1. Hexadecimal character to integer number
Function: convert hexadecimal string to hexadecimal number. I didn't find the corresponding library function, so I wrote a function manually with reference to the online code.
The commonly used functions are ATOI and Atol, which convert decimal digit strings into int or long types, so they are not applicable in some cases.
/*============================================================================= # FileName: hex2dec.cpp # Desc: Convert a hex string to a int number # Author: Caibiao Lee # Version: # LastChange: 2018-11-26 # History: =============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> int c2i(char ch) { // If it is a number, subtract 48 from the ASCII code of the number. If ch = '2', then '2' - 48 = 2 if(isdigit(ch)) return ch - 48; // If it is a letter, but not A~F,a~f returns if( ch < 'A' || (ch > 'F' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z' ) return -1; // If it is an uppercase letter, subtract 55 from the ASCII code of the number. If ch = 'A', then 'A' - 55 = 10 // If it is a lowercase letter, subtract 87 from the ASCII code of the number. If ch = 'a', then 'a' - 87 = 10 if(isalpha(ch)) return isupper(ch) ? ch - 55 : ch - 87; return -1; } int hex2dec(char *hex) { int len; int num = 0; int temp; int bits; int i; char str[64] = {0}; if(NULL==hex) { printf("input para error \n"); return 0; } if(('0'==hex[0])&&(('X'==hex[1])||('x'==hex[1]))) { strcpy(str,&hex[2]); }else { strcpy(str,hex); } printf("input num = %s \n",str); // In this example, str = "1de" is 3 in length, and Hex is passed by the main function len = strlen(str); for (i=0, temp=0; i<len; i++, temp=0) { // First time: i=0, *(str + i) = *(str + 0) = '1', i.e. temp = 1 // The second time: I = 1, * (STR + I) = * (STR + 1) ='d ', i.e. temp = 13 // The third time: I = 2, * (STR + I) = * (STR + 2) ='d ', i.e. temp = 14 temp = c2i( *(str + i) ); // There are 3 bits in total, and one hexadecimal bit is saved with 4 bit s // First time: '1' is the highest bit, so temp shifts left (len - i -1) * 4 = 2 * 4 = 8 bits // Second time:'d 'is the second highest bit, so temp moves left (len - i -1) * 4 = 1 * 4 = 4 bits // The third time: 'e' is the lowest bit, so temp shifts left (len - i -1) * 4 = 0 * 4 = 0 bits bits = (len - i - 1) * 4; temp = temp << bits; // Here, you can also use num += temp; Accumulate num = num | temp; } // Return results return num; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int l_s32Ret = 0; if(2!=argc) { printf("=====ERROR!======\n"); printf("usage: %s Num \n", argv[0]); printf("eg 1: %s 0x400\n", argv[0]); return 0; } l_s32Ret = hex2dec(argv[1]); printf("value hex = 0x%x \n",l_s32Ret); printf("value dec = %d \n",l_s32Ret); return 0; }
Operation results:
biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ./a.out 0x400 input num = 400 value hex = 0x400 value dec = 1024 biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$
2. String to integer
Function: convert the normally input hexadecimal or hexadecimal string to int data type.
/*============================================================================= # FileName: hex2dec.cpp # Desc: Convert a hex/dec string to a int number # Author: Caibiao Lee # Version: # LastChange: 2018-12-03 # History: =============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> int String2int(char *strChar) { int len=0; const char *pstrCmp1="0123456789ABCDEF"; const char *pstrCmp2="0123456789abcdef"; char *pstr=NULL; int uiValue=0; int j=0; unsigned int t=0; int i=0; if(NULL==strChar) return -1; if(0>=(len=strlen((const char *)strChar))) return -1; if(NULL!=(pstr=strstr(strChar,"0x"))||NULL!=(pstr=strstr(strChar,"0X"))) { pstr=(char *)strChar+2; if(0>=(len=strlen((const char *)pstr))) return -1; for(i=(len-1);i>=0;i--) { if(pstr[i]>'F') { for(t=0;t<strlen((const char *)pstrCmp2);t++) { if(pstrCmp2[t]==pstr[i]) uiValue|=(t<<(j++*4)); } } else { for(t=0;t<strlen((const char *)pstrCmp1);t++) { if(pstrCmp1[t]==pstr[i]) uiValue|=(t<<(j++*4)); } } } } else { uiValue=atoi((const char*)strChar); } return uiValue; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int l_s32Ret = 0; if(2!=argc) { printf("=====ERROR!======\n"); printf("usage: %s Num \n", argv[0]); printf("eg 1: %s 0x400\n", argv[0]); return 0; } l_s32Ret = String2int(argv[1]); printf("value hex = 0x%x \n",l_s32Ret); printf("value dec = %d \n",l_s32Ret); return 0; }
3. Create files and populate with fixed data
Function: create a fixed size file and fill the file with fixed data.
