Next, we begin to analyze the security.php source code, which is an important file of event in the dashboard sub-module.
// Referencing files, initializing function libraries
require_once 'av_init.php'; require_once 'sensor_filter.php'; require_once '../widget_common.php'; require_once 'common.php';
// Check if you have permission to access this menu
Session::logcheck("dashboard-menu", "ControlPanelExecutive"); Session::logcheck("analysis-menu", "EventsForensics");
// Start database connection
$db = new ossim_db(TRUE); $conn = $db->connect();
// Get current user information
$user = Session::get_session_user();
Setting the type of security control
$type = GET("type");
//ID of the widget
$id = GET("id");
// Type validation
ossim_valid($type, OSS_TEXT, 'illegal:' . _("type")); ossim_valid($id, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Widget ID"));
// End validation
// Array information containing controls, such as chart information and label cloud information
$winfo = array(); $chart_info = array();
// If the ID is empty, it means that we are in the wizard's pre-visualization. We can get all the information from the get parameter.
if (!isset($id) || empty($id))
$winfo['height'] = GET("height"); // Define control height
$winfo ['wtype'] = GET ('wtype'); // Definition Type: Chart Label Cloud, etc.
$winfo ['asset'] = GET ("asset"); // Define assets
Chart_info = json_decode (GET ("value"), true); // chart type, legend parameters, etc.
Others//If the ID is not empty, we normally load controls from the dashboard, in which case we get information from the database.
Winfo = get_widget_data ($conn, $id); // Check widget_common.php
chart_info = $winfo['params']; // chart type, legend parameters
// Validation
ossim_valid($winfo['wtype'], OSS_TEXT, 'illegal:' . _("Type")); ossim_valid($winfo['height'], OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("Widget ID")); ossim_valid($winfo['asset'], OSS_HEX,OSS_SCORE,OSS_ALPHA,OSS_USER, 'illegal:' . _("Asset/User/Entity")); if (is_array($chart_info) && !empty($chart_info)) { $validation = get_array_validation(); foreach($chart_info as $key=>$val) { if ($validation[$key] == '') { continue; } eval("ossim_valid(\"\$val\", ".$validation[$key].", 'illegal:" . _($key)."');"); } } if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); }
// End of validation.
$assets_filters = array(); $assets_filters = get_asset_filters($conn, $winfo['asset']);
// Variables that store chart information
$data = array (); // Define an array of controls themselves
$label = array(); // Define tag array
$links = array(); // Defines an array of links for each element
// Control data will be calculated based on the type of control
switch($type) { case "tcp":
// Asset filter
$query_where = Security_report::make_where($conn, gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00",gmdate("U")-7200), gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59"), array(), $assets_filters);
// Maximum *** times displayed in widgets.
$limit = ($chart_info['top'] != '')? $chart_info['top'] : 30;
// SQL queries, such as using parameters in queries
$sql = "select layer4_dport as port, count(id) as num from alienvault_siem.acid_event where layer4_dport != 0 and ip_proto=6 $query_where group by port order by num desc limit $limit";
// echo $sql;
$rs = $conn->CacheExecute($sql); if (!$rs) { print $conn->ErrorMsg(); } else { $array_aux = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $array_aux[$rs->fields["port"]] = $rs->fields["num"]; $link = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?tcp_port[0][0]=&tcp_port[0][1]=layer4_dport&tcp_port[0][2]==&tcp_port[0][3]='.$rs->fields["port"].'&tcp_port[0][4]=&tcp_port[0][5]=&tcp_flags[0]=&layer4=TCP&num_result_rows=-1¤t_view=-1&new=1&submit=QUERYDBP&sort_order=sig_a&clear_allcriteria=1&clear_criteria=time&time_range=all', 'analysis', 'security_events'); $links[$rs->fields["port"]] = $link; $rs->MoveNext(); }
// Sort the results by port name, not the number of *** ports.
ksort($array_aux); $data = array_values($array_aux); $label = array_keys($array_aux);
// Icon display
$serie = 'Amount of Attacks'; $colors = "#333333"; } break; case "udp":
// Asset filters.
$query_where = Security_report::make_where($conn, gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00",gmdate("U")-7200), gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59"), array(), $assets_filters);
// Maximum number of times *** is displayed in the control.
$limit = ($chart_info['top'] != '')? $chart_info['top'] : 30;
// SQL Query
Execution: Using parameters in queries
$sql = "select layer4_dport as port, count(id) as num from alienvault_siem.acid_event where layer4_dport != 0 and ip_proto=17 $query_where group by port order by num desc limit $limit";
// echo $sql;
$rs = $conn->CacheExecute($sql); if (!$rs) { print $conn->ErrorMsg(); } else { $array_aux = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $array_aux[$rs->fields["port"]] = $rs->fields["num"]; $link = Menu::get_menu_url('/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?udp_port[0][0]=&udp_port[0][1]=layer4_dport&udp_port[0][2]==&udp_port[0][3]='.$rs->fields["port"].'&udp_port[0][4]=&udp_port[0][5]=&udp_flags[0]=&layer4=UDP&num_result_rows=-1¤t_view=-1&new=1&submit=QUERYDBP&sort_order=sig_a&clear_allcriteria=1&clear_criteria=time&time_range=all', 'analysis', 'security_events'); $links[$rs->fields["port"]] = $link; $rs->MoveNext(); }
/ This means sorting the results by port name, not the number of *** ports.
ksort($array_aux); $data = array_values($array_aux); $label = array_keys($array_aux);
// Chart display
$serie = 'Amount of Attacks'; $colors = "#333333"; } break; case "promiscuous":
// Define the date range.
