SQL master: add, modify, delete and query four sentence patterns
SQL statement: a general standard for structured query statements in relational databases.
Relational database (table): Mysql, Oracle, DB2, SqlServer, etc.
(1) INSERT add statement
(1.1) insert all fields
Note: the added data must be consistent with the order, number and type of table structure fields
INSERT INTO table VALUES(1,'sam',20,'male');(Standard grammar) INSERT INTO person VALUES(1,'sam',20,'male'); INSERT INTO person VALUES(2,'jack',21,'female'); INSERT INTO person VALUES(3,'jim',22,'male');
(2.2) specified field insertion
Note: the added data must be consistent with the order, number and type of the specified fields
INSERT INTO table(id, name) VALUES(4, 'ste');(Standard grammar) INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES(4, 'ste'); INSERT INTO person(id, age) VALUES(5, 22); INSERT INTO person(name, id, sex) VALUES('amy', 6, 'female'); INSERT INTO person(id,name) VALUES(6,'');
(2) UPDATE modify statement
Note: if you do not specify a condition, all records in the table will be modified, so you usually need to add a where condition
UPDATE person SET age = 23 WHERE id = 4; UPDATE person SET name = 'dam' WHERE id = 5; UPDATE person SET sex = 'male', age = 21 WHERE name = 'ste';
(3) DELETE delete statement
Note: if you do not specify a condition to delete all records, you usually need to specify a where condition
DELETE FROM person WHERE id = 6; DELETE FROM person WHERE name = 'dam';
(1) Add the following records
101, Zhang San, 30
102. Li Si, female
103. Xiao Zhang
(2) Modify the following records
Zhang San's age was changed to 33
Xiao Zhang changed his gender to male
The name with id 102 is changed to Xiao Wang and the age is changed to 25
(3) Delete the following records
Delete record with id 103
(4) SELECT query statement (6 keywords)
SELECT((column name) FROM(Table name) WHERE((define condition) GROUP BY(Group) HAVING((conditions after grouping) ORDER BY(Sort)
(4.1)SELECT column name
SELECT * FROM person; SELECT id, name FROM person; SELECT id i, name n FROM person;
(4.2)FROM table name
SELECT name FROM person; SELECT person.name FROM person; SELECT p.name, p.age FROM person p;
(4.3)WHERE conditions
Comparison operators (6, pay attention to the writing of unequal)
select sth from Table name where condition SELECT * FROM person WHERE age > 21; SELECT * FROM person WHERE age >= 21; SELECT * FROM person WHERE age < 21; SELECT * FROM person WHERE age <= 21; SELECT * FROM person WHERE age = 21;//Note the difference between "equal" and Java SELECT * FROM person WHERE age != 21;
Logical operators (3)
Logic and and Indicates and (two conditions must be met at the same time) SELECT * FROM person WHERE age >= 20 AND age <= 22; Logical or or Indicates or (at least one of the two conditions is satisfied) SELECT * FROM person WHERE age = 21 OR age = 22; Logical non not operation
Other operators (4)
Query interval (numeric interval operator) (between... and...)
Query set (set operator) (in/not in)
SELECT * FROM person WHERE age IN(21, 22);(Indicates that the age is 21 and 22, that is, all age It's information for people 21 and 22) SELECT * FROM person WHERE age NOT IN(21, 22);//Logical negation
Fuzzy query: only for the search function of [character type]
%Match any [zero or more] characters (common)
Match [one] any character (not commonly used)
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%a%';(In the name a (yes) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE '%a%';(Not in the name a (yes) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'a%';(The first is a (yes) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%a';(At the end is a (yes) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'ja_';(a (followed by only one byte)
Empty keyword: NULL means unknown
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = '';(Represents an empty character, a blank) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name IS NULL;((indicates unknown) SELECT * FROM person WHERE name IS NOT NULL;(Indicates non unknown. (i.e. known)
Understanding: the same is a group. Display by group. Several records are displayed in groups.
For example, there are men and women in gender. If they are grouped according to sex, there are two groups in total, and a total of two records are displayed.
Note: if you group or select by a field, you can only write group name or aggregate function.
Aggregate function: number of count(*), max(age) maximum, min(age) minimum, avg(age) average
SELECT sex, count(*) number, max(age) Maximum, min(age) minimum value, avg(age) average value FROM person GROUP BY sex (This code means: from person Table, grouped by gender, query gender)
(4.5)HAVING grouping conditions
Note: This is the condition filter after grouping.
SELECT age, count(*) c FROM person WHERE age > 18 GROUP BY age HAVING c >= 2;
(4.6)ORDER BY sorting
SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY age; SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY age ASC(Order: from small to large); SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY age DESC(Flashback: from big to small); SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT age, count(*) c FROM person WHERE age > 18 GROUP BY age HAVING c >= 2 ORDER BY c DESC;
(5) limit keyword
Function 1: top-n analysis (must be used with order by)
Function 2: paging
Note: count from zero.
First parameter: starting position.
The second parameter: returns the number of records.
SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 0, 1;// Start with the 0th data in your table and read only one SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 2, 2;// Start with the second data in your table and only read the second data (excluding the second data) SELECT * FROM person LIMIT 1, 3;// Start with the first data in your table and read only three (excluding the first data)
(6) DISTINCT keyword
Note: filter out duplicate records
SELECT DISTINCT age FROM person; SELECT age, count(*) c FROM person WHERE age > 18 GROUP BY age HAVING c >= 2 ORDER BY c DESC; LIMIT 3;