spring cloud alibaba (get started after reading)

Zero. Premise of use

Create an aggregation project in which each module is an independent springboot project

The springcloud version should correspond to the springboot version, otherwise an error will be reported

1, Introduction to components used

nacosRegistry (service registration and discovery), configuration center (dynamic configuration management)
Ribbonload balancing
FeignDeclarative Http client (calling remote services)
SentinelService fault tolerance (current limiting, degradation, fusing)
GatewayAPI gateway (weblux programming mode)
SleuthCall chain monitoring
SeataOriginal Fescar, i.e. distributed transaction solution

2, Introducing dependencies in common modules

1. Each microservice project will have a common module to introduce some common dependencies and configurations
2. When this dependency is introduced, other dependencies of spring cloud Alibaba do not need to write the version number
3. Note that the version number should correspond to the springboot version


3, Nacos

1. Download nacos and start

Link: https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases

Open the downloaded folder and click Startup in bin CMD run

2. Registration Center

Public module introduces registry dependency


1. Specify the nacos address and service name in each micro service yml (to know which service is registered)

    name: mall-coupon

2. Use the @ EnableDiscoveryClient annotation to enable service registration and discovery

After joining, you can register with the registration center

Visit Nacos at The account and password are all Nacos

You can see that the service has been registered

3. Configuration center

1. Import dependency

Import dependency in common module


2. Create a new bootstrap yml

Priority is higher than application yml

    name: mall-coupon

3. Test the original configuration

1. In application YML new value added

2. @ Value get Value

3. Interface output value

public class couponController {
	private String name;
	private String value;

	MemberFeignService memberFeignService;

	public String  test(){
		String s = memberFeignService.memberFeignTest();
		String result = "This is the return interface of the caller module calling the callee module:"+s;
		return result;

	public String configTest(){
		return "Value obtained:"+name+":"+value;


4. The value obtained by the interface at this time

4. nacos new configuration

1. New configuration

2. Input the information that needs dynamic configuration into the configuration content

3. Use @ RefreshScope on the interface class

4. At this point, the interface return value becomes dynamic configuration

4. Namespace (configuration isolation)

By default, all new configurations are in the public space

For example, during development, we have 1, development environment 2, deployment environment 3 and test environment

1. Add a new development, deployment and test environment in the nacos namespace
2. Click the configuration list to add several environments

3. Create the same configuration as above in the dev environment
4. In bootstrap YML new namespace

    name: mall-coupon
        file-extension: yaml #Specify yml file
        namespace: e9b627cb-44b1-480e-a46e-2ea019fe2656  # Namespace id

5. At this time, the configuration in the test environment is taken

5. Configure grouping

1. Fill in groups when adding configurations
2. In bootstrap YML add specified group

    name: mall-coupon
        file-extension: yaml #Specify yml file
        namespace: e9b627cb-44b1-480e-a46e-2ea019fe2656  # Namespace id
        group: test  #Group name

3. In this case, the value of the specified group is taken

4, Feign declarative remote call

1. Public module introduces openfeign dependency


2. The interface is normally written in one module and called by another module

1. The member module (called module) writes the interface normally

2. coupon module (calling module) creates a feign package and an interface class to specifically call the interface of member module

3. Use @ feignclient ("mall member") on the interface class to specify the service name on nacos

4. Write the interface path of the full member module (called module)

3. Use @ EnableFeignClients on the calling module startup class to open feign

The coupon module (caller) opens feign and specifies the package name

Test call

4. feign performance optimization

Feign's underlying client implementation:
1. URLConnection: the default implementation does not support connection pool
2. Apache HttpClient: support connection pool
3. OKHttp: support connection pool

Therefore, optimizing feign mainly includes:
1. Use the connection pool instead of the default URLConnection
2. Log level, preferably basic or none

Introduce dependency


Configure yml

      default: # default global configuration
        loggerLevel: BASIC #At the log level, BASIC is the most BASIC request and response information
    enabled: true # Switch supporting httpClient
    max-connections: 200 #maximum connection
    max-connections-per-route: 50 # Maximum connections per path