/*============================================================================= # FileName: CreateFile.cpp # Desc: Create a fixed size file and fill it with fixed data # Author: Caibiao Lee # Version: # LastChange: 2018-11-26 # History: =============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> //#define FILL_DATA_VALUE 0xff #define FILL_DATA_VALUE 0x30 //char 0 int c2i(char ch) { if(isdigit(ch)) return ch - 48; if( ch < 'A' || (ch > 'F' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z' ) return -1; if(isalpha(ch)) return isupper(ch) ? ch - 55 : ch - 87; return -1; } int hex2dec(char *hex) { int len; int num = 0; int temp; int bits; int i; char str[64] = {0}; if(NULL==hex) { printf("input para error \n"); return 0; } if(('0'==hex[0])&&(('X'==hex[1])||('x'==hex[1]))) { strcpy(str,&hex[2]); }else { strcpy(str,hex); } printf("input num = %s \n",str); len = strlen(str); for (i=0, temp=0; i<len; i++, temp=0) { temp = c2i( *(str + i) ); bits = (len - i - 1) * 4; temp = temp << bits; num = num | temp; } return num; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *l_pFile = NULL; int l_s32Rest = 0; unsigned int l_WriteLen = 0; unsigned int l_FileLen = 0; unsigned char TempData[1024] = {FILL_DATA_VALUE}; if(3!=argc) { printf("usage: %s FileName FileLen \n ", argv[0]); printf("eg: %s ./Outfile.bin 0x400 \n ", argv[0]); return 0; }; const char *l_pFileName = argv[1]; if(NULL==l_pFileName) { printf("input file name is NULL \n"); return -1; } if(('0'==argv[2][0])&&(('X'==argv[2][1])||('x'==argv[2][1]))) { l_FileLen = hex2dec(argv[2]); }else { l_FileLen = atoi(argv[2]); } printf("Need To Write Data Len %d \n",l_FileLen); printf("Fill Data Vale = 0x%x \n",FILL_DATA_VALUE); for(int i=0;i<1024;i++) { TempData[i] = FILL_DATA_VALUE; } l_pFile = fopen(l_pFileName,"w+"); if(l_pFile==NULL) { printf("open file %s error \n",l_pFileName); return -1; } while(l_WriteLen<l_FileLen) { if(l_FileLen<1024) { l_s32Rest = fwrite(TempData,1,l_FileLen,l_pFile); } else { l_s32Rest = fwrite(TempData,1,1024,l_pFile); } if(l_s32Rest <= 0) { break; }; l_WriteLen +=l_s32Rest; } if(NULL!=l_pFile) { fclose(l_pFile); l_pFile = NULL; } return 0; }
Operation results:
biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ gcc CreateFile.cpp biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ls a.out CreateFile.cpp hex2dec.cpp main.cpp out.bin biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ./a.out ./out.bin 0x10 input num = 10 Need To Write Data Len 16 Fill Data Vale = 0x30 biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ls a.out CreateFile.cpp hex2dec.cpp main.cpp out.bin biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ vim out.bin 1 0000000000000000
4. Batch processing pictures
Function: delete the fixed number of bytes in front of the picture in batch.
/*============================================================================= # FileName: CutFile.cpp # Desc: Batch processing, delete the fixed bytes in front of the picture # Author: Caibiao Lee # Version: # LastChange: 2018-11-26 # History: =============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #define START_READ_POSITION 128 #define PHOTO_START_TIME 83641 //l_s32PhotoTime = 92809; int Cut_file(char * InputFile) { FILE *l_pFileInput = NULL; FILE *l_pFileOutput = NULL; char l_ars8OutputName[128] = {0}; unsigned char l_arru8TempData[1024] = {0}; int l_s32Ret = 0; static unsigned int ls_u32Num = 0; if(NULL== InputFile) { goto ERROR; } //sprintf(l_ars8OutputName,"./outfile/_%s",&InputFile[8]); sprintf(l_ars8OutputName,"./outfile/00%d.jpg",ls_u32Num++); //printf("out file name %s \n",l_ars8OutputName); l_pFileInput = fopen(InputFile,"rb+"); if(NULL==l_pFileInput) { printf("input file open error\n"); goto ERROR; } l_pFileOutput = fopen(l_ars8OutputName,"w+"); if(NULL==l_pFileOutput) { printf("out file open error\n"); goto ERROR; } fseek(l_pFileInput,START_READ_POSITION,SEEK_SET); while(!feof(l_pFileInput)) { l_s32Ret = fread(l_arru8TempData,1,1024,l_pFileInput); if(l_s32Ret<0) { break; } l_s32Ret = fwrite(l_arru8TempData,1,l_s32Ret,l_pFileOutput); if(l_s32Ret<0) { break; } } ERROR: if(NULL!=l_pFileOutput) { fclose(l_pFileOutput); l_pFileOutput =NULL; }; if(NULL !=l_pFileInput); { fclose(l_pFileInput); l_pFileInput =NULL; } } int main(void) { char l_arrs8InputName[128] = {0}; char l_s8PhotoChannel = 0; int l_s32PhotoTime = 0; l_s8PhotoChannel = 3; l_s32PhotoTime = PHOTO_START_TIME; /**Starting from the first channel**/ for(int j=1;j<l_s8PhotoChannel;j++) { for(int i=l_s32PhotoTime;i<235959;i++) { memset(l_arrs8InputName,0,sizeof(l_arrs8InputName)); sprintf(l_arrs8InputName,"./image/%dY%06d.jpg",j,i); if(0==access(l_arrs8InputName,F_OK)) { printf("%s\n",l_arrs8InputName); Cut_file(l_arrs8InputName); } } } }
Operation results:
biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ gcc CutFile.cpp biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ ls a.out CutFile.cpp image outfile biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ ./a.out ./image/1Y083642.jpg ./image/1Y083714.jpg ./image/1Y083747.jpg ./image/1Y083820.jpg ./image/1Y083853.jpg ./image/1Y083925.jpg ./image/1Y084157.jpg ./image/1Y084228.jpg ./image/1Y084301.jpg ./image/1Y084334.jpg ./image/1Y084406.jpg ./image/1Y084439.jpg ./image/1Y084711.jpg ./image/1Y084742.jpg ./image/1Y173524.jpg ./image/1Y173556.jpg ./image/1Y173629.jpg ./image/1Y173702.jpg ./image/1Y173933.jpg ./image/1Y174004.jpg ./image/1Y174244.jpg ./image/1Y174315.jpg ./image/1Y174348.jpg ./image/1Y174420.jpg ./image/1Y174454.jpg ./image/1Y174733.jpg biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ tree . ├── a.out ├── CutFile.cpp ├── image │ ├── 1Y083642.jpg │ ├── 1Y083714.jpg │ ├── 1Y083747.jpg │ ├── 1Y083820.jpg │ ├── 1Y083853.jpg │ ├── 1Y083925.jpg │ ├── 1Y084157.jpg │ ├── 1Y084228.jpg │ ├── 1Y084301.jpg │ ├── 1Y084334.jpg │ ├── 1Y084406.jpg │ ├── 1Y084439.jpg │ ├── 1Y084711.jpg │ ├── 1Y084742.jpg │ ├── 1Y173524.jpg │ ├── 1Y173556.jpg │ ├── 1Y173629.jpg │ ├── 1Y173702.jpg │ ├── 1Y173933.jpg │ ├── 1Y174004.jpg │ ├── 1Y174244.jpg │ ├── 1Y174315.jpg │ ├── 1Y174348.jpg │ ├── 1Y174420.jpg │ ├── 1Y174454.jpg │ └── 1Y174733.jpg └── outfile ├── 000.jpg ├── 0010.jpg ├── 0011.jpg ├── 0012.jpg ├── 0013.jpg ├── 0014.jpg ├── 0015.jpg ├── 0016.jpg ├── 0017.jpg ├── 0018.jpg ├── 0019.jpg ├── 001.jpg ├── 0020.jpg ├── 0021.jpg ├── 0022.jpg ├── 0023.jpg ├── 0024.jpg ├── 0025.jpg ├── 002.jpg ├── 003.jpg ├── 004.jpg ├── 005.jpg ├── 006.jpg ├── 007.jpg ├── 008.jpg └── 009.jpg 2 directories, 54 files biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$
Before running, you need to create two directories. image is used to store the pictures to be processed, and outfile is used to store the processed files. This batch file processing method is very violent, and it can be used occasionally.
