Elements of service gateway
- stability
- Safety
- Performance, concurrency
Spring Cloud Zuul-Route + filter -The core is a series of filters
Zuul routing configuration
management: security: enabled: false // Permission settings zuul: routes: # myProduct: / / this name can be filled in at will # path: /myProduct/** # serviceId: product # sensitiveHeader: //Sensitive head filtration # Concise writing product: /myProduct/** ignored-patterns: - /**/product/listForOrder // No external access (- for set set set)
View all routing rules: localhost:port/application/routes { /myProduct/**: "product", /config/**: "config", /product/**: "product", }
Dynamic injection of Zuul configuration (can also be written to startup class)
@Compoent public class ZuulConfig{ @ConfigurationProperties("zuul") @RefreshScope public ZuulProperties zuulProperties(){ return new ZuulProperties(); } }
Typical application scenarios
Current limiting - Authentication -Parameter verification and adjustment
back filter
- Statistics - log
To implement Filter, you need the following steps:
1. Inherit ZuulFilter class. In order to verify the characteristics of Filter, we create three filters here.
Filter by user name
package com.chhliu.springcloud.zuul; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.netflix.zuul.ZuulFilter; import com.netflix.zuul.context.RequestContext; public class AccessUserNameFilter extends ZuulFilter { @Override public Object run() { RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext(); HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest(); System.out.println(String.format("%s AccessUserNameFilter request to %s", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURL().toString())); String username = request.getParameter("username");// Get requested parameters if(null != username && username.equals("chhliu")) {// If the requested parameter is not empty and the value is chhliu, the ctx.setSendZuulResponse(true);// Route the request ctx.setResponseStatusCode(200); ctx.set("isSuccess", true);// Set the value so that the next Filter can see the status of the previous Filter return null; }else{ ctx.setSendZuulResponse(false);// Filter the request without routing it ctx.setResponseStatusCode(401);// Return error code ctx.setResponseBody("{\"result\":\"username is not correct!\"}");// Return error content ctx.set("isSuccess", false); return null; } } @Override public boolean shouldFilter() { return true;// Whether to execute the filter? This is true, indicating that filtering is needed. } @Override public int filterOrder() { return 0;// Priority is 0, the larger the number, the lower the priority } @Override public String filterType() { return "pre";// Prefilter } }
Reference resources: https://www.cnblogs.com/a8457...