Serverless Reality: How to combine NLP for text summary and keyword extraction?

Automatic text abstraction and keyword extraction belong to the category of natural language processing.One advantage of extracting a summary is that the reader can tell with minimal information whether the article is meaningful or valuable to him or her and whether he or she needs to read it in more detail. The advantage of extracting a keyword is that it can associate the article with the article and allow the reader to quickly locate the content of the article related to the keyword.

Text summary and keyword extraction can be combined with traditional CMS, through the transformation of publishing functions such as articles/news, synchronously extract keywords and summaries, and put into HTML pages as Description s and Keyworks.To some extent, this is conducive to search engine inclusion and belongs to the scope of SEO optimization.

Keyword Extraction

There are many ways to extract keywords, but tf-idf should be the most common one.

jieba-based tf-idf keyword extraction method:

jieba.analyse.extract_tags(text, topK=5, withWeight=False, allowPOS=('n', 'vn', 'v'))

Text Summary

There are also many ways to summarize text, if divided broadly, including extractive and generative.The extractive method is to find the key sentences and assemble them to form a summary through TextRank and other algorithms in the article. This method is relatively simple, but it is difficult to extract the true semantics and so on. The other method is to extract and regenerate the text semantics through the methods of deep learning.

If understood simply, the extractive method produces a summary in which all sentences come from the original text, while the generative method produces them independently.

To simplify the difficulty, this paper will use extractive to achieve text summary function, through SnowNLP third-party library, to achieve text summary function based on TextRank.We abstract the contents of 20,000 miles under the sea as the original text:


When these events happened, I had just returned from a science exam in a barren area of Nebraska.I was an associate professor at the Museum of Natural History in Paris and was sent by the French Government to participate in this expedition.I spent half a year in Nebraska, collected a lot of valuable data, returned home, and arrived in New York at the end of March.I decided to leave for France in early May.So I grabbed hold of the ship's stay and sorted out the mineral and animal and plant specimens that I had collected, when the Scores crashed.
I knew the street conversations at that time very well. Besides, how can I ignore them and be indifferent?I read and reread various newspapers and magazines in the United States and Europe, but I couldn't get to the bottom of the truth.Mystery is beyond solution.I thought left and right, swinging between the two extremes, and never forming an idea.There must be a hall in it, which is beyond doubt. If anyone doubts, ask them to feel the Scosch wound.
When I arrived in New York, the problem was stirring up.Some inexperienced people have come up with ideas, floating islands and unpredictable reefs, but they have all been overturned.Obviously, how can the reef move so quickly unless it has a machine in its belly?
Similarly, the assumption that it is a floating hull or a pile of debris does not hold, because it still moves too fast.
So, there are only two explanations for the problem. People have their own views and naturally fall into two distinct groups: one says it's a monster of enormous power, the other says it's a very powerful "submarine".
Well, that last assumption is acceptable, but it's hard to justify it when you go to Europe and the United States.Which ordinary person would have such a powerful machine?It's impossible.Where and when did he ask anyone to make such a huge object, and how could he keep the wind from leaking during construction?
It seems that only a government can possibly possess such a destructive machine, and in this catastrophic age, when people are trying to increase the power of weapons of war, it is possible that one country is concealing the possibility that other countries are trying to produce such appalling weapons.After the Charsberg rifle there was a torpedo, after which there was an underwater hammer, and then the magic path climbed in response, the situation became more and more intense.At least, that's what I think.

Algorithms provided by SnowNLP:

from snownlp import SnowNLP
text = " The text above, omitted here "
s = SnowNLP(text)
print(". ".join(s.summary(5)))

Output results:

Naturally there are two distinct schools of thought: one that says it's a monster of enormous power.This assumption is also not valid.When I arrived in New York.Say it's a floating hull or a pile of debris.Others say it's a very powerful "diving boat"

Initially, the result is not very good. Next, we calculate the sentence weights ourselves to achieve a simple summary function, which requires jieba:

import re
import jieba.analyse
import jieba.posseg
class TextSummary:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text
    def splitSentence(self):
        sectionNum = 0
        self.sentences = []
        for eveSection in self.text.split("\n"):
            if eveSection:
                sentenceNum = 0
                for eveSentence in re.split("!|. |?", eveSection):
                    if eveSentence:
                        mark = []
                        if sectionNum == 0:
                        if sentenceNum == 0:
                            "text": eveSentence,
                            "pos": {
                                "x": sectionNum,
                                "y": sentenceNum,
                                "mark": mark
                        sentenceNum = sentenceNum + 1
                sectionNum = sectionNum + 1
        for i in range(0, len(self.sentences)):
            if self.sentences[i]["pos"]["x"] == self.sentences[-1]["pos"]["x"]:
    def getKeywords(self):
        self.keywords = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(self.text, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=('n', 'vn', 'v'))
    def sentenceWeight(self):
        # Calculating Position Weights of Sentences
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            mark = sentence["pos"]["mark"]
            weightPos = 0
            if "FIRSTSECTION" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 2
            if "FIRSTSENTENCE" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 2
            if "LASTSENTENCE" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 1
            if "LASTSECTION" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 1
            sentence["weightPos"] = weightPos
        # Calculating the Thread Word Weights of Sentences
        index = [" in short ", " To make a long story short "]
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            sentence["weightCueWords"] = 0
            sentence["weightKeywords"] = 0
        for i in index:
            for sentence in self.sentences:
                if sentence["text"].find(i) >= 0:
                    sentence["weightCueWords"] = 1
        for keyword in self.keywords:
            for sentence in self.sentences:
                if sentence["text"].find(keyword) >= 0:
                    sentence["weightKeywords"] = sentence["weightKeywords"] + 1
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            sentence["weight"] = sentence["weightPos"] + 2 * sentence["weightCueWords"] + sentence["weightKeywords"]
    def getSummary(self, ratio=0.1):
        self.keywords = list()
        self.sentences = list()
        self.summary = list()
        # Call method to calculate keywords, clauses and weights respectively
        # Sort the weight values of sentences
        self.sentences = sorted(self.sentences, key=lambda k: k['weight'], reverse=True)
        # Based on the sorting results, the top ratio sentences are used as summaries
        for i in range(len(self.sentences)):
            if i < ratio * len(self.sentences):
                sentence = self.sentences[i]
        return self.summary