5. IO control applet
In order to save space, embedded device systems generally cut the system, so many useful commands will be deleted. It is also troublesome to debug code in embedded devices. Generally, you can only see serial port printing. Now I have written a small program to view and control the IO level status of Hisilicon Hi3520DV300 chip.
/*============================================================================= # FileName: Hi3520_IO_CTRL.cpp # Desc: Hi3520DV300 IO Write and Read # Author: Caibiao Lee # Version: # LastChange: 2018-11-30 # History: =============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "hstGpioAL.h" int PrintfInputTips(char *ps8Name) { printf("=========== error!!! ========\n\n"); printf("usage Write: %s GPIO bit value \n", ps8Name); printf("usage Read : %s GPIO bit \n", ps8Name); printf("eg Write 1 to GPIO1_bit02 : %s 1 2 1\n", ps8Name); printf("eg Read GPIO1_bit02 Value : %s 1 2 \n\n", ps8Name); printf("=============BT20==================\n") printf("USB HUB GPIO_0_2 1_UP; 0_Down \n"); printf("RESET_HD GPIO_13_0 0_EN; 1_disEN\n"); printf("Power_HD GPIO_13_3 1_UP; 0_Down \n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if((3!=argc)&&(4!=argc)) { PrintfInputTips(argv[0]); return -1; } unsigned char l_u8GPIONum = 0; unsigned char l_u8GPIOBit = 0; unsigned char l_u8SetValue = 0; GPIO_GROUP_E l_eGpioGroup; GPIO_BIT_E l_eBit; GPIO_DATA_E l_eData; l_u8GPIONum = atoi(argv[1]); l_u8GPIOBit = atoi(argv[2]); if(l_u8GPIONum<14) { l_eGpioGroup = (GPIO_GROUP_E)l_u8GPIONum; }else { printf("l_u8GPIONum error l_u8GPIONum = %d\n",l_u8GPIONum); return -1; }; if(l_u8GPIOBit<8) { l_eBit = (GPIO_BIT_E)l_u8GPIOBit; }else { printf("l_u8GPIOBit error l_u8GPIOBit = %d\n",l_u8GPIOBit); return -1; } if(NULL!=argv[3]) { l_u8SetValue = atoi(argv[3]); if(0==l_u8SetValue) { l_eData = (GPIO_DATA_E)l_u8SetValue; }else if(1==l_u8SetValue) { l_eData = (GPIO_DATA_E)l_u8SetValue; }else { printf("l_u8SetValue error l_u8SetValue = %d\n",l_u8SetValue); } } if(3==argc) {/**read**/ printf("read GPIO%d Bit%d \n",l_u8GPIONum,l_u8GPIOBit); /**set input**/ HstGpio_Set_Direction(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, GPIO_INPUT); /**read **/ char l_s8bit_val = 0; HstGpio_Get_Value(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, &l_s8bit_val); printf("read Data = %d \n",l_s8bit_val); }else if(4==argc) {/**write**/ printf("Write GPIO %d; Bit %d; Value %d\n",l_u8GPIONum,l_u8GPIOBit,l_u8SetValue); /***set IO output*/ HstGpio_Set_Direction(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, GPIO_OUPUT); /**Write To IO**/ HstGpio_Set_Value(l_eGpioGroup,l_eBit,l_eData); }else { } return 0; }
6. Insert data in fixed location of file
Insert fixed data in the fixed position of the file.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define BASIC_FILE_NAME "./nandflash.bin" #define UBOOT_FILE_NAME "./u-boot.bin" #define KERNEL_FILE_NAME "./kernel.bin" #define ROOTFS_FILE_NAME "./rootfs.bin" #define APP_FILE_NAME "./app.bin" #define UBOOT_POSITION 0x00 #define KERNEL_POSITION 0x100000 #define ROOTFS_POSITION 0x500000 #define APP_POSITION 0x2700000 int InsertData(FILE *pfBasic,FILE *psInsert,int s32Position) { int l_S32Ret = 0; unsigned char l_arru8Temp[1024] = {0xff}; fseek(pfBasic,s32Position,SEEK_SET); fseek(psInsert,0,SEEK_SET); while(1) { l_S32Ret = fread(l_arru8Temp,1,1024,psInsert); if(l_S32Ret > 0) { l_S32Ret = fwrite(l_arru8Temp,1,l_S32Ret,pfBasic); if(l_S32Ret<=0) { printf("line %d error l_S32Ret = %d \n",__LINE__,l_S32Ret); return -1; } }else { break; } } return 0; } int main(void) { int l_s32Ret = 0; FILE *l_pfBasec = NULL; FILE *l_pfUboot = NULL; FILE *l_pfKernel = NULL; FILE *l_pfRootfs = NULL; FILE *l_pfApp = NULL; l_pfBasec = fopen(BASIC_FILE_NAME,"r+"); if(NULL==l_pfBasec) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } l_pfUboot = fopen(UBOOT_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfUboot) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } l_pfKernel = fopen(KERNEL_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfKernel) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } l_pfRootfs = fopen(ROOTFS_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfRootfs) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } l_pfApp = fopen(APP_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfApp) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfUboot,UBOOT_POSITION)) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfKernel,KERNEL_POSITION)) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfRootfs,ROOTFS_POSITION)) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfApp,APP_POSITION)) { printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__); goto ERROR; } ERROR: if(NULL!=l_pfBasec) { fclose(l_pfBasec); l_pfBasec = NULL; } if(NULL!=l_pfUboot) { fclose(l_pfUboot); l_pfUboot = NULL; } if(NULL!=l_pfKernel) { fclose(l_pfKernel); l_pfKernel = NULL; } if(NULL!=l_pfRootfs) { fclose(l_pfRootfs); l_pfRootfs = NULL; } if(NULL!=l_pfApp) { fclose(l_pfApp); l_pfApp = NULL; } return 0; }
7. Get local IP address
To obtain the local IP address in linux devices, you can use the following program to support devices with three network ports on the largest host. Of course, the number of network cards can be modified.
#include <stdio.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <string.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> int get_local_ip(char *ps8IpList) { struct ifaddrs *ifAddrStruct; char l_s8IpAddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; void *tmpAddrPtr; int l_s32IPCount = 0; getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct); while (ifAddrStruct != NULL) { if (ifAddrStruct->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET) { tmpAddrPtr=&((struct sockaddr_in *)ifAddrStruct->ifa_addr)->sin_addr; inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmpAddrPtr, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); if (strcmp(l_s8IpAddr, "") != 0) { if(l_s32IPCount == 0) { memcpy(ps8IpList, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } else { memcpy(ps8IpList+INET_ADDRSTRLEN, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } l_s32IPCount++; } } ifAddrStruct=ifAddrStruct->ifa_next; } freeifaddrs(ifAddrStruct); return l_s32IPCount; } int main() { char l_arrs8IpAddrList[3][INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; int l_s32AddrCount; memset(l_arrs8IpAddrList, 0, sizeof(l_arrs8IpAddrList)); l_s32AddrCount = get_local_ip(*l_arrs8IpAddrList); for(l_s32AddrCount;l_s32AddrCount>0;l_s32AddrCount--) { printf("Server Local IP%d: %s\n",l_s32AddrCount,l_arrs8IpAddrList[l_s32AddrCount-1]); } return 0; }
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