$range = ($chart_info['range'] > 0)? ($chart_info['range'] * 86400) : 432000;
// Filtering assets
$query_where = Security_report::make_where($conn, gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00",gmdate("U")-$range), gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59"), array(), $assets_filters);
// Set the restrictions that the host displays in the control.
$limit = ($chart_info['top'] != '')? $chart_info['top'] : 10;
// Connect to SIEM console page
$forensic_link = Menu::get_menu_url("/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?clear_allcriteria=1&time_range=range&time_cnt=2&time[0][0]=+&time[0][1]=%3E%3D&time[0][8]=+&time[0][9]=AND&time[1][1]=%3C%3D&time[0][2]=".gmdate("m",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][3]=".gmdate("d",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][4]=".gmdate("Y",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][5]=00&time[0][6]=00&time[0][7]=00&time[1][2]=".gmdate("m",$timetz)."&time[1][3]=".gmdate("d",$timetz)."&time[1][4]=".gmdate("Y",$timetz)."&time[1][5]=23&time[1][6]=59&time[1][7]=59&submit=Query+DB&num_result_rows=-1&time_cnt=1&sort_order=time_d&hmenu=Forensics&smenu=Forensics", 'analysis', 'security_events');
// SQL query, user parameter query
$sqlgraph = "select count(distinct(ip_dst)) as num_events,ip_src as name from alienvault_siem.po_acid_event AS acid_event WHERE 1=1 $query_where group by ip_src having ip_src>0x00000000000000000000000000000000 order by num_events desc limit $limit"; $rg = $conn->CacheExecute($sqlgraph); if (!$rg) { print $conn->ErrorMsg(); } else { while (!$rg->EOF) { $data[] = $rg->fields["num_events"]; $label[] = inet_ntop($rg->fields["name"]); $links[] = $forensic_link . '&ip_addr[0][0]=+&ip_addr[0][1]=ip_src&ip_addr[0][2]=%3D&ip_addr[0][3]=' . inet_ntop($rg->fields["name"]) . '&ip_addr[0][8]=+&ip_addr[0][9]=+&ip_addr_cnt=1'; $rg->MoveNext(); } } $colors = get_widget_colors(count($data)); break; case "unique":
// Date range
$range = ($chart_info['range'] > 0)? ($chart_info['range'] * 86400) : 432000;
// Filtering assets
$query_where = Security_report::make_where($conn, gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00",gmdate("U")-$range), gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59"), array(), $assets_filters);
// Restrictions on host display in controls.
$limit = ($chart_info['top'] != '')? $chart_info['top'] : 10;
// Link to SIEM console page
$forensic_link = Menu::get_menu_url("/ossim/forensics/base_qry_main.php?clear_allcriteria=1&time_range=range&time_cnt=2&time[0][0]=+&time[0][1]=%3E%3D&time[0][8]=+&time[0][9]=AND&time[1][1]=%3C%3D&time[0][2]=".gmdate("m",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][3]=".gmdate("d",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][4]=".gmdate("Y",$timetz-$range)."&time[0][5]=00&time[0][6]=00&time[0][7]=00&time[1][2]=".gmdate("m",$timetz)."&time[1][3]=".gmdate("d",$timetz)."&time[1][4]=".gmdate("Y",$timetz)."&time[1][5]=23&time[1][6]=59&time[1][7]=59&submit=Query+DB&num_result_rows=-1&time_cnt=1&sort_order=time_d&hmenu=Forensics&smenu=Forensics", 'analysis', 'security_events');
... ...
// The number of hours displayed in the control.
$max = ($chart_info['range'] == '')? 16 : $chart_info['range'];
// Retrieving widget data
$fdate = gmdate("Y-m-d H",$timetz-(3600*($max-1))); $values = SIEM_trends($max, $assets_filters, $fdate);
// Format the information into a format that is valid for the processing program.
for ($i=$max-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $tref = $timetz-(3600*$i); $h = gmdate("j G",$tref)."h"; $label[] = preg_replace("/\d+ /","",$h); $data[] = ($values[$h]!="") ? $values[$h] : 0; ... ... $db->close();
// Now call the handler to draw the correct widget
require 'handler.php';
Tips: The source code shows that all events are stored in the alienvault_siem.acid_event table. For OSSIM database analysis, you can refer to the book OSSIM Difficulty Resolution.