5, Gateway gateway

Common functions: route forwarding, permission verification, current limit control, etc

1. Build

1. New gateway module

2. Rely on

<!--  Common module-->
 <!--  gateway-->

3. @ EnableDiscoveryClient enable service registration

4. Create a new bootstrap YML and application yml


    name: mall-gateway
        namespace: 6d405b31-5f62-4105-b8a6-339cc0b8464e


  port: 88
    name: mall-gateway

5. New gateway namespace and configuration

6. Exclude data source related configurations

Because we have introduced the common module, the gateway does not need to configure the data source, and it is not ruled out that the data source configuration will report an error

2. New forwarding gateway configuration (yml)

  port: 88
    name: mall-gateway
    #Gateway configuration
        - id: coupon
          uri: / # request address to go
         # uri: lb://The target address lb of the mall coupling # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates:  # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            - Query=url,coupon      # If the URL has / coupon, go to the uri address above. For example: url=coupon
           # - Path=/coupon/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / coupon
		   #- After=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[Asia/Shanghai]  # You can access it after this time
        - id: member
          uri: / # request address to go
          # uri: lb://The target address lb of the mall member # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates: # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            - Query=url,member    # If the URL has / coupon, go to the upper uri address url=member
           # - Path=/member/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / member


Spring provides 11 basic predict factories:

AfterIs a request after a certain point in time- After=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[America/Denver]
BeforeIs a request before a certain point in time- Before=2031-04-13T15:14:47.433+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
BetweenIs a request before two points in time- Between=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[America/Denver], 2037-01-21T17:42:47.789-07:00[America/Denver]
CookieThe request must contain some cookie s- Cookie=chocolate, ch.p
HeaderThe request must contain some header s- Header=X-Request-Id, \d+
HostThe request must be to access a host (domain name)- Host=.somehost.org,.anotherhost.org
MethodThe request mode must be the specified mode- Method=GET,POST
PathThe request path must conform to the specified rules- Path=/red/{segment},/blue/**
QueryThe request parameter must contain the specified parameter-Query=name, Jack or - Query=name
RemoteAddrThe ip address of the requester must be in the specified range- RemoteAddr=
WeightWeight processing

3. Route filter GatewayFilterFactory

spring provides 31 different routing filter factories.

AddRequestHeaderAdd a request header to the current request
RemoveRequestHeaderRemove a request header from the request
AddResponseHeaderAdd a response header to the response result
RemoveResponseHeaderThere is a response header removed from the response result
RequestRateLimiterLimit requested traffic
. . .

1. Add configuration
2. Get request header in interface
3. Added to request header
4. Effective for all routing requests
5. Code

  port: 88
    name: mall-gateway
    #Gateway configuration
        - id: coupon
          uri: / # request address to go
         # uri: lb://The destination address lb of the coupon # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates:  # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            #- Query=url,coupon      # If the URL has / coupon, go to the uri address above. For example: url=coupon
            - Path=/coupon/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / coupon
            #- After=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[Asia/Shanghai]  # You can access it after this time
          #filters: #filter
            #- AddRequestHeader=Truth,niubi!  #Add request header

        - id: member
          uri: / # request address to go
          # uri: lb://The target address lb of the member # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates: # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            #- Query=url,member    # If the URL has / coupon, go to the upper uri address url=member
            - Path=/member/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / member

      default-filters: #The default filter will take effect for all routing requests
        - AddRequestHeader=Truth,niubi!

4. Global filter

The difference between GetewayFilter and GetewayFilter is that GetewayFilter is defined through configuration, and the processing logic is fixed. The logic of GlobalFilter needs to be implemented by writing code.
This is defined by implementing the GlobalFilter interface.

