SequoiaDB high availability cluster deployment of database Series

SequoiaDB, as a storage engine, supports high concurrency HTAP scenarios. The standard summarizes the high availability deployment practice of using SequoiaDB as data storage in the operation and maintenance analysis project, and accesses Kafka for high concurrency update business and Spark for high concurrency batch query business.

SequoiaDB high availability cluster deployment of database Series (I)
SequoiaDB high availability cluster deployment of database Series (2)

2.5 MySQL engine deployment
2.5.1 installing MySQL instance
  1. The extracted sequoiasql-mysql-3.4-linux_ x86_ 64-installer. The run installation package grants executable permissions
chmod u+x
  1. Run sequoiasql-mysql-3.4-linux with root_ x86_ 64-enterprise-installer. Run package
./ --mode text
  1. The program prompts you to select the wizard language, enter 2, and select Chinese
Language Selection
Please select the installation language
[1] English - English
[2] Simplified Chinese - Simplified Chinese
Please choose an option [1] : 2
  1. Display the installation agreement. Enter 1 to ignore reading and agree to the agreement, and enter 2 to read the complete agreement
from BitRock InstallBuilder Evaluate the establishment of the Institute
 Welcome to SequoiaSQL MySQL Server erection sequence
GNU General public authorization
 Second Edition, 1991 June
 Copyright ownership (C) 1989,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
Everyone is allowed to copy and distribute a complete copy of this authorization document, but no modification is allowed.

[1] Agree to the above agreement: To learn more about the protocol, you can view the protocol file after installation
[2] View detailed agreement content
 Please select an option [1] : 1
  1. Enter the installation path and press enter. Use / usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql
Please specify SequoiaSQL MySQL Server The directory to which it will be installed
 Installation directory [/usr/local/sequoiadb]: /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql
  1. Prompt for user name, user group and user password (sdbadmin user and sdbadmin_group user group are created by default, and the default password is sdbadmin)
Database management user configuration
 Configure for startup SequoiaSQL-MySql User name, user group, and password for
 user name [sdbadmin]: 
User group [sdbadmin_group]: 
password [********] :
Confirm password [********] :
  1. The system prompts you to start the installation, and you need to confirm
The settings are now ready to SequoiaSQL MySQL Server Install to your computer.
Are you sure you want to continue? [Y/n]: y
  1. installation is complete
Installing SequoiaSQL MySQL Server In your computer, please wait.
 Installation in progress
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Setup has completed the installation SequoiaSQL MySQL Server In your computer.
2.5.2 deploying MySQL instance components
  1. Switch users and directories
[root@tango-centos03 sequoiadb-3.4]# su - sdbadmin 
[sdbadmin@tango-centos01 ~]$ cd /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql
  1. Add instance
bin/sdb_sql_ctl addinst myinst -D database/3306/

If the 3306 port is occupied, you can use the - p parameter to specify the instance port

bin/sdb_sql_ctl addinst myinst -D database/3316/ -p 3316

As shown in the following operation results

[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 mysql]$ bin/sdb_sql_ctl addinst myinst -D database/3306/
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
Adding instance myinst ...
Start instance myinst ...
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
  1. View instance
[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 mysql]$ bin/sdb_sql_ctl listinst
NAME       SQLDATA                                  SQLLOG                                  
myinst     /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql/database/3306/ /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql/myinst.log  
Total: 1
  1. Start instance
[sdbadmin@tango-centos01 mysql]$ bin/sdb_sql_ctl start myinst
Check port is available ...
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
Starting instance myinst ...
ok (PID: 7785) 
[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 mysql]$ bin/sdb_sql_ctl status
INSTANCE   PID        SVCNAME    SQLDATA                                  SQLLOG                                  
myinst     7785       3306       /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql/database/3306/ /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql/myinst.log  
Total: 1; Run: 1
  1. Stop instance
[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 mysql]$ bin/sdb_sql_ctl stop myinst
Stoping instance myinst (PID: 7785) ...
2.5.3 using MySQL
  1. Configure SequoiaDB connection address. The default SequoiaDB connection address is "localhost:11810". If you need to modify it, you can refer to the following two methods:
  • Via bin/sdb_sql_ctl specify instance name modification
#sdb_sql_ctl chconf myinst --sdb-conn-addr=,xxxx:11810
[sdbadmin@tango-centos01 ~]$ sdb_sql_ctl chconf myinst --sdb-conn-addr=
Changing configure of instance myinst ...
Enter password:
  • Modify through the configuration file: modify auto. In the database directory CNF, add the parameter sequoiadb_conn_addr
[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 3306]$ cd /usr/local/sequoiasql/mysql/database/3306
[sdbadmin@tango-centos03 3306]$ vi auto.cnf
# SequoiaDB addresses.

