Slide right letter index of wechat applet

We often see this in wechat and address book. How to implement this function in the applet (wait, we need to use an official component of the applet). This function can be divided into two parts, one is the rolling area and the other is the sliding positioning area.

Scroll area
In the applet, scroll to the specified position can be realized by using the scroll view component (click me to view the applet document)

<scroll-view class="goup_list" scroll-with-animation="true" scroll-y="true" style="height: 300rpx;" scroll-into-view="{{toView}}">
    <Specific business interface code />

At the end is the code I just recorded for GIF. You can see that the scroll view component has a property scroll into view, which can jump to the specified location. The value is ID, which is the ID of B, C and D seen by GIF.

(there will be complete code at the end)

Sliding implementation
When sliding, we will think of the touchmove event. We need to rely on this to determine which index (letter) to slide to.

But the slide doesn't directly tell you which component it is, so we need to use the existing information. Here we use the information of Y and X.

The logic after getting X and Y is as follows

It's hard to describe clearly in words. Look at the figure below. You can calculate the deviation value in this way, and then divide it by the height of each item to get the number of items to slide to. Another problem involved here is how to find the height of a single item. Height / number.


var y = e.touches[0].pageY;
    var itemLen =
    var height = letterDomRes.height
    var top =
    // Offset of sliding (deviation value)
    var offsetTop = (height + top - y)
    var itemHeight = height / itemLen
    var index = itemLen - ((offsetTop / itemHeight)|0) - 1
    if(index < 0 || index >= itemLen){

There is also where the above data comes from, that is, how the applet takes the top value and height in the figure below.


//Create node selector
var query = wx.createSelectorQuery()'.letter-index').boundingClientRect()
query.exec(function (res) {
      letterDomRes = res[0]

letterDomRes.height {is the data we need.

It's all done here. Then add an optimization. If it exceeds the sliding range, return. The above code also has it. Then judge whether it is during sliding when setting. If yes, filter the same settings.

Complete code

// pages/word/strange.js
var letterDomRes = {}
var moveing_word = ''

   * Initial data of the page
  data: {
    toView: '',
    list: [
        word: 'B',
        children: [
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
        word: 'C',
        children: [
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
        word: 'D',
        children: [
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
          {word: 'Ban', translation: 'vt. Ban, ban; n. Prohibition'},
  // ---- methods
    var id =
    // console.log(id)
    var y = e.touches[0].pageY;
    var itemLen =
    var height = letterDomRes.height
    var top =
    // Offset of sliding (deviation value)
    var offsetTop = (height + top - y)
    var itemHeight = height / itemLen
    var index = itemLen - ((offsetTop / itemHeight)|0) - 1
    if(index < 0 || index >= itemLen){
    var letter =[index].word
    // console.log(index, letter)

    // [optimization] filter the same
    if(moveing_word == letter){
    moveing_word = letter
    this.setListSite('word_' + letter)
    // console.log(height /
    //  /
    // console.log(
    // Reset
    moveing_word = ''
   * Set scroll position
   * @param {String} id Prefix + letter
      title: id.split('_')[1],
      icon: 'none',
      toView: id,
      duration: 500,
   * Life cycle function -- listening for page loading
  onLoad: function (options) {

   * Life cycle function -- monitor the completion of the first rendering of the page
  onReady: function () {
    //Get index bar height in onshow
    var query = wx.createSelectorQuery();//Create node selector'.letter-index').boundingClientRect()
    query.exec(function (res) {
      //res is an array of information for all elements labeled mjltest
      letterDomRes = res[0]
      //Take height
      console.log("height : "+res[0].height);

   * Life cycle function -- monitor page display
  onShow: function () {


   * Life cycle function -- listening for page hiding
  onHide: function () {


   * Life cycle function -- listen for page unloading
  onUnload: function () {


   * Page related event handler -- listen to user drop-down actions
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {


   * Handler for bottom pull event on page
  onReachBottom: function () {



<view class="container">
    <scroll-view class="goup_list" scroll-with-animation="true" scroll-y="true" style="height: 300rpx;" scroll-into-view="{{toView}}">
        <view class="">
            <view class="group_item" wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="{{index}}">
                <view class="group">
                    <view class="title" id="word_{{item.word}}">{{item.word}}</view>
                    <view class="word_list">
                        <view class="word_list_item" wx:for="{{item.children}}" wx:key="{{index}}">
                            <view class="e">
                                <view class="">{{item.translation}}</view>
                            <image mode="widthFix" src="/image/right.png" class="right-image" />
    <view class="letter-index" bind:touchmove="letterMove" bindtap="letterTap" bind:touchend="letterEnd">
        <view class="item" id="word_{{item.word}}" wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="index">{{item.word}}</view>

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Keywords: Mini Program

Added by remnant on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 14:04:10 +0200