[shell series] necessary tools for environmental management


1, What is a shell

2, Application scenario of shell script

3, Common shell scripts

4, Summary

1, What is a shell

Shell is an application program, which connects users and Linux kernel, so that users can use Linux kernel more efficiently, safely and at low cost. This is the essence of shell.

In short, we operate Linux through the shell. Let me share some shell scripts I used in my previous work.

2, Application scenario of shell script

Mastering the use of shell script is very helpful in our environment management.

For example, we can detect whether the application process of the test development environment exists through the shell script. If there are exceptions, we can send nail notification or email notification; Check whether the application starts normally; Regularly clean the log files and cache files of the test development environment; A series of environmental problems can be realized through the shell.

3, Common shell scripts

1. for loop

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# author: wmh
# Script description: for loop

for1() {
  array=(a b c)
  for i in ${array[@]}; do
    echo "for loop: ${i}"

for2() {
  array1=(a1 b1 c1)
  array2=(a2 b2 c2)
  for ((i = 0; i < ${#array1[@]}; i++)); do
    for ((i = 0; i < ${#array2[@]}; i++)); do
      echo "for Cycle No i=${i}second: ${array1[i]} ${array2[i]}"

for3() {
  array1=(a1 b1 c1)
  array2=(a2 b2 c2)
  #If the array position needs to be added!
  for i in ${!array1[@]}; do
    for j in ${!array2[@]}; do
      # ${i} -eq ${j}: indicates that the positions of parameter i and parameter j are the same
      if [ ${i} -eq ${j} ]; then
        echo "for Cycle No i=${i} j=${j}second: array1=${array1} array2=${array2}"
        echo "for Cycle No i=${i} j=${j}second: array1=${array1[$i]} array2=${array2[$j]}"
        echo " "


2. Testing service


# author: wmh
# Script description: check whether the service process exists. If it does not exist, perform nailing notification

time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)

# The parameter in content needs to be added ''
funDingTalk() {
  curl 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=1234567890' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"msgtype": "text",
       "text": {
          "content": "'$time' '${HOSTNAME}' '$1' has been killed"

pid_check() {
  pid=$(ps aux | grep $1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
  if [ "$pid" ]; then
    echo -e "\033[32m$time $1 $pid Existing process\n\033[0m"
    echo -e "\033[31m$time $1 No process\n\033[0m"
    funDingTalk $1

app_list=(app1 app2 app3 app4)

for i in ${app_list[@]}; do
  pid_check $i

3. Read txt


# author: wmh
# Script description: read txt content and cut string

array1=$(cat ./demo.txt)

for arr in ${array1}; do
  vars=(${arr//,/ })
  echo "Get variable 1: ${vars[0]} ${vars[1]} ${vars[2]}"

  for var in ${vars[@]}; do
    echo "Get variable 2: ${var}"
  echo " "

demo.txt The contents are as follows: a1,a2,a3

4. Check whether the output contains keywords


# author: wmh
# Script description: check whether the log output after startup contains keywords, which are included in the exit program. If not, continue

var=`cd /tmp/bin && su username stop.sh; su username start.sh`

echo "var keyword: $var"

if [[ $var = *not* ]];then
    echo "Contains keywords, sign out"
    exit 1
    echo "Does not contain keywords, Normal output"

5. Clear file


# author: wmh
# Script description: clear file

echo "Clear 3 days ago tmp|zip file"
find /tmp/*/logs -mtime +3 | egrep "\.(tmp|zip)$" | xargs rm -f

echo "Clear gz Files 1 day ago“
find /tmp/ -mtime +1 -name "*.gz" | xargs rm -f

echo "Clear redirect large log file“
for i in $(find /tmp/*/logs/catalina.out); do
  cat /dev/null >$i

echo "Clear zombie process"
for n in $(lsof | grep delete | awk '{print $2}'); do
  echo $n
  kill -9 $n

6. Prefix file names in batch

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# author: wmh
# Script description: prefix file names in batches. Only files are supported, not folders Note: cp means copy and mv means cut

cd /tmp
for i in $(ls); do
  cp -rf $i "prefix_"$i

I have put the relevant scripts in the warehouse. If you need them, you can get them yourself:


4, Summary

Mastering the ability of environmental management is one of the very important skills as a test engineer. Dig the pain points encountered in the process of team testing, take all problems hindering R & D efficiency as the entry point, and think of solutions.

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Keywords: Linux Operation & Maintenance bash

Added by shams on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 15:59:38 +0200