It takes effect after restarting MySQL service

  1. Log in to MySQL
[sdbadmin@tango-centos01 ~]$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.7.25 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

  1. Creating database s and tables
mysql> create database cs;
mysql> create table cl(a int,b int,c text,primary key(a,b));
2.6 SDB cluster operation
2.6.1 start and stop of SDB cluster

1) Start the entire cluster

#Switch to sdbadmin user
sdbstart –t all

2) Shut down the entire cluster

#Switch to sdbadmin user
sdbstop –t all

3) View SDB cluster information

[sdbadmin@tango-centos01 ~]$ sdblist
sequoiadb(11800) (4953) C
sequoiadb(11820) (5889) D
Total: 2 
#sdblist -t all –l –m local

4) Manually start SDB specific nodes

#Switch to sdbadmin user: su – sdbadmin
#Connect to coordination node
$ /opt/sequoiadb/bin/sdb
> var db = new Sdb( "localhost", 11810 )
#Get partition group
> dataRG = db.getRG( "<datagroup1>" )
#Get data node
> dataNode = dataRG.getNode( "<hostname1>", "<servicename1>" )
#Start node
> dataNode.start()

5) Manually stop the SDB cluster

#Connect to coordination node
$ /opt/sequoiadb/bin/sdb
> var db = new Sdb( "localhost", 11810 )
#Get partition group
> dataRG = db.getRG( "<datagroup1>" )
#Get data node
> dataNode = dataRG.getNode( "<hostname1>", "<servicename1>" )
#Stop node
> dataNode.stop()
2.6.2 SDB collection operation

1) Enter the SDB cluster and create the logical domain CS_ DOMAIN_ one

[sdbadmin@tango-centos02 bin]$ sdb
> var db  = new Sdb("localhost",11810);
> db.createDomain("CS_DOMAIN_1",["datagroup1",],{AutoSplit:true});
Takes 0.006933s.

2) Create assembly space CS01

> db.createCS("CS01",{Domain:"CS_DOMAIN_1"});
localhost:11810. CS01

3) Create data field


4) Create master table


5) Create daily sub table

db.createCS("CS_D1", {"Domain":domainName}).createCL("CL01",{"ShardingKey":{"DATE":1,"TIME":1,"ID":1},"ShardingType":"hash","Compressed":true,"CompressionType":"lzw","EnsureShardingIndex": false, "AutoSplit": true, ReplSize:2});

6) Mount the sub table on the main table


7) Unload child tables from the main table


8) Create primary key index

db. CS01.CL01.createIndex("CL01_PriIdx",{"DATE":1,"TIME":1},true);

9) Collection space and collection query

#View collection space
#View which collections are in the collection space
db.snapshot( SDB_SNAP_COLLECTIONSPACES,{"Name":"CS_D1"},{"Collection":{}})
#View sub table information
#View which sub tables exist in a collection space
db.snapshot(SDB_SNAP_CATALOG,{"CataInfo.SubCLName":{"$regex":"^CS_D1 [.].*"}})
#Get space usage information of collection space

3. Kafka data warehousing SDB

3.1 connection architecture between Kafka and SDB

On the consumer side of Kafka, the SDB database cluster stores the data subscribed by Kafka into the database through the java interface, and each Topic will be associated with a collection.

3.2 SDB configuration

Kafka theme, SequoiaDB set and message partition configuration files are as follows:

sdbCLName:'SYSLOG ',

The business logic of consumers is to consume messages in the way of one thread and one topic. Multiple topic and collection sets can be specified in Kafka configuration. In the actual joint commissioning test, there will be scenarios where multiple Topics run in parallel.

3.3 realization of Kafka and SDB docking function

The Kafka data is written to the SDB functional component, as shown in the following figure:

  • Configuration information java entity class KafkaConsumerConfig
  • Configuration information acquisition tool class configuration
  • KafkaSdb, the main program entry of consumer business logic, consumes messages in the way of one thread and one topic
  • The ConsumerThread thread class is responsible for the consumption of specific messages and writes the message data to SequoiaDB

4. Spark SDB docking configuration

4.1 connection architecture between spark and SDB

After the performance data is saved to the SDB cluster through the Kafka cluster, the Spark computing cluster will access the data according to the following scenarios:

  1. The performance data is processed and calculated by scheduled batch tasks, and the results are saved in MySQL structured database, which is connected with the report platform
  2. For the dynamic SQL query task on the UI side, parse the SQL and access the SDB cluster data through PySpark, and return the result set to the query interface after processing and calculation

4.2 Spark and SDB docking test
  1. Spark interfaces with SDB and uses the driver spark sequoiadb_ 2.11-3.4. jar
  2. Create mapping table
    mappingSql = \
        "CREATE temporary view SYSLOG" +\
                "USING com.sequoiadb.spark  " +\
                "OPTIONS( " +\
                "host '', " +\
                "collectionspace 'CS01', " +\
                "collection ' SYSLOG', " +\
                "preferredinstance 'S', " +\
                "partitionblocknum 16, " +\
                "partitionmode 'auto', " +\
                "partitionmaxnum 100000, " +\
                "user 'sdbadmin'," +\
"passwordtype 'file'," +\
                "password '/usr/local/spark/sdbpasswd/passwd'" +\
  1. Query using SparkSQL
    #Query SDB
    queryTable = "SELECT * FROM SYSLOG limit 20";
    query_sdb = ctx.sql(queryTable)
  1. Run Spark Program
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --jars jars/spark-sequoiadb_2.11-3.4.jar

The above is the high availability deployment practice of SequoiaDB database, and SequoiaDB is used as data storage to realize Kafka data consumption and Spark access query and analysis functions. In the actual project operation, the concurrent write operation of more than 100 million data per hour and the query business of 2000w single batch job are realized through multi-dimensional partition sub tables.

reference material:

  2. Real time analysis of log data of big data series

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Keywords: Database Distribution sequoiadb

Added by mrtechguy on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 22:51:59 +0200