Sequential lookup of data structures

The next few blogs are all about search, mainly sequential search, half-fold search (applied to ordered tables), binary sort tree search, hash search;

The data structure of sorting is introduced directly.

Sequential lookup and half-fold lookup are sequential table storage; binary sorting tree is binary tree storage; hash lookup is class diagram (similar to adjacent table storage of graph);


Header file (Search.h);

# ifndef _SORT_

typedef int KeyType;

typedef struct
	KeyType key;

# endif

Header file (SeqList.h);

# ifndef _SEQLIST_
# define _SEQLIST_

# include <iostream>
# include "Search.h" // Refer to the DataType here;
using namespace std;

# define MAXSIZE 64

typedef struct
	DataType data[MAXSIZE];
	int length;
}SeqList, * PSeqList;

typedef struct Node
	DataType elem;
	struct Node * lchild;
	struct Node * rchild;
}BSTree, * PBSTree;

//Basic preparation for linear table lookup;
PSeqList Init_SeqList(void);
bool Full_SeqList(PSeqList p);
int Push_SeqList(PSeqList p, KeyType keyValue);
void Traversal_SeqList(PSeqList p);
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, DataType dataValue);

//Search method based on linear table;

//Sequential search;
int SeqSearch(PSeqList p, KeyType key);ype * p, DataType * p1, int u, int w);

Implementation file (SeqList.cpp);

# include "SeqList.h"

PSeqList Init_SeqList(void)
	PSeqList p = (PSeqList)malloc(sizeof(SeqList));

	if (NULL != p)
		p->length = 0;
		return p;
		cout << "Memory allocate is error! " << endl;

bool Full_SeqList(PSeqList p)
	if (p->length >= MAXSIZE)
		return true;
		return false;

int Push_SeqList(PSeqList p, KeyType keyValue)
	if (Full_SeqList(p))
		cout << "SeqList is full! " << endl;

		return -1;

	p->data[p->length].key = keyValue;

	return 0;

void Traversal_SeqList(PSeqList p)
	for (int i = 0; i < p->length; i++)
		cout << p->data[i] << " ";
	cout << endl;


ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, DataType dataValue)
	cout << dataValue.key;

	return os;

//Search method based on linear table;

//Sequential search;
int SeqSearch(PSeqList p, KeyType key)
	int i = 0;
	p->data[p->length].key = key;
	while (p->data[i].key != key)//The algorithm with outposts must be a dissatisfaction table, or it will make mistakes.

	if (i == p->length)
		return -1;
		return i;

	//for (int i = 0; i < p->length; i++)
	//	if (p->data[i].key == key)
	//	{
	//		return i;
	//	}

	return -1;


# include "SeqList.h"

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	PSeqList p = Init_SeqList();

	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		Push_SeqList(p, i + 1);

	cout << "------------------------SeqList Search------------------------" << endl;
    //This is the test area, which can test various storage structures based on linear tables.
    //The latter is not changed one by one; they are the same; just change the name of a function;
	cout << "Your search position is : " << SeqSearch(p, 0) << endl;
	cout << "Your search position is : " << SeqSearch(p, 1) << endl;
	cout << "Your search position is : " << SeqSearch(p, 5) << endl;
	cout << "Your search position is : " << SeqSearch(p, 10) << endl;
	cout << "Your search position is : " << SeqSearch(p, 11) << endl << endl;

	cout << "------------------------TreeList Search------------------------" << endl;

    //This is the test area, which can test various binary tree-based storage structures.
	PBSTree pt = NULL;
	PBSTree pp = NULL;
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 34);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 18);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 76);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 13);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 25);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 52);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 82);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 20);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 67);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 91);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 58);
	BSTreeInsert(&pt, 73);

	cout << endl;

	if (NULL != (pp = BSTreeSearch(pt, 13)))
		cout << pp->elem.key << endl;

	BSTreeDelete(&pt, 34);

	cout << endl;

	cout << "------------------------Hash Search------------------------" << endl;
    //This is the test area; it can test the storage structure of hash tables;
	PHashTable pht = CreateHashTable();
	HashTableInsert(pht, 26);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 38);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 73);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 21);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 54);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 35);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 167);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 32);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 7);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 223);
	HashTableInsert(pht, 62);


	return 0;


Added by intenseone345 on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 21:58:31 +0300