Requirements: batch create 10 system accounts, such as test-01 to test-10, and set the password to random 8 digits for each user. At the same time, save the password corresponding to the successfully created account in / tmp/user.txt, and save the password corresponding to the failed account in / tmp/fail_user.txt if it fails
1) create system accounts in batches. There is no special way to directly use useradd in combination with variables
2) the random 8-digit password needs to use the command to generate random numbers. In the demonstration script, the author uses the following three commands in combination, and the operation is as follows:
[root@jason scripts]# echo $(date +%t%N)$RANDOM|md5sum 142470e2de821875c8e002ba0d2bf4e5 - Tip: the author uses date, system environment variable RANDOM and md5sum to generate RANDOM numbers
3) the password is required to be random 8-digit, but the former two commands combined with md5sum will generate a fixed random number of 128 bits. In this paper, the cut command is used to grab the random number of 8 bits. The operation is as follows:
[root@jason ~]# echo $(date +%t%N)$RANDOM|md5sum |cut -c 2-9 3e05cfe6
4) script display
[root@jason scripts]# cat #!/bin/sh [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ]&& . /etc/init.d/functions || exit 1 >/tmp/user.txt for n in $(seq -w 10) do passwd=`echo $(date +%s%n)$RANDOM|md5sum |cut -c 2-9` useradd test-$n >&/dev/null && user_status=$? echo "$passwd"|passwd --stdin test-$n >&/dev/null && pass_status=$? if [ $user_status -eq 0 -a $pass_status -eq 0 ];then action "adduser test-$n" /bin/true echo -e "user:\ttest-$n passwd:$passwd" >>/tmp/user.txt else action "adduser test-$n" /bin/false echo -e "user:\ttest-$n passwd:$passwd" >>/tmp/fail_user.txt fi done
5) script test
#Run script [root@jason scripts]# sh adduser test-01 [ OK ] adduser test-02 [ OK ] adduser test-03 [ OK ] adduser test-04 [ OK ] adduser test-05 [ OK ] adduser test-06 [ OK ] adduser test-07 [ OK ] adduser test-08 [ OK ] adduser test-09 [ OK ] adduser test-10 [ OK ] #View the password corresponding to the successfully created user [root@jason scripts]# cat /tmp/user.txt user: test-01 passwd:cd2e36b9 user: test-02 passwd:98ceb8f4 user: test-03 passwd:813c5067 user: test-04 passwd:20e3c58e user: test-05 passwd:ed0d93f9 user: test-06 passwd:67aadb88 user: test-07 passwd:f399ce9b user: test-08 passwd:f32be6f9 user: test-09 passwd:bfa0cc7a user: test-10 passwd:25b6553e #View the / etc/passwd file [root@jason scripts]# tail -10 /etc/passwd test-01:x:533:533::/home/test-01:/bin/bash test-02:x:534:534::/home/test-02:/bin/bash test-03:x:535:535::/home/test-03:/bin/bash test-04:x:536:536::/home/test-04:/bin/bash test-05:x:537:537::/home/test-05:/bin/bash test-06:x:538:538::/home/test-06:/bin/bash test-07:x:539:539::/home/test-07:/bin/bash test-08:x:540:540::/home/test-08:/bin/bash test-09:x:541:541::/home/test-09:/bin/bash test-10:x:542:542::/home/test-10:/bin/bash