September 12, 2021 Tianchi SQL training camp Task02

MySQL query sorting

This note is the learning content of Alibaba cloud Tianchi Longzhu plan SQL training camp. The link is: ;

1.1 use of select

Use format

select Listing as 'alias', Listing ,.....from Table name
where query criteria;

Relevant rules

An asterisk () means all columns.
Line breaks can be used in SQL at will, which does not affect the execution of statements (but empty lines cannot be inserted).
When setting Chinese aliases, you need to use double quotation marks (").
Use DISTINCT in a SELECT statement to remove duplicate rows.
Comments are used to identify descriptions or precautions in SQL statements. They are divided into 1-line comments "--" and multi line comments "/ * /.


Arithmetic operator

Meaning operator

Comparison operator

=Greater than or equal to
greater than
< = less than or equal to
< less than
Operator meaning
=Equal to
< > and ~ are not equal

Constants or expressions can be used in the SELECT clause.
When using comparison operators, be sure to pay attention to the position of unequal sign and equal sign.
In principle, the data of string type shall be sorted according to the dictionary order and shall not be confused with the size order of numbers.
When you want to select NULL records, you need to use the IS NULL operator in the conditional expression. When you want to select records that are not NULL, you need to use the IS NOT NULL operator in the conditional expression.

-- SQL Operational expressions can also be used in statements
SELECT product_name, sale_price, sale_price * 2 AS "sale_price x2"
  FROM product;
-- WHERE Clause can also be used in conditional expressions
SELECT product_name, sale_price, purchase_price
  FROM product
 WHERE sale_price-purchase_price >= 500;
/* Use unequal sign on string
 First create chars and insert data
 SELECT a SELECT statement greater than '2'*/
-- DDL: Create table
-- Select greater than'2'Of data SELECT sentence('2'As string)
  FROM chars
 WHERE chr > '2';
-- selection NULL Record of
SELECT product_name,purchase_price
  FROM product
 WHERE purchase_price IS NULL;
-- Select not as NULL Record of
SELECT product_name,purchase_price
  FROM product
 WHERE purchase_price IS NOT NULL;

Logical operator

3.1 NOT operator

When you want to express "NOT...", in addition to the < > operator mentioned above, there is another operator that represents negation and is more widely used: NOT.

NOT cannot be used alone, for example:

-- Select a record with a sales unit price greater than or equal to 1000 yen
SELECT product_name, product_type, sale_price
  FROM product
 WHERE sale_price >= 1000;
 -- To code listing 2-30 Add to query criteria NOT operator
SELECT product_name, product_type, sale_price
  FROM product
 WHERE NOT sale_price >= 1000;

3.2 AND operator and OR operator

When you want to use multiple query criteria at the same time, you can use the AND OR operator.

AND is equivalent to "AND", similar to the intersection in mathematics;

OR is equivalent to "OR", similar to the union set in mathematics.
Note: the AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator (without parentheses to increase the priority)

For SQL, there are three logical operation results

True or false unknown

The results of logical operations on and NULL are unknown

Part I exercises

2.1 write an SQL statement and select the goods with "registration date (register after April 28, 2009)" from the product table. The query result should include two columns: product_name and register_date.

SELECT product_name, regist_date from product
 where regist < = '2009-04-28';

2.2 please state the returned results when executing the following three SELECT statements on the product table.

  FROM product
 WHERE purchase_price = NULL;
--The result is product In the table purchase_price by NULL Data for all fields of the.

  FROM product
 WHERE purchase_price <> NULL;
 --The result is product In the table purchase_price Not for NULL Data for all fields of the.
  FROM product
 WHERE product_name > NULL;
 --It is empty. Because it cannot be determined, each data is not satisfied where Conditions.

Aggregate query

The five most commonly used aggregate functions

COUNT: calculate the number of records (rows) in the table
SUM: calculate the total value of the data in the value column in the table
AVG: calculate the average value of the data in the value column in the table
MAX: find the maximum value of data in any column in the table
MIN: find the minimum value of data in any column in the table
In addition, there are many functions. You can refer to the rookie tutorial.

