Software Test-Linux Build Test Environment

1. Database

yum -y install mysql mysql-server mysql-devel

MySQL (client), MySQL-server (server), mysql-devel (library)

Start MySQL:service mysql start

Confirm installation success: mysql-u root-p

View the database: show databases;

Use the database: use mysql;

Query from the user table for all users that can log in and the host that supports the connection: select user,password,host from user;

Create a new root user with all permissions and allow any host to connect to the mysql server: grant all privileges on *. * To'root'@'%' identified by'123456'with grant option;


Automatic networking: Return to the root directory vi/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and put ONBOOT=no inside

no changes to yes, then: qi saves and exits

Download yum install lrzsz -y

Once the download is complete, upload the file to the server directly from the command line rz/download to the local sz+file name

Command rz to return and upload the local jdk package

Configuring environment variables for jdk

Vi. Bash_ Profe Enter

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_261
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Then the java-version check

2. Another way to install jdk

1. Check if JDK is installed on the current system

2. Detect system JDK default installation package

Command: rpm-qa | grep java: Command means to search for Java and view installation package files.

3. Uninstall OpenJDK (some versions of the linux system come with it)

Unload command: rpm-e - nodeps name or yum remove *openjdk*

Then enter the command again to see the uninstallation: java-version

4. Install JDK

Choose to download the version of JDK you want on the JDK website. After downloading, upload the JDK installation package you need to install to the folder specified by your Linux system and command it to go to that folder.

1. Enter the user's root directory and create a folder downfile to save the uploaded files.

2. Use XFTP (any transfer tool) to upload the local file JDK to the directory specified by the Linux system/home/downfile.

3. Enter the downfile directory.

4. Unzip the JDK file into the / usr/lib/jvm directory. (This is the default directory for installing JDK on Linux. It is recommended to update the installation path/usr/local/...)

####Upload JDK downloaded from Oracle's official website to this directory using Xftp: check for existence after uploading
cd downfile
tar -xvf jdk-8u261-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm
cd /usr/lib/jvm
####Configuration environment
vim /etc/profile
####Add at beginning or end
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_261
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar


Copy the download link on Tomcat's website (

tar -xzvf 
####Start tomcat
apache -tomcat-7.0.88/bin/
####Turn off tomcat
apache -tomcat-7.0.88/bin/

Turn off the firewall: service iptables stop

Turn on the firewall: service iptables start

View the firewall: service iptables status

Permanently close firewall: chkconfig iptables off

4. Zen Tao

Download it with the wget command,

tar -zxvf ZenTaoPMS.9.0.1.zbox_64.tar.gz
####After unzipping, there will be a zbox directory in the / opt directory, which will be viewed by ll
####Remove installation package after decompression
rm -rf ZenTaoPMS.9.0.1.zbox_64.tar.gz
cd /opt/zbox
####Modify permissions
chmod 777 zbox
./zbox start

Using a browser to access Zen Tao, you can't access it to see if the firewall is off. Command service iptables stop


Make sure that jdk is installed before installing JMeter and downloaded from jmeter's website

Unzip it in / opt directory

tar -xf apache-jmeter-4.0.tgz
####Configure environment variables:
vi .bash_profile

export JMETER_HOME=/opt/jmeter
export CLASSPATH = :$JMETER_HOME\lib\ext\ApacheJMeter_core.jar:$JMETER_HOME\lib\jorphan.jar:$JMETER_HOME\lib/logkit-2.0.jar:$CLASSPATH

Keywords: Linux software testing

Added by raguskra on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 20:53:30 +0200