quick get start
pom dependency
<!-- spring-data-redis (Attention and cluster Also pay attention to the version problem with spring Version of)--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.data</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-redis</artifactId> <version>2.1.9.RELEASE</version> </dependency> <!--2.9.1 There is a connection leak bug--> <dependency> <groupId>redis.clients</groupId> <artifactId>jedis</artifactId> <version>2.10.2</version> </dependency>
Jackson's dependency may be used:
<!--Jackson--> <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId> <version>2.11.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId> <version>2.11.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-datatype-jsr310</artifactId> <version>2.11.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-annotations</artifactId> <version>2.11.4</version> </dependency>
How to configure
standalone mode
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisStandaloneConfiguration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.jedis.JedisConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.StringRedisSerializer; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; @Configuration public class StandaloneRedisConfig { /** * Configure connection pool * @return */ @Bean public JedisPoolConfig standalonePoolConfig(){ JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); //The maximum number of free links in the connection pool is 20, which means that 20 free links are maintained even if there are no database links poolConfig.setMaxIdle(20); //Controls how many jedis instances a pool can allocate poolConfig.setMaxTotal(300); //Maximum waiting time. When there is no available connection, the maximum time that the connection pool waits for the link to be returned is ms. if the time exceeds, an exception will be thrown poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(1000); //Check the validity of the link when obtaining the connection poolConfig.setTestOnCreate(true); return poolConfig; } /** * redis Stand alone configuration * RedisStandaloneConfiguration stand-alone * RedisSentinelConfiguration Master slave copy (sentinel mode) * RedisClusterConfiguration colony * @return */ @Bean public RedisStandaloneConfiguration standaloneConfiguration(){ RedisStandaloneConfiguration standaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(); standaloneConfiguration.setHostName(""); standaloneConfiguration.setPort(6379); standaloneConfiguration.setDatabase(0); return standaloneConfiguration; } /** * Configure connection factory * @return */ @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory standaloneConnectionFactory(){ return new JedisConnectionFactory(standaloneConfiguration()); } /** * Configure Redis template */ @Bean public RedisTemplate standaloneRedisTemplate(){ RedisTemplate redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate(); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(standaloneConnectionFactory()); StringRedisSerializer keySerializer = new StringRedisSerializer(); GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer valueSerializer = new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(); //keySerializer and valueSerializer configure serializers of String type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(valueSerializer); //HashKeySerializer and HashValueSerializer configure the serializer of Hash type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(valueSerializer); return redisTemplate; } }
Master slave mode (sentry)
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisNode; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisSentinelConfiguration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.jedis.JedisConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.StringRedisSerializer; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Configuration public class SentinelRedisConfig { /** * Configure connection pool * @return */ @Bean public JedisPoolConfig sentinelPoolConfig(){ JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); //The maximum number of free links in the connection pool is 20, which means that 20 free links are maintained even if there are no database links poolConfig.setMaxIdle(20); //Controls how many jedis instances a pool can allocate poolConfig.setMaxTotal(300); //Maximum waiting time. When there is no available connection, the maximum time that the connection pool waits for the link to be returned is ms. if the time exceeds, an exception will be thrown poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(1000); //Check the validity of the link when obtaining the connection poolConfig.setTestOnCreate(true); return poolConfig; } /** * redis Sentinel mode * RedisStandaloneConfiguration stand-alone * RedisSentinelConfiguration Master slave copy (sentinel mode) * RedisClusterConfiguration colony * @return */ @Bean public RedisSentinelConfiguration sentinelConfiguration(){ RedisSentinelConfiguration sentinelConfiguration = new RedisSentinelConfiguration(); //Master node name sentinelConfiguration.setMaster("mymaster"); //Sentinel monitoring node (one master and two slave) List<RedisNode> redisNodeList = new ArrayList(); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); sentinelConfiguration.setSentinels(redisNodeList); //database sentinelConfiguration.setDatabase(0); return sentinelConfiguration; } /** * Configure connection factory * @return */ @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory sentinelConnectionFactory(){ return new JedisConnectionFactory(sentinelConfiguration()); } /** * Configure Redis template */ @Bean public RedisTemplate sentinelRedisTemplate(){ RedisTemplate redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate(); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(sentinelConnectionFactory()); StringRedisSerializer keySerializer = new StringRedisSerializer(); GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer valueSerializer = new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(); //keySerializer and valueSerializer configure serializers of String type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(valueSerializer); //HashKeySerializer and HashValueSerializer configure the serializer of Hash type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(valueSerializer); return redisTemplate; } }
Cluster mode