This code mainly uses tf-idf to extract keywords, then uses keyword extraction to give sentences full weight, and finally obtains the overall result and runs:

testSummary = TextSummary(text)
print(". ".join(testSummary.getSummary()))

You can get the results:

Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /var/folders/yb/wvy_7wm91mzd7cjg4444gvdjsglgs8/T/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.721 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
It seems that only a government can possibly possess such a destructive machine, and in this catastrophic age, when people are trying to increase the power of weapons of war, it is possible that one country is concealing the possibility that other countries are trying to produce such appalling weapons.So I grabbed hold of the ship's stay and sorted out the mineral and animal and plant specimens that I had collected, when the Scores crashed.Similarly, the assumption that it is a floating hull or a pile of debris does not hold, because it still moves too fast

We can see that the overall effect is better than just now.

Publish API

With the Serverless architecture, the above code is collated and published.

Code collation results:

import re, json
import jieba.analyse
import jieba.posseg
class NLPAttr:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text
    def splitSentence(self):
        sectionNum = 0
        self.sentences = []
        for eveSection in self.text.split("\n"):
            if eveSection:
                sentenceNum = 0
                for eveSentence in re.split("!|. |?", eveSection):
                    if eveSentence:
                        mark = []
                        if sectionNum == 0:
                        if sentenceNum == 0:
                            "text": eveSentence,
                            "pos": {
                                "x": sectionNum,
                                "y": sentenceNum,
                                "mark": mark
                        sentenceNum = sentenceNum + 1
                sectionNum = sectionNum + 1
        for i in range(0, len(self.sentences)):
            if self.sentences[i]["pos"]["x"] == self.sentences[-1]["pos"]["x"]:
    def getKeywords(self):
        self.keywords = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(self.text, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=('n', 'vn', 'v'))
        return self.keywords
    def sentenceWeight(self):
        # Calculating Position Weights of Sentences
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            mark = sentence["pos"]["mark"]
            weightPos = 0
            if "FIRSTSECTION" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 2
            if "FIRSTSENTENCE" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 2
            if "LASTSENTENCE" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 1
            if "LASTSECTION" in mark:
                weightPos = weightPos + 1
            sentence["weightPos"] = weightPos
        # Calculating the Thread Word Weights of Sentences
        index = [" in short ", " To make a long story short "]
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            sentence["weightCueWords"] = 0
            sentence["weightKeywords"] = 0
        for i in index:
            for sentence in self.sentences:
                if sentence["text"].find(i) >= 0:
                    sentence["weightCueWords"] = 1
        for keyword in self.keywords:
            for sentence in self.sentences:
                if sentence["text"].find(keyword) >= 0:
                    sentence["weightKeywords"] = sentence["weightKeywords"] + 1
        for sentence in self.sentences:
            sentence["weight"] = sentence["weightPos"] + 2 * sentence["weightCueWords"] + sentence["weightKeywords"]
    def getSummary(self, ratio=0.1):
        self.keywords = list()
        self.sentences = list()
        self.summary = list()
        # Call method to calculate keywords, clauses and weights respectively
        # Sort the weight values of sentences
        self.sentences = sorted(self.sentences, key=lambda k: k['weight'], reverse=True)
        # Based on the sorting results, the top ratio sentences are used as summaries
        for i in range(len(self.sentences)):
            if i < ratio * len(self.sentences):
                sentence = self.sentences[i]
        return self.summary
def main_handler(event, context):
    nlp = NLPAttr(json.loads(event['body'])['text'])
    return {
        "keywords": nlp.getKeywords(),
        "summary": ". ".join(nlp.getSummary())

Write the project serverless.yaml file:

  component: "@serverless/tencent-scf"
    name: nlpDemo
    codeUri: ./
    handler: index.main_handler
    runtime: Python3.6
    region: ap-guangzhou
    description: Text Summary / Keyword function
    memorySize: 256
    timeout: 10
      - apigw:
          name: nlpDemo_apigw_service
              - http
            serviceName: serverless
            description: Text Summary / Keyword function
            environment: release
              - path: /nlp
                method: ANY

Since jieba is used in the project, it is recommended that you install it under the CentOS system with the corresponding Python version, or use a dependency tool I previously made for convenience:

Deploy through sls --debug:

Deployment is complete and simple testing can be done with PostMan:

As you can see from the diagram above, we have already output the target results as expected.At this point, the API for text summary/keyword extraction has been deployed.


Relatively, it is very easy and convenient to make an API through Serveless architecture, which can plug and unplug the API and make it component. I hope this article can give readers more ideas and inspiration.

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Keywords: Lambda JSON github CentOS

Added by khaine on Fri, 08 May 2020 04:03:21 +0300