Facing non connection is udp communication
Learn about the steps of udp socker
1. Set up datagram socket and return socket type s [socket()]
2. Bind socket s to local address (IP + port) [bind()]
3. Read / write data on socket ns until the end of [sendto()] [recvfrom()]
4. Close socket ns [closesocket()]
1. Set up datagram socket and return socket type s [socket()]
2. Read / write data on socket ns until the end of [sendto()] [recvfrom()]
3. Close socket ns [closesocket()]
Client does not need to bind address
vs2017 compiled
If the compilation fails, you can replace the old function name.
// Udp_server.cpp: defines the entry point for the console application. // //Related header file #include "stdafx.h" #include <WinSock2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #pragma comment(lib,"WS2_32.lib") int main() { //Initialization WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { printf("WSAStartup initialization failed"); return 0; } //Variable declaration, assignment SOCKET RecvSocket; sockaddr_in RecvAddr; int Port = 8888; char RecvBuf[1024]; //Receive buffer char SendBuf[1024]; //Send buffer int BufLen = 1024; sockaddr_in SenderAddr; int SenderAddrSize = sizeof(SenderAddr); //Create socket to receive data RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); //Binding ip and port RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port); RecvAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr)); printf("Server ready:\n"); while (true) { //Receive int re_number = recvfrom(RecvSocket, RecvBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr, &SenderAddrSize ); if (re_number > 0) { printf("from client : %s\n", &RecvBuf); if (strcmp(RecvBuf, "quit") == 0) { closesocket(RecvSocket); return 0; } } //Send out gets_s(SendBuf); //Get keyboard input //Sending function int send_number = sendto(RecvSocket, SendBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr, sizeof(SenderAddr) ); printf("server_to_client: %s\n", SendBuf); if (strcmp(SendBuf, "quit") == 0){ closesocket(RecvSocket); return 0; } } if (WSACleanup() == SOCKET_ERROR) printf("WSACleanup failed"); return 0; }
// UDP? Client.cpp: defines the entry point for the console application. // //Related header file #include "stdafx.h" #include <WinSock2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #Include < ws2tcpip. H > / / this header file is required for the function at line 35 using namespace std; #pragma comment(lib,"WS2_32.lib") int main() { //Initialization WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { printf("WSAStartup initialization failed"); return 0; } //Variable declaration, assignment SOCKET SendSocket; sockaddr_in RecvAddr; //Server address int Port = 8888; char SendBuf[1024]; char RecvBuf[1024]; int BufLen = 1024; //Create socket SendSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); //Set server address RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port); //Recvaddr.sin'addr.s'addr = inet'addr (""); / / vs2017 does not support this method InetPton(AF_INET, _T(""), &RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr); int RecvAddrSize = sizeof(RecvAddr); //Send data to server printf("client ready:\n"); while (true) { //Scanf_s (""% s ", sendbuf); / / if this function is used, the client will be sent a" hot "of the dead cycle for unknown reasons //Send out gets_s(SendBuf); int st = sendto(SendSocket, SendBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr) ); if (strcmp(SendBuf, "quit") == 0) { closesocket(SendSocket); return 0; } //accept int recv_number = recvfrom(SendSocket, RecvBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&RecvAddr, &RecvAddrSize); printf("From server: %s\n" ,RecvBuf); if (strcmp(RecvBuf, "quit") == 0) { closesocket(SendSocket); return 0; } if (st == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("send failed! \n"); closesocket(SendSocket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } } }
Experimental results: