Development of Oracle
The Development of Oracle
Basic structure of Oracle database
Logical structure of Oracle database
Physical structure of Oracle database
data file
log file
Control file
Parameter file
Oracle Memory Structure
Oracle's Process Structure
Database and Management
Database Operation
Related Terms
Database Name
Database Instance Name
Relationship between database name and instance name
Operating System Environment Variables
Database Domain Name
Global Database Name
Database Service Name
Database Configuration Modification
- NET Service Name
- TNS File Configuration
Create Database - create database_ Name
Creation and management of tablespaces
SQL Language
Data Definition Language - DDL
Common data types
- char
- varchar
- int or integer
- smallint
- real \ float \ double
- numeric
- DateTime
- Text
- Image
create table Student( sno char(20) primary key, sname varchar(20) not null ); -- Oracle in -- Copy Table create table table_name as select * from table_name; -- Copy table structure only create table table_name as select * from table_name where 1=2;
The primary key is used to indicate the keyword (primary code) of the table
You can also use this: primary key(sno,cno)
not null is used to indicate that a field cannot be empty
Create View
create view view_name as (select * from table_name); -- Be careful as
Create Constraints
alter table table_name add column_name data type; -- For example, give Student Table Add Field phone char(16) alter table Student add phone char(16);
-- Modify table structure -- alter table Table Name alter column Field name field type alter table table_name alter column sdept varchar(1);
-- Delete Field alter table table_name drop column column_name;
drop table Student;
Delete table order should be: Associated table - Basic table
Remove Constraints
Data Manipulation Language - DML
select column_name from table_name where
select column_name from table_name table_name_temp where -- table_name_temp by table_name Instead, not used at this time as Explain -- where In condition table_name from table_name_temp replace
select * from (select * from table_name) where rownum<=number; -- Find the result select * from table_name Before in number column -- Can only be used "<" or "<="
insert into table_name() values (); -- Omit to insert into table_name values();
update table_name set colmun=() where
delete from table_name where
Data Control Language - DCL
-- Give users the right to connect grant connect to user_name; -- Have connect Users with permissions == Has privileges -- alter table -- create table/index -- drop table/view/index -- grant -- revoke -- insert/select/update/delete -- audit/noaudit -- Assign voting rights to users grant create table to user_name; -- The user cannot successfully build the table at this time because there is no table space operation right alter user user_name quota size on table_space_name; -- table_space_name Generally users -- take select Permissions assign a role grant select on table_name to (Role Name); -- take select Permissions are given to everyone grant select on table_name to public;
Before giving users the right to connect, create users:
create user user_name identified by password
If you use a version of Oracle, you need to bring C##before your user name
Write as C##user_name
Note the difference between create table permission and create any table permission
-- Retract user's right to form revoke create table from user_name;
Common SQL statements
"%" Match any string
"_" Match any character
If you need to query for wildcards, for example, find names with "u" Data
-- escape Provide the escape character as'\' select sname from Student where sname like '%\_%' escape '\';
order by
- ASC - Ascending
- DESC - Descending
group by
Aggregate function
count (distinct column_name)
Used after group by clause to filter the result values of aggregate functions
block nesting
insert into Student() select column_name from table_name where -- select Clause column and Student()Corresponding
Internal connection
External Connection
View Constants
-- Oracle -- Oracle Constant in dual in select sysdate from dual; -- SQL Server select getdate();
User Input
select * from table_name where column_name=&temp; -- &temp Input for User
Anonymous Block-Test Program
DDL cannot be used directly
declare variable -- The variable assignment statement is var_name:=constant begin program -- "<>" "!=" Not equal to -- "||" Connect -- "and" also -- "or" perhaps exception when then end;
if then - elsif then - else - end if;
if then elsif then else end if;
loop - end loop
-- loop loop exit when -- End cycle end loop; -- while while () loop end loop; -- for for var in [] loop end loop;
Common Functions
Output one line: dbms_output.put_line();
Output without empty lines: dbms_output.put()
Byte padding: rpad();
dbms_output.put_line(rpad('muhuai',number,char_c)); -- number For the character length of the output line, char_c For Fill Character
Explicit Cursor
declare cursor
( Cursor and Query Associations
cursor cursor_name is select
Use cursors
-- open open cursor_name; close cursor_name; -- Traversing cursors -- A variable of cursor type is required var_cursor cursor_name%rowtype; fetch cursor_name into var_cursor; -- At this point the cursor places the first data var_cursor
open cursor_name; fetch cursor into var_cursor; while cursor%found loop -- Loop ends when cursor convenience ends end loop; close cursor_name;
select for update
Implicit Cursor
Cannot open/close/loop/fetch
Cursor reset after commit operation
sql%found -- Description statement modified to line sql%notfound -- Description statement not modified to line sql%rowcount -- Number of lines modified by statement
Dynamic Cursor-Cursor Variable-Weak Cursor
Cursor specific query statements are not defined in the declare block, only cursor names are defined in the declare block, and sql statements are defined in the begin block
declare type ref_cursor_name is ref cursor; -- Define Variables var_ref_cursor ref_cursor_name; -- Dynamic Cursor begin open var_ref_cursor for select ; -- Open Dynamic Cursor -- At this point the cursor is var_ref_cursor -- Traverse dynamic cursors in the same way as traversing cursors close var_ref_cursor; end;
stored procedure
Requires call through main program (test program call)
The procedure segment needs to be run and saved before the main program can be called
create or replace procedure procedure_name [(var_in in var_type,var_out out var_type)] is -- Variable Definition begin -- program exception end;
-- Test Program Call declare begin procedure_name[(var_in,var_out)]; -- perhaps procedure_name[(var_1=>var_in,var_2=>var_out)]; end;
Requires call through main program (test program call)
The procedure segment needs to be run and saved before the main program can be called
create or replace function function_name [(var_in in var_type)] [return return_type] is begin -- If there is return,Then it must return end;
Requires call through main program (test program call)
The procedure segment needs to be run and saved before the main program can be called
The header and package are not in the same block, but the header and package names are guaranteed to be the same
-- Baotou create or replace package package_name is -- Variable Definition var var_type; cursor cursor_name is select ; procedure procedure_name (var_in in_type,var_out out out_type); function function_name(var_in in_type) return return_type; end package_name;
-- Envelope create or replace package body package_name as -- Package Variable Definition begin -- Implementation of Header Programs and Functions end package_name;
-- Test program declare begin var_1:=package_name.var; package_name.procedure_name(); var_2:=package_name.function_name(); open package_name.cursor_name; close package_name.cursor_name; end;
SQL Development
Dynamic SQL - For DDL and indeterminate DML
execute immediate to execute SQL statements in PL/SQL
execute immediate 'create table table_name ···';
Similar to a procedure or function
Occurs on DML operations
Trigger name cannot be the same
-- Create trigger create or replace trigger trigger_name [before|after|instead of] [insert|delete|update] on table_name for each row begin if inserting then elsif updating then elsif deleting then end if; end; -- Delete trigger drop trigger trigger_name; -- prohibit|Open Trigger alter trigger trigger_name disable|enable;
Pseudo Record
-- :new -- delete Statement does not exist :new
-- :old -- insert Statement does not exist :old
-- Custom error type return -- because Oracle Medium error code-20000 Previously occupied, so custom error code from-20000 start -- Error code range [-20000,-20999] if then raise_application_error(-20000,'Error Content'); end if;