We may be able to blurt out which websites have the largest traffic in the world, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook and PxxnHub. Today, let's look at the traffic websites that dominate the world through multiple dimensions!
Data acquisition
First, let's grab the data first. The target website is the following address
This page has the following table, which lists the top 50 websites with global traffic. We will capture this data
Next, code, use requests to access the page, and parse the web page through BeautifulSoup
import requests import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36"} res = requests.get("https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-50-most-visited-websites-in-the-world/", headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text) tbody = soup.find("table").find("tbody") tr_list = tbody.find_all("tr") data_list = [] for tr in tr_list: tds = tr.find_all("td") tmp = [] for td in tds: tmp.append(td.text) data_list.append(tmp) print(data_list)
[['1', 'Google.com', '92.5B', 'U.S.', 'Search Engines'], ['2', 'Youtube.com', '34.6B', 'U.S.', 'TV Movies and Streaming'], ['3', 'Facebook.com', '25.5B', 'U.S.', 'Social Networks and Online Communities'], ['4', 'Twitter.com', '6.6B', 'U.S.', 'Social Networks and Online Communities'], ['5', 'Wikipedia.org', '6.1B', 'U.S.', 'Dictionaries and Encyclopedias'], ['6', 'Instagram.com', '6.1B', 'U.S.', 'Social Networks and Online Communities'], ....
After we get the above data, we organize it into DataFrame form
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list) df.rename(columns={0:'Rank',1:'WebSite',2:'Traffic', 3:'Country', 4:'Type'},inplace=True) df['new_Traffic'] = df['Traffic'].apply(lambda x: x.split("B")[0] if "B" in x else float(x.split("M")[0])/1000) print(df)
Rank WebSite Traffic Country Type new_Traffic 0 1 Google.com 92.5B U.S. Search Engines 92.5 1 2 Youtube.com 34.6B U.S. TV Movies and Streaming 34.6 2 3 Facebook.com 25.5B U.S. Social Networks and Online Communities 25.5 3 4 Twitter.com 6.6B U.S. Social Networks and Online Communities 6.6 4 5 Wikipedia.org 6.1B U.S. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias 6.1 5 6 Instagram.com 6.1B U.S. Social Networks and Online Communities 6.1 6 7 Baidu.com 5.6B China Search Engines 5.6 7 8 Yahoo.com 3.8B U.S. News and Media 3.8 8 9 xvideos.com 3.4B Czech Republic Adult 3.4 9 10 pornhub.com 3.3B Canada Adult 3.3 10 11 Yandex.ru 3.2B Russia Search Engines 3.2 11 12 Whatsapp.com 3.1B U.S. Social Networks and Online Communities 3.1 12 13 Amazon.com 2.9B U.S. Marketplace 2.9 ...