Case: define global filter, intercept and judge user identity
Requirement: define a global filter, intercept the request, and judge whether the requested parameters meet the following conditions:
1. Is there authorization in the parameter
2. Whether the authorization parameter value is admin
If both are met, release, otherwise intercept

@Order(-1)  // Multiple filters, the smaller the value, the higher the priority
public class AuthorizationFilter implements GlobalFilter {
	public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
		// 1. Get request header
		ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
		MultiValueMap<String, String> params = request.getQueryParams();
		// 2. Gets the authorization parameter in the parameter
		String auth = params.getFirst("authorization");
		// 3. Judge whether the parameter value is equal to admin
		if ("admin".equals(auth)){
			// 4. Yes, release
			return	chain.filter(exchange);
		} // 5. No, intercept
		// Set status code
		return exchange.getResponse().setComplete();


5. Filter execution sequence

Each filter must specify an order value. The smaller the order value, the higher the priority and the higher the execution order
GlobalFilter specifies the order value by implementing the @ order annotation, which we specify ourselves
The order of routing filter and defaultFilter is specified by Spring. By default, it is incremented from 1 in the order of declaration (that is, yml configuration. The higher the above, the higher)
When the order value of the filter is the same, it will be executed in the order of defaultfilter > routing filter > globalfilter.

6. Cross domain problem handling

Cross domain: domain name inconsistency is cross domain, mainly including
1. Different domain names: www.taobao.com COM and www.taobao.com Org and www.jd.com com
2. The domain name is the same, but the ports are different: 8080 and 8081
Cross domain problem: the browser prohibits cross domain ajax requests between the initiator of the request and the server, and the request is intercepted by the browser
Solution: CORS

 #Gateway configuration
      globalcors: # Global cross domain processing
        add-to-simple-url-handler-mapping: true # Solve the problem that the options request is intercepted
            allowedOrigins: # Which networks are allowed for cross domain requests
              - "http://localhost:8881"
              - "http:www.leyou.com"
            allowedMethods: # Allowed cross domain ajax request mode
              - "GET"
              - "POST"
              - "DELETE"
              - "PUT"
              - "OPTIONS"
            allowedHeaders: "*"  #Header information allowed to be carried in the request
            allowCredentials: true  # Allow cookie s
            maxAge: 360000 # Validity of this cross domain detection

8. Configure all codes

  port: 88
    name: mall-gateway
    #Gateway configuration
      globalcors: # Global cross domain processing
        add-to-simple-url-handler-mapping: true # Solve the problem that the options request is intercepted
            allowedOrigins: # Which networks are allowed for cross domain requests
              - "http://localhost:8881"
              - "http:www.leyou.com"
            allowedMethods: # Allowed cross domain ajax request mode
              - "GET"
              - "POST"
              - "DELETE"
              - "PUT"
              - "OPTIONS"
            allowedHeaders: "*"  #Header information allowed to be carried in the request
            allowCredentials: true  # Allow cookie s
            maxAge: 360000 # Validity of this cross domain detection
        - id: coupon
          uri: / # request address to go
         # uri: lb://The destination address lb of the coupon # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates:  # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            #- Query=url,coupon      # If the URL has / coupon, go to the uri address above. For example: url=coupon
            - Path=/coupon/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / coupon
            #- After=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[Asia/Shanghai]  # You can access it after this time
          #filters: #filter
            #- AddRequestHeader=Truth,niubi!  #Add request header

        - id: member
          uri: / # request address to go
          # uri: lb://The target address lb of the member # route is load balancing, followed by the service name
          predicates: # Routing assertion is to judge whether the request meets the conditions of routing rules
            #- Query=url,member    # If the URL has / coupon, go to the upper uri address url=member
            - Path=/member/**      # This url is matched according to the path. It meets the requirements as long as it starts with / member

      default-filters: #The default filter will take effect for all routing requests
        - AddRequestHeader=Truth,niubi!

To be added......

Keywords: Java Spring Boot Spring Cloud

Added by devsanctum on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 14:05:00 +0200