Common rules

The result of the COUNT function varies according to the parameters. COUNT() will get the number of data rows containing NULL, while COUNT (< column name >) will get the number of data rows other than NULL.
The aggregate function excludes NULL. The exception to COUNT() does not exclude NULL.
The MAX/MIN function is applicable to almost all data type columns. The SUM/AVG function is only applicable to numeric type columns.
When you want to calculate the type of value, you can use DISTINCT in the parameters of the COUNT function.
You can remove duplicate data by using DISTINCT in the parameters of the aggregate function.

GROUP BY statement on table

Use group by to group fields

SELECT <Column name 1>,<Column name 2>, <Column name 3>, ......
  FROM <Table name>
 GROUP BY <Column name 1>, <Column name 2>, <Column name 3>, ......;
 --Group by column name 1 first, then by 2 and 3

When a value of an aggregated column is null, it is counted as a specific group. At this time, null will be processed as a group of special data

GROUP BY writing position

There are strict requirements for the clause writing order of GROUP BY. Failure to comply with the requirements will lead to the failure of normal SQL execution. The current clause writing * * * * order is:


The first three items are used to filter data, and GROUP BY processes the filtered data


The usage of HAVING is similar to where. The feature of HAVING is that the HAVING clause is used to filter groups. You can use numbers, aggregate functions and column names (aggregate keys) specified in GROUP BY.
HAVING can realize the function of where, but where cannot realize the filtering of groups after HAVING GROUP BY.

-- number
SELECT product_type, COUNT(*)
  FROM product
 GROUP BY product_type
-- Wrong form (because product_name Not included in GROUP BY Aggregate key (in)
SELECT product_type, COUNT(*)
  FROM product
 GROUP BY product_type
HAVING product_name = 'ball pen';


SELECT <Column name 1>, <Column name 2>, <Column name 3>, ......
  FROM <Table name>
 ORDER BY <Sort base column 1>, <Sort base column 2>, ......

By default, the fields are sorted in ascending order (ASC) and DESC in descending order

-- Descending order
SELECT product_id, product_name, sale_price, purchase_price
  FROM product
 ORDER BY sale_price DESC;
-- Multiple sort keys
SELECT product_id, product_name, sale_price, purchase_price
  FROM product
 ORDER BY sale_price, product_id;--Arrange according to the first field first. If equal, arrange according to the second field
-- When the column name used for sorting contains NULL When, NULL It will be summarized at the beginning or end.
SELECT product_id, product_name, sale_price, purchase_price
  FROM product
 ORDER BY purchase_price;

Use of aliases

The alias defined in the SELECT clause cannot be used in the GROUP BY clause, but it can be used in the ORDER BY clause. Why not in GROUP BY and in ORDER BY?

This is because when SQL uses the HAVING clause, the execution * * * * order of the SELECT statement is:


The execution order of SELECT is after the GROUP BY clause and before the ORDER BY clause. That is, when using an alias in ORDER BY, you already know the existence of the alias set by SELECT, but you don't know the existence of the alias when using an alias in GROUP BY, so you can use an alias in ORDER BY, but you can't use an alias * * * * in GROUP BY.


2.2.1 errors in select

SELECT product_id, SUM(product_name)
--book SELECT There is an error in the statement.
  FROM product 
 GROUP BY product_type 
 WHERE regist_date > '2009-09-01';
 --1.sum The aggregated field is a numeric type, and product_name Obviously not.
 --2.where Should be group by before by Fields and select The difference should be product_id. 

2.2.2 please write a SELECT statement to find the commodity type whose total value of sales unit price (sales_price column) is 1.5 times greater than the total value of purchase unit price (purchase_price column). The execution results are as follows.

select product_type,sum(sale_price),sum(purchase_price)
from product
group by product_type
having sum(sale_price) > 1.5 *sum(purchase_price);


SELECT * FROM product
order by regist_date DESC,sale_price;

The SQL details mentioned in this note can be queried

W3cSchool: SQL
Novice tutorial MySQL

Keywords: Database MySQL SQL

Added by ridiculous on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 10:43:48 +0300