Next, we convert the format and save it as a csv file for later use
web_name = df['WebSite'].values.tolist() newdf = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(df.values,24,axis=0)) newdf.columns = df.columns newdf['date'] = '' for i, r in newdf.iterrows(): print(r['WebSite']) tag = 0 ni = 0 for j in web_name[::-1]: if r['WebSite'] == j: print(tag) print(ni) r['date'] = d_list[tag:] ni += 1 tag += 1 newdf=newdf[['WebSite','Type','new_Traffic', 'date']] newnew = newdf.rename(columns={'WebSite':'name','Type': 'type', 'new_Traffic':'value'}) newnew.to_csv('newdf.csv', index=0)
Visual analysis
First import the required library
from pyecharts.charts import Bar,Map,Line,Page,Scatter,Pie,Polar from pyecharts import options as opts from pyecharts.globals import SymbolType,ThemeType from pyecharts.charts import Grid, Liquid from pyecharts.commons.utils import JsCode
Top 10 list
Get the top ten list according to the traffic
x_data = df['WebSite'].values.tolist()[:10] y_data = df['new_Traffic'].values.tolist()[:10] b = (Bar() .add_xaxis(x_data) .add_yaxis('',y_data) .set_global_opts(title_opts = opts.TitleOpts(), yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(rotate=30))) .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True,position='right')) .reversal_axis() ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) grid.add(b, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="20%")) grid.render_notebook()
You can see Google COM is the existence of a big Mac, followed by tubing, the world's largest video sharing website, and we are all familiar with it. Bah, station P, which you are all familiar with, ranks 10th, which is also a good ranking
Top 20 list
Let's look at the top 20
x_data = df['WebSite'].values.tolist()[10:20] y_data = df['new_Traffic'].values.tolist()[10:20] b = (Bar() .add_xaxis(x_data) .add_yaxis('',y_data) .set_global_opts(title_opts = opts.TitleOpts(), yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(rotate=30))) .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True,position='right')) .reversal_axis() ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) grid.add(b, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="20%")) grid.render_notebook()
The relative gap between the top 20 is not so big. Famous websites such as Zoom and Amazon are in this range
National Ranking
Below, we rank according to the country of the website
country_group = df.groupby("Country").count().sort_values(by=["Rank"], ascending=False) x_data = country_group.index.tolist()[:7] y_data = country_group["Rank"].values.tolist()[:7] b = (Bar() .add_xaxis(x_data) .add_yaxis('',y_data) .set_global_opts(title_opts = opts.TitleOpts(), xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(rotate=-15))) .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True,position='top')) ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) grid.add(b, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="20%")) grid.render_notebook()
Beautiful country is far ahead. As the world's first power, its leading advantage is all-round. China, Japan and Russia rank 2-4 respectively
Scatter view
c = ( Scatter() .add_xaxis(x_data) .add_yaxis("", y_data) .set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(), xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(rotate=-15)), visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(type_="size", max_=30, min_=1), ) ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) grid.add(c, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="20%")) grid.render_notebook()
Site type
Let's take a look at the distribution of different website types
type_group = df.groupby("Type").count().sort_values(by=["Rank"], ascending=False) x_type = type_group.index.tolist() y_type = type_group["Rank"].values.tolist() test = ['Social Networks and Online Communities', 'Marketplace', 'News and Media', 'Search Engines', 'Adult', 'Programming and Developer Software', 'Email'] c = ( Polar() .add_schema(angleaxis_opts=opts.AngleAxisOpts(data=x_type[:9], type_="category")) .add("", y_type[:9], type_="bar", stack="stack0") .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="")) ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) grid.add(c, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="20%")) grid.render_notebook()
It can be seen that the most types of websites are social online communication websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, and then shopping websites led by Amazon also account for a large part
Proportion of various types of websites
l1 = ( Liquid() .add("", [y_type[2]/sum(y_type)], center=["35%", "75%"]) .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="")) ) l2 = Liquid().add( "lq", [y_type[0]/sum(y_type)], center=["25%", "26%"], label_opts=opts.LabelOpts( font_size=50, formatter=JsCode( """function (param) { return (Math.floor(param.value * 10000) / 100) + '%'; }""" ), position="inside", ), ) l3 = ( Liquid() .add("", [y_type[1]/sum(y_type)], center=["75%", "26%"]) .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="")) ) l4 = Liquid().add( "", [y_type[3]/sum(y_type)], center=["65%", "75%"], label_opts=opts.LabelOpts( font_size=50, formatter=JsCode( """function (param) { return (Math.floor(param.value * 10000) / 100) + '%'; }""" ), position="inside",is_show=True ), ) grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)).add(l1, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts()).add(l2, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts()).add(l3, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts()).add(l4, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts()) grid.render_notebook()
Dynamic ranking display
Now let's take a more intuitive look at the ranking of global top websites through a small video
Finally, there is another divine picture, which is very amazing
The visual inspection of this picture should be realized through Matplotlib. Please help us give some praise to the article. If the number is enough, we'll reproduce it sometime~
Well, that's all we have to share today