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisClusterConfiguration; import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.jedis.JedisConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer; import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.StringRedisSerializer; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; @Configuration public class ClusterRedisConfig { /** * Configure connection pool * @return */ @Bean public JedisPoolConfig clusterPoolConfig(){ JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); //The maximum number of free links in the connection pool is 20, which means that 20 free links are maintained even if there are no database links poolConfig.setMaxIdle(20); //Controls how many jedis instances a pool can allocate poolConfig.setMaxTotal(300); //Maximum waiting time. When there is no available connection, the maximum time that the connection pool waits for the link to be returned is ms. if the time exceeds, an exception will be thrown poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(1000); //Check the validity of the link when obtaining the connection poolConfig.setTestOnCreate(true); return poolConfig; } /** * redis Cluster mode * RedisStandaloneConfiguration stand-alone * RedisSentinelConfiguration Master slave copy (sentinel mode) * RedisClusterConfiguration colony * @return */ @Bean public RedisClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration(){ RedisClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration = new RedisClusterConfiguration(); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6380); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6381); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6382); return clusterConfiguration; } /** * Configure connection factory * @return */ @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory clusterConnectionFactory(){ return new JedisConnectionFactory(clusterConfiguration()); } /** * Configure Redis template */ @Bean public RedisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate(){ RedisTemplate redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate(); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(clusterConnectionFactory()); StringRedisSerializer keySerializer = new StringRedisSerializer(); GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer valueSerializer = new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(); //keySerializer and valueSerializer configure serializers of String type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(valueSerializer); //HashKeySerializer and HashValueSerializer configure the serializer of Hash type key and value in Redis redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(valueSerializer); return redisTemplate; } }
1. JedisPoolConfig property configuration
//Whether the connection is blocked when it is exhausted. If false, an exception will be reported. If true, it will block until timeout. The default is true config.setBlockWhenExhausted(true); //Set the eviction policy class name, defaultevaluationpolicy by default (when the connection exceeds the maximum idle time, or the number of connections exceeds the maximum number of idle connections) config.setEvictionPolicyClassName("org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.DefaultEvictionPolicy"); //Whether to enable the jmx (Java Management Extensions) management function of pool. The default value is true config.setJmxEnabled(true); //Whether to enable last in first out. The default is true config.setLifo(true); //The maximum number of idle connections is 8 by default config.setMaxIdle(10); //The maximum number of connections is 8 by default config.setMaxTotal(50); //Gets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection (if it is set to blockwhenexhausted when blocking). If it times out, throw an exception. It is less than zero: the blocking time is uncertain. The default is - 1 config.setMaxWaitMillis(30000); //The minimum idle time (in milliseconds) of resources in the resource pool. When this value is reached, idle resources will be removed. The default is 1800000 milliseconds (30 minutes) config.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(60000); //Minimum number of idle connections, 0 by default config.setMinIdle(0); //The maximum number of evictions for each eviction check is 1/abs(n), which is 3 by default config.setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(3); //The object is evicted after how long it is idle. When the idle time > this value and the idle connection > the maximum idle number, it is evicted directly. It is no longer judged according to MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis (the default eviction policy) config.setSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(1800000); //Check the validity when obtaining the connection. The default is false config.setTestOnBorrow(false); //Whether to enable idle resource monitoring. The default is false config.setTestWhileIdle(true); //The detection cycle of idle resources (in milliseconds). If it is negative, the eviction thread will not be run. The default is - 1 config.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(-1);
2. RedisStandaloneConfiguration single machine configuration
RedisStandaloneConfiguration standaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(); standaloneConfiguration.setHostName(""); standaloneConfiguration.setPort(6379); standaloneConfiguration.setDatabase(0); standaloneConfiguration.setPassword("123456");
3. RedisSentinelConfiguration master-slave replication
RedisSentinelConfiguration sentinelConfiguration = new RedisSentinelConfiguration(); //Master node name sentinelConfiguration.setMaster("mymaster"); //Sentinel monitoring node (one master and two slave) List<RedisNode> redisNodeList = new ArrayList(); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); redisNodeList.add(new RedisNode("", 6379)); sentinelConfiguration.setSentinels(redisNodeList); //database sentinelConfiguration.setDatabase(0); sentinelConfiguration.setPassword("123456");
4. RedisClusterConfiguration cluster configuration
RedisClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration = new RedisClusterConfiguration(); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6380); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6381); clusterConfiguration.clusterNode("", 6382); clusterConfiguration.setMaxRedirects(100); clusterConfiguration.setPassword("123456");
5. JedisConnectionFactory connection factory
In spring-data-redis2 Many methods in JedisConnectionFactory above version 0 have expired. It is officially recommended to pass in the configuration object in the constructor:
- Stand alone configuration} RedisStandaloneConfiguration
- Master slave replication} RedisSentinelConfiguration
- Cluster RedisClusterConfiguration
6. Redistemplate redistemplate
(1) Manually set the serialization mode of key and value
Serializer: an object that can serialize the stored key and value. It is a tool similar to converter.
You can implement the incoming java object - > the data type recognized by redis. For example: string.
The default Serializer is StringRedisSerializer.
Set the default serializer as string serializer because redis can store only string and byte arrays.
Generally speaking, the data objects operated in our code are java objects.
If the data carrier used in the code is a string object, is there a problem using Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer as a serializer?
If the version of jackson plug-in is not appropriate and there are potential errors, the string data may be converted to json string - > {chars: [], bytes: []}
Using StringRedisSerializer does not have this problem. It does not handle string conversion. It thinks that the key and value operated in the code are strings.
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(classes={RootConfig.class, WebConfig.class}) //If it is configured by Java Config, specify the relevant configuration class @WebAppConfiguration public class ClusterRedisTest { @Autowired private RedisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate; @Test public void test(){ clusterRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("cluster", "hello"); System.out.println(clusterRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("cluster")); } }
RedisTemplate API
Encapsulate the specified key through bound
After specifying, a series of operations are carried out without explicitly specifying the Key again, that is, BoundKeyOperations:
- BoundValueOperations
- BoundSetOperations
- BoundListOperations
- BoundSetOperations
- BoundHashOperations
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").set("StringValue"); clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").set("StringValue", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); //2. Set values through BoundValueOperations BoundValueOperations stringKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey"); stringKey.set("StringValue"); stringKey.set("StringValue", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); //3. Setting values through ValueOperations ValueOperations ops = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForValue(); ops.set("StringKey", "StringValue"); ops.set("StringValue", "StringValue", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate String str1 = (String) clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").get(); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundValueOperations stringKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey"); String str2 = (String) stringKey.get(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations ValueOperations ops = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForValue(); String str3 = (String) ops.get("StringKey");
Basic API
//Delete key clusterRedisTemplate.delete(keys); //Specifies the expiration time of the key clusterRedisTemplate.expire(key,time,TimeUnit.MINUTES); //Get expiration time according to key Long expire = clusterRedisTemplate.getExpire(key); //Determine whether the key exists clusterRedisTemplate.hasKey(key); //Sequential increment clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").increment(3L); //Sequential decrement clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").increment(-3L);
Hash type related operations
1. Set value
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").put("SmallKey", "HashVaue"); //2. Set values through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); hashKey.put("SmallKey", "HashVaue"); //3. Setting values through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForHash(); hashOps.put("HashKey", "SmallKey", "HashVaue");
2. Set expiration time (set separately)
clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("HashKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); clusterRedisTemplate.expire("HashKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
3. Add a Map collection
HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").putAll(hashMap);
4. Extract small key s from Hash
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate Set keys1 = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").keys(); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); Set keys2 = hashKey.keys(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForHash(); Set keys3 = hashOps.keys("HashKey");
5. Extract all value values
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate List values1 = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").values(); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); List values2 = hashKey.values(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForHash(); List values3 = hashOps.values("HashKey");
6. Extract the value value according to the Hash key
//1. Get through redisTemplate String value1 = (String) clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").get("SmallKey"); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); String value2 = (String) hashKey.get("SmallKey"); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForHash(); String value3 = (String) hashOps.get("HashKey", "SmallKey");
7. Gets a collection of all key value pairs
//1. Get through redisTemplate Map entries = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").entries(); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); Map entries1 = hashKey.entries(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForHash(); Map entries2 = hashOps.entries("HashKey");
8. Delete
//Delete small key clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").delete("SmallKey"); //Delete large key clusterRedisTemplate.delete("HashKey");
9. Judge whether the Hash contains this value
Boolean isEmpty = clusterRedisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").hasKey("SmallKey");
Set type related operations
1. Add
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").add("setValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3"); //2. Set values through BoundValueOperations BoundSetOperations setKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey"); setKey.add("setValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3"); //3. Setting values through ValueOperations SetOperations setOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForSet(); setOps.add("setKey", "SetValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3");
2. Set expiration time (set separately)
clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("setKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); clusterRedisTemplate.expire("setKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
3. Get all the values in the Set according to the key
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate Set set1 = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").members(); //2. Get value through BoundValueOperations BoundSetOperations setKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey"); Set set2 = setKey.members(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations SetOperations setOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForSet(); Set set3 = setOps.members("setKey");
4. Query whether value already exists
Boolean isEmpty = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").isMember("setValue2");
5. Gets the length of the Set
Long size = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").size();
6. Removes the specified element
Long result1 = clusterRedisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").remove("setValue1");
7. Remove the specified key
Boolean result2 = clusterRedisTemplate.delete("setKey");
LIST type related operations
1. Add
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPush("listLeftValue1"); clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPush("listRightValue2"); //2. Set values through BoundValueOperations BoundListOperations listKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey"); listKey.leftPush("listLeftValue3"); listKey.rightPush("listRightValue4"); //3. Setting values through ValueOperations ListOperations opsList = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForList(); opsList.leftPush("listKey", "listLeftValue5"); opsList.rightPush("listKey", "listRightValue6");
2. Put the Java List collection into the List type
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPushAll(list); clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPushAll(list);
3. Set expiration time (set separately)
clusterRedisTemplate.boundValueOps("listKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); clusterRedisTemplate.expire("listKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
4. Get all contents of List cache (start index, end index)
List listKey1 = clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").range(0, 10);
5. Pop an element from left or right
String listKey2 = (String) clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPop(); //Pop up an element from the left String listKey3 = (String) clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPop(); //Pop up an element from the right
6. Query elements by index
String listKey4 = (String) clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").index(1);
7. Gets the length of the List cache
Long size = clusterRedisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").size();
8. Modify a piece of data (key, index, value) in the List according to the index
9. Remove N values as value(key, number of removed values)
Related operations of Zset type
1. Insert an element into the collection and set a score
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").add("zSetVaule", 100D); //2. Set values through BoundValueOperations BoundZSetOperations zSetKey = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey"); zSetKey.add("zSetVaule", 100D); //3. Setting values through ValueOperations ZSetOperations zSetOps = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForZSet(); zSetOps.add("zSetKey", "zSetVaule", 100D);
2. Insert multiple elements into the collection and set scores
DefaultTypedTuple<String> p1 = new DefaultTypedTuple<>("zSetVaule1", 2.1D); DefaultTypedTuple<String> p2 = new DefaultTypedTuple<>("zSetVaule2", 3.3D); clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(p1,p2)));
3. Print the elements in the specified interval according to the ranking order (from small to large), and - 1 is to print all
Set<String> range = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").range(key, 0, -1);
4. Gets the score of the specified element
Double score = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").score("zSetVaule");
5. Returns the number of members in the collection
Long size = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").size();
6. Returns the number of members in the specified score range in the collection (Double type)
Long count = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").count(0D, 2.2D);
7. Returns the ranking (from small to large) of the elements in the collection within the specified score range
Set byScore = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rangeByScore(0D, 2.2D);
8. With offset and number, (key, starting score, maximum score, offset, number)
Set<String> ranking2 = clusterRedisTemplate.opsForZSet().rangeByScore("zSetKey", 0D, 2.2D 1, 3);
9. Returns the ranking of the elements in the collection and the score (from small to large)
Set<TypedTuple<String>> tuples = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rangeWithScores(0L, 3L); for (TypedTuple<String> tuple : tuples) { System.out.println(tuple.getValue() + " : " + tuple.getScore()); }
10. Returns the ranking of the specified member
//from small to large Long startRank = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rank("zSetVaule"); //From big to small Long endRank = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").reverseRank("zSetVaule");
11. Deletes the specified element from the collection
12. Deletes the element (Long type) of the specified index range
13. Delete elements within the specified score range (Double type)
14. Add points to the specified element (Double type)
Double score = clusterRedisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").incrementScore("zSetVaule",1.1D);