulations, the new theme is successful',
                  //   type: 'success'
                  // });
      9. Step 9: call succeeded

        1. 😆 Finish

It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
What we want to overcome is not mountains, but ourselves.

Keywords: Javascript Front-end Vue.js

Added by Bullet on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:39:22 +0200