Self developed composer package of lumen

Take my zero / lumen elastic search package as an example

Note that this plug-in uses the lumen framework

1. Installation dependency

composer require zzq/lumen-elasticsearch

2. Create the elasticsearch.php configuration file with the following contents:


return [

     * You can specify one of several different connections when building an
     * Elasticsearch client.
     * Here you may specify which of the connections below you wish to use
     * as your default connection when building an client. Of course you may
     * use create several clients at once, each with different configurations.

    'defaultConnection' => 'default',

     * These are the connection parameters used when building a client.

    'connections' => [

        'default' => [

             * Hosts
             * This is an array of hosts that the client will connect to. It can be a
             * single host, or an array if you are running a cluster of Elasticsearch
             * instances.
             * This is the only configuration value that is mandatory.
             * Presently using "extended" host configuration method
             * [@see](
             * There is also the shorter "inline" configuration method available
             * [@see](

            'hosts' => [
                    'host'   => env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'localhost'),
                    'port'   => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PORT', 9200),
                    'scheme' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME', null),
                    'user'   => env('ELASTICSEARCH_USER', null),
                    'pass'   => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PASS', null),

             * SSL
             * If your Elasticsearch instance uses an out-dated or self-signed SSL
             * certificate, you will need to pass in the certificate bundle.  This can
             * either be the path to the certificate file (for self-signed certs), or a
             * package like  See the documentation
             * below for all the details.
             * If you are using SSL instances, and the certificates are up-to-date and
             * signed by a public certificate authority, then you can leave this null and
             * just use "https" in the host path(s) above and you should be fine.
             * [@see](

            'sslVerification' => null,

             * Logging
             * Logging is handled by passing in an instance of Monolog\Logger (which
             * coincidentally is what Laravel's default logger is).
             * If logging is enabled, you either need to set the path and log level
             * (some defaults are given for you below), or you can use a custom logger by
             * setting 'logObject' to an instance of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.  In fact,
             * if you just want to use the default Laravel logger, then set 'logObject'
             * to \Log::getMonolog().
             * Note: 'logObject' takes precedent over 'logPath'/'logLevel', so set
             * 'logObject' null if you just want file-based logging to a custom path.
             * [@see](

            'logging' => false,

            // If you have an existing instance of Monolog you can use it here.
            // 'logObject' => \Log::getMonolog(),

            'logPath' => storage_path('logs/elasticsearch.log'),

            'logLevel' => Monolog\Logger::INFO,

             * Retries
             * By default, the client will retry n times, where n = number of nodes in
             * your cluster. If you would like to disable retries, or change the number,
             * you can do so here.
             * [@see](

            'retries' => null,

             * The remainder of the configuration options can almost always be left
             * as-is unless you have specific reasons to change them.  Refer to the
             * appropriate sections in the Elasticsearch documentation for what each option
             * does and what values it expects.

             * Sniff On Start
             * @see

            'sniffOnStart' => false,

             * HTTP Handler
             * @see
             * @see

            'httpHandler' => null,

             * Connection Pool
             * @see
             * @see

            'connectionPool' => null,

             * Connection Selector
             * @see
             * @see

            'connectionSelector' => null,

             * Serializer
             * @see
             * @see

            'serializer' => null,

             * Connection Factory
             * @see

            'connectionFactory' => null,

             * Endpoint
             * @see

            'endpoint' => null,




Note: the placement path of the elasticsearch.php configuration file should be the same as the database.php configuration file of your project (if you don't understand this sentence, you can email me,

3. Register services in lumen

Modify project/bootstrap/app.php

//Introducing elastic search
//class_alias('Cviebrock\LaravelElasticsearch\Facade', 'Elasticsearch');
$app->configure('elasticsearch');//Must be configured or an error will be reported

4. Use example:

$data = [
    'body' => [
        'testField' => 'aaa'
    'index' => 'my_index',
    'type' => 'my_type',
    'id' => 'my_id',

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();
$return = $client->index($data);
#You can now replace those last two lines with simply:
$return = Elasticsearch::index($data);

#To grab statistics for an index:

$stats = Elasticsearch::indices()->stats(['index' => 'my_index']);
$stats = Elasticsearch::nodes()->stats();
$stats = Elasticsearch::cluster()->stats();
#To create and restore snapshots (read the Elastic docs about creating repository paths and plugins first):

$response = Elasticsearch::snapshots()->create($params);
$response = Elasticsearch::snapshots()->restore($params);
#To delete whole indices (be careful!):

$response = Elasticsearch::indices()->delete(['index' => 'my_index']);

If you want to know how to develop composer package, you can leave a message in the comment area. If necessary, I will take the time to sort out a detailed development document and paste it out to learn and communicate with you

Keywords: Programming ElasticSearch PHP SSL Laravel

Added by ThaSpY on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 16:24